What's this revolver doing here...

Jan 29, 2015
NH Seacoast
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I have to confess I've rejoined the revolver club... I picked up a Ruger Police Service Six .357...
I was looking at three S&W Model 10's at Kittery Trading Post that just weren't doing it for me, when I spied the Ruger back in the cabinet. The gun tripped all the right switches for me and I took her home. It had been 30 years since I had owned a double action revolver. I was contemplating a potent woods gun to accompany me on hikes in the north woods. This gun is heavy duty to say the least.


I found a nice pair of Herritt stocks for her on Gunbroker but I may want to pick up a Tyler T-grip too. Time will tell. Now to find a decent holster.
Always had a liking for the security and speed 6 revolvers.
me also. i currently have a pair of speed six's in .357. I've got a 2 3/4" and 4", both stainless. i have a gp 100 3" and it's not even close to the gun the speed series' were.
me also. i currently have a pair of speed six's in .357. I've got a 2 3/4" and 4", both stainless. i have a gp 100 3" and it's not even close to the gun the speed series' were.
I don't own one yet......almost bought one a couple years ago and regret walking away. They are just simple and rugged revolvers and I like the curved stock grips.
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Found a "new old stock" Tyler T-grip that will fit my service six. I ran across a fellow in CA that had a spare T-grip in his safe for sixes. I really didn't want to carve up the set of classic Herrett stocks. I was told that they are Jordan Trooper stocks that Herrett offered for the full sized Sixes. On the 2 3/4 inch barreled gun they look huge and I think they may pose a problem with concealment. I might part with the Herretts as I have no affinity for long barreled handguns.
Going to the Herrett web site they look more like the Custom Shooting Master Gun Stocks ... with the light finger groove option... the Jordan Troopers look almost the same but have more of a square butt.
Some slick revolvers in here. When compared to semis revolvers have a major edge in classic cool. I’m disappointed I don’t own one!!
After doing a light stoning on the action to clean up any sharp edges I decided to order a full hammer/trigger shim kit for DA Rugers. The shim kit took the fairly nice trigger pull to an OMG awesome level ... really really smooth. I didn't change the springs as I felt that the reliability factor was more important. While I had it apart I installed a .002 end shake shim to make the gap a tad bit bigger between the cylinder and the forcing cone. The gap was so small that after 6-10 rounds of powderpuff target loads the cylinder would hang up on the crud. Full power loads would make it through around 24 rounds before the build up was noticed. I never bothered to measure the gap before installing the shim because you could hardly see light through it.
I expect much better results on my next range trip.
Range report: Today I shot 30 of the HBWC, 20 Winchester white box practice 38's, and 30 .357 158gr Federal jacketed soft point's. All fired DA and all stayed on my target at 10 yards. The shim kits made a remarkable difference in the trigger pull. Sweet... very smooth. With the end shake shim installed the cylinder no longer binds, even after shooting the dirty lead wadcutter 38's followed by all the rest. The Tyler t-grip did its job and made it easy to hold on to the revolver without any squirming or slippage. Granted the .357's recoil was more pronounced and the bottom of the frame made itself known when I touched them off. Not that it was painful at all just a stouter punch combined with a poke from the square butt. Note; this had also occurred when I had previously shot it before getting the T-grip, although my hand ached the next day. When using the Herrett grips this was not an issue. Tomorrow will tell.
I must admit that I was so jazzed that my DA shooting was going so well that I had to give my Gen1 Ruger LCP a try... It didn't fair so well... 4 of 7 rounds hit paper at the same 10 yards proving that no matter how hard I try the LCP is not a target worthy gun gun. At 5 yards I can keep them all on a 6 inch circle, 4 inches if it is at 3 yards. I understand its limitations though. That is why I bought the Service Six for use as a woods gun.
All in all I am a happy guy. I have dwindled my ammo supply for this gun though. I will have to head out to the LGS to see what I can find. I wonder how the Barnes 180gr rounds would shoot... dare I try?
I can think of a few:
I've seen a few that looked like they were designed after a few drinks. usually a fuggly revolver from the past seems to be more complicated than it needs to be.

took me a while to warm up to that rhino but i'd love to have one. never even held one much less shot one but the whole concept intrigues me.
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