What's The Average "Street" Price Of An Illegal Gun?

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Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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I don't remember this question ever being asked here before.
Not that I expect most of you to know the answer, I'm curious because I'm always reading in the news of how easy it is to get a gun "on the street".
It seems the MSM is convinced that every 12 year old living in the projects knows where to get a gun, no matter what the laws of any particular state are, so why hasn't anyone asked the price of these guns?
Do they go for more than the new legitimate price, or less?
I'm guessing that drug dealers probably have lots of disposable cash, so they can afford whatever they want, but what about the other poor urban ghetto dwellers? They're certainly getting guns too, but how much are they paying?

It's funnny Zap, I've asked myself that question.

I wouldn't know how to find an illegal gun, nevermind know how much it would cost.

If straw purchasers out of state bring the guns in, then they would have to sell for a lot more than retail to make any money.

I know the big drug guys have the money for any guns, but like you said, the neighbor"hood" yokel can't drop a grand on a SIG. I'll bet there are some very cheap and low quality guns out there.
From what I've heard they sell for well over the MSRP of the gun. I've heard of people selling these guns and just laugh because, for that price you could just pay for the safety course, all the fees, buy the pistol and still have cash in your pocket.
I remember talking to this kid I went to highschool with at a party back home years ago and him telling me that .22s were some of the most popular handguns and that .22 ammo fetched a good price on the streets. Not sure why since they could just go to NH and buy a bulk pack for $20. But like we think of brand and quality, I think they judge value by type. Like a revolver being a certain price and a semi being a certain price regardless of caliber and make. Not that they'd be able to tell the difference between a Sigma and a Glock anyways.
From what I've heard they sell for well over the MSRP of the gun. I've heard of people selling these guns and just laugh because, for that price you could just pay for the safety course, all the fees, buy the pistol and still have cash in your pocket.

Unless you're DQ'd like most of them are.
you can get a beat up "throw away" revolver for $200... or a "nickel plated fo fif" for $1500. They're not as overpriced as you'd think...

EDIT: "Nickel Plated" meaning any non-black gun...lol
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It's funnny Zap, I've asked myself that question.

I wouldn't know how to find an illegal gun, nevermind know how much it would cost.

If straw purchasers out of state bring the guns in, then they would have to sell for a lot more than retail to make any money.

I know the big drug guys have the money for any guns, but like you said, the neighbor"hood" yokel can't drop a grand on a SIG. I'll bet there are some very cheap and low quality guns out there.

If the guns are stolen, though, since the purchaser is unlikely to know retail, the price might be much lower (or higher). And for items that would be covered by the NFA, which are unlikely to have come from a straw purchase, it's probably even more dependent on ability to store and local demand.
I have no direct knowledge, but two theories...

1 - Guns are like anything else that's stolen. The acquisition cost is zero, so any money collected is profit...ie. they sell below retail.

2 - Guns are scare and hard to come by (I think not), so a premium is charged, even above retail in some cases.

3 - Guns are traded for drugs ... I haven't a clue what the 'exchange rate' would be.

I tend to believe #1 and/or #3 are the more likely scenarios.
Has it been used in a shooting. I could see a drug dealer or someone that is more than a petty criminal would probably pay top dollar on a gun that would not lead back to a murder, pay a premium by purchasing it from straw purchaser or someone with access to new guns. After used in a crime it probably is sold off to some junky for less money then they probably get circulated for drugs or drug money.

New guns with MA compliant triggers also go for the same price as the guns previously used in a murder.
I would suspect they go relatively cheap. The crackhead that stole it out of someone's house has an agenda. He/She is stealing something worth a decent amount of money, it is portable and easy to carry out of a home, and easy to hide. They also know they don't want to get caught with it so they want to unload it as quickly as possible and make some fast cash to continue with their agenda... Getting more rock. So they will sell it to the first person who shows an interest for whatever amount they perceive will keep them high for the foreseeable future. The also know how much money folks they deal with typically carry. So unless something is very shiny and looks very expensive, most things will go for under $100 It's really just logic of situations, having an idea of the rate of trade on the street and listening to everything that goes on around you.
I had an all matching number 1923 Swedish Mauser stolen from my home. When they caught the puke he told them he sold it for $80 worth of Heroin. Although he wouldn't say who he sold it to. Home owners covered the rifle and the asshat had to pay restitution, but I never did get the gun back.
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I seem to remember there being a video on here one time, about criminals getting guns. One guy (felon, in prison at the time of filming) basically said, I can go down to any street corner and get something for some ridiculously lowball number (100-200, maybe?)
I remember when I worked as a line cook several years ago one of my co-workers told me he could get whatever anyone wanted and if I remember right the prices were about the same as we pay over the counter.
I would think the $100-$200 ones are the ones that where used in a crime.
The clean ones are probably about the retail price to above retail, depending on supply/demand and how they got it.
Ammo probably fetches a good markup too, I would think most criminals would rather get it for cash off the street like the gun.
I used to work with gangs. Buying guns on the street is just like buying anything else. Quality, quantity, msrp, demand and all that play a part. Buy a stolen gun from a crackhead it'll be cheap and the price will vary based on just how desperate the crackhead is, buy a stolen gun that "has bodies on it" and it will be super super cheap. Buy a new gun from a straw purchase and itll cost you the same if not more than you'd get it for over the counter, sort of like a "convenience" fee. Hi Point 9mm handguns seem to be a favorite on "the street" due to the fact they are super cheap to begin with...
The majority of the guns that you can get on the street are stolen. So they have no real value, in that there was no out of pocket expense to the person that posses the firearm. They are usually traded for drugs and in rare cases sold for money. Usually a nominal amount (2 to 4 hundred dollars). Ammunition sells for a lot more. What good is your gun without ammo. Usually ammo is not stolen at the same time that the gun is stolen (maybe 20 to 50 rounds but that's it.... to heavy and hard to carry). Ammo is where you make the money. A 50 round brick can net huge profits. 20 bucks spent can easily get you 100 buck return. The gun is worthless without the ammo for it. Then you have "neighborhood" guns. Guns that are passed around amongst a group of people. That's a whole different story.

Oh. The gun has to be clean. If it can be traced back to a murder then it's a throw away. Nobody want's that grief.

The smart "banger" identifies a good boy in the hood and forces him to get his FID with the promise of protection from the gang. The good boy becomes the ammo mule. And the gang leader has a new business. That is called diversifying your business holdings.
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One report I read a long time ago stated that illegal straw buyers typically get $50-$150 "profit" for every gun they straw, so at least for strawed stuff, its "whatever normal price is" plus up to $150 on top of that. Many of them buy junkers so they can increase the number of guns they can sell without increasing their overhead. (If you look at one of the old ATF "top 10" lists, 5 of the guns on the list are crappy pot metal guns like jennings, lorcins, etc....

On the other hand when some drug addict steals a gun, what that sells for could be anything... my guess is they probably trade it to a dealer for far less than what it is probably worth, in exchange for a bag of dope.

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Look, I've got overhead, it may take forever to sell it, and nobody comes in here looking for one. I'll give you $30. To be honest, I'm not even comfortable with that.
Twenty years ago I worked at a gas station on Revere Beach Pkwy, you would regularly have people offering to seel you a pistol for around $200. Mostly they were cheap .22s, .25s and the occasional .380 or .38. I do not think I ever saw a 9mm up for sale while I was there. You also got offered drugs, sex, stolen credit cards, fish (no idea who would take fish from a trunk).
I seem to remember there being a video on here one time, about criminals getting guns. One guy (felon, in prison at the time of filming) basically said, I can go down to any street corner and get something for some ridiculously lowball number (100-200, maybe?)

I recall seeing some 20/20 or dateline thing about gang bangers and being able to go pick up a glock for $60
who knows what kind of condition that $60 glock would be in, probably has "bodies" on it or it blew up (since I started visiting this forum, I've heard they do that[laugh])
Like anything else, it's a commodity. I've never asked any of the patients I've treated how much they paid for their illegal hand guns. Just didn't seem polite, you know. OTOH, none of the gang members seem to have a problem getting them. I haven't seen many .22 wound over the years and the favorite caliber seems to evolve as it does with legit gun owners. In the early 1990s 9mm was hot, but lately it seems that .45s are popular. Some gangs are using military style tactics as well, which is rather concerning, but that's a different story.
Glock 9/.40 S&W M&P 9/.40 = $300-$600

Ammo is a premium


keep in mind that these ARE illegal / stolen guns. so the "crackhead" discount applies.

straws aside (aka "clean"), you can get a burner for short money... no 4473 or FA 10 required.. just some "street rep".. or know someone who knows someone... its THAT easy...
Glock 9/.40 S&W M&P 9/.40 = $300-$600

Ammo is a premium

I was in Walmart last week and bought 200 rounds of .40 cal. There was a fine outstanding youth, who I'm sure is in the process of turning his life around, hovering around while I made the purchase. With tax it was $55 and change. This fine young man then said, "Damn. That's cheap. On the street, one box of 50 would be $200." Needless to say I was on high alert when I left the store.
Twenty years ago I worked at a gas station on Revere Beach Pkwy, you would regularly have people offering to seel you a pistol for around $200. Mostly they were cheap .22s, .25s and the occasional .380 or .38. I do not think I ever saw a 9mm up for sale while I was there. You also got offered drugs, sex, stolen credit cards, fish (no idea who would take fish from a trunk).

Sounds like Gary's Exxon on the corner of the Parkway & Second Street. I used to work at the lumberyard that was on the other side of Market Forge and across from Dunk's.

I was a night manager @ the Lechmere Citgo on McGrath O'Brien Hgwy between 1982 & 1983 ( it was where the Cambridge Side Galleria is now ). I got offered everything bfm was offered, except fish. Although, one time a guy pulled a bag of thawed frozen shrimp out of his coat and wanted to trade it for a carton of smokes [rolleyes] .
In my experience you can get a rusty revolver from a crackhead for $20. If it is a person that is a regular arms supplier, like a guy that does interstate runs and such, you will probably pay 150% or so of retail value for it. These types don't sell out of the trunk in an alley like you see on TV but deal exclusively with a gang or gangs that are involved in the drug trade. The stolen ones from some random shitbag can usually be had for the price of a case of schlitz or a bag of dope.
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