What's your role?

Why is this important that you know my role? My role is to survive...to me it is a MYOB thing, no offense.

I'd say know some basic woodcraft, know how to hunt and dress small to medium game,

I planned ahead and provided Thanksgiving dinner to my neighbors. What size game would they be considered? Gotta keep ALL options open:-)

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Earth re-populating stud
Great Idea Guy
People Organizer

If I don't get myself killed right away, I see myself becoming Don Dubya. One day I may call on you to perform a service...
JOAT, I grow hunt skin butcher, design build and store and do whatever else is necessary. Neighbor has comm expertise and electronics and he's a better gardener than I am he also brews beer. Hopefully I'm in good enough shape to do anything anyhow.
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Serious answer - sort of.

Carpenter , rifleman/guard , firewood getter / laborer , and guy who is doing his best to show up with my ducks all lined up : food , guns n ammo , tools , weather appropriate gear and as many logistical/ emotional sticky wickets as possible sorted out ahead of time.

I also have a firm belief that all plans go sideways when they meet reality.
Earth re-populating stud
Great Idea Guy
People Organizer

If I don't get myself killed right away, I see myself becoming Don Dubya. One day I may call on you to perform a service...

LOL. Not in your wildest dreams! [laugh] Although - I am not sure I have ever seen you...... but only if my hubs gets killed first!!!

And NO that is not an offer!
I keep to myself. Surprise, surprise, I'm not a sociable person, and I don't play well with others. My group? I fear it'll be my girlfriend, her elderly. Parents, and probably her bother and... His husband (no typo). Her dad was a captain in the CG, so I hope he at least knows the dangerous end of a rifle. As far as survival skills go, the rest of the group is pretty much useless. I will have to provide security, try to gather food, and what not. Well, her brother is into gardening, and the bug out location would be her parents house, with a generator and a rather big back yard for planting.
Come to think about it... I'm screwed.
I would love to learn how to actually take care of game after its been killed for food, but since i dont hunt nor know anyone , i will prob end up starving to death in a survival situation lol...

As a Surgical Tech i can do some trauma care, some basic medical stuff but nothing like a nurse unfortunately ..

So im pretty much a Non expert in everything.
We keep extra bottles of vitamins on hand and rotate stock to keep them fresh. Learning more about foraging is on my list, but I do know where to grab a few fiddleheads in the spring, berries in the summer, and rose hips in the fall.
I would love to learn how to actually take care of game after its been killed for food, but since i dont hunt nor know anyone , i will prob end up starving to death in a survival situation lol...
If you want an introduction to outdoors skills of various types, check out this program. I've been to the one in NH a few times and it's great.
I would love to learn how to actually take care of game after its been killed for food, but since i dont hunt nor know anyone , i will prob end up starving to death in a survival situation lol... As a Surgical Tech i can do some trauma care, some basic medical stuff but nothing like a nurse unfortunately .. So im pretty much a Non expert in everything.
As a surgical tech you may become a groups subject matter expert for all things medical. There are many combat medics I'd trust my life to, even over a newly appointed medical officer. They learned their skills the hard way: a basic medical course and lots of on the job training. You'd learn on the job and rise to the occasion. Experience is the best teacher. There have been times in my military career where I knew 2 or 3 things more than anybody else and thus became the resident expert. You'd be surprised at how much you can learn when under pressure. Don't sell yourself short. In a post apocalyptic society, anyone with any medical background will be valued.

The group in the Walking Dead just lost their medical expert, Herschel, and he was a veterinarian [wink].
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I am a hunter gather, In the real sense of the words and will do so as needed. What I haven't seen anyone mention is the some of the basics of staying some what healthy. No one mentions what is needed for vitamin C or where in the north east it is found in the wild. Everyone talks about stocking up on food, but no mention of salt to preserve the food with. How many here know what mushrooms you can safely eat? Any one know where to find "Fiddleheads" in the spring a Vitamin C source. How about sugar sources?

If I'm in the midwest, I'll be fine for gathering mushrooms. I've not been out and about up here looking for anything other than Morels. If you are near the coast, salt will be easy to come by, it's simple to extract from from sewater. I'm familiar with a few simple methods. No clue why, but when I was a sdcout in Oklahoma it was one of the projects we did in my troop, no where near the ocean... I do know where I can get a few fiddleheads, they are also great for Omega's, but you need to know how to cook them right. Winter squash and brussel sprouts along with some cruciferous vegetables all have a decent bit of vitamin C if you are going to be growing your own stuff. Most of them can be preserved a few different ways or even kept in a root celler for a time.

I can do beets for sugar, another vegetable that does well preserved or kept in a root cellar. I should learn how to tap a maple tree and process the sap into syrup. Probably easier than I realize, I don't have enough maple trees around me most likely. I need to get out of the city anyway.
general handy man, keeping warm, cook, butcher, salting, curing, food preservation expert, foraging for food. yes I can find fiddle heads.
My role is security for me and my two neighbors. I have a Glock 17 pistol and three spare 16-round magazines, plus a Mossberg pump shotgun with 20 rounds of OO buckshot. Cell phone, two flashlights.
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