What's your role?

Aug 27, 2007
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In a survival situation, or any situation, we can't be SME in every area. and even if you are an SME in everything survival you aren't physically capable of performing all those roles. So you must have others in your 'group.'

So what is your role? Security? Food provider? Medic? Comms? Do you have others to fill in all the other areas?

I think it's important to realize your strengths and weaknesses and find others to fill in the gaps.
Why is this important that you know my role? My role is to survive...to me it is a MYOB thing, no offense.

I'd say know some basic woodcraft, know how to hunt and dress small to medium game, know how to shoot a shoulder fired weapon and have some basic first aid skills (lotta people won't make it due to a lack of qualified medical personnel who can deal with trauma surgery, accept that, the strongest and smartest and most able will survive) and most importantly ensure that some smart-a**ed extremist decides that he or she is going to be Fearless Leader after a lifetime of dwelling in mother's basement playing video games and being an armchair commando doesn't become Fearless Leader cuz there's just too many folks who talk the talk but can't walk the walk...if you know what I mean [wink]

Hate to say it but a FUDD has a better chance of surviving that a lotta folks who post here. Why? They know how to hunt, shoot, live in the woods and aren't afraid to kill things (you'd be surprised how many people can't kill, although they can punch paper targets all day) and lots of them are old, and old men are frequently impatient and would just as soon shoot ya, as get involved in big discussions about things. Truth in my book, anyway.
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So my role is primarily 'planning, organization and procurement.'

I consistently work on food and water storage. First aid supplies and training. Research. Reloading. Cost Savings. etc.

My husband is more the 'engineer' and heavy lifter. He is into the alternative energy sources - gassifiers, methane digesters, that sort of thing.

We all shoot. But we need to train more. But we are also building relationships whose primary roles would be 'security.' with us as back up.

I have also started learning and working on secure cyber communications. And would like to find an SME or 2 on ham communications to add to our group. I know I can learn the basics of operating (used to do this in NG) a radio.
So my role is primarily 'planning, organization and procurement.'

I consistently work on food and water storage. First aid supplies and training. Research. Reloading. Cost Savings. etc.

My husband is more the 'engineer' and heavy lifter. He is into the alternative energy sources - gassifiers, methane digesters, that sort of thing.

We all shoot. But we need to train more. But we are also building relationships whose primary roles would be 'security.' with us as back up.

I have also started learning and working on secure cyber communications. And would like to find an SME or 2 on ham communications to add to our group. I know I can learn the basics of operating (used to do this in NG) a radio.

I'm not so sure that secure cyber communications are going to be a major factor or even radio. There is a good chance that EMP effect would knock out most of our electronics (unless you were using tube radios). In all likelihood whether you were surviving the aftermath of a limited nuclear exchange or being a victim some of the new electronic burst weapons (which will proliferate and become more accessible to terrorist groups) I really believe that the emphasis has to be on the basics and that in the context of a major apocalyptic type event, those who survive will be thrust back into the 19th Century (prior to electrification) or earlier, which is why the basics are so essential. If I had a little survival group like you are proposing, you would be helping yourself a lot if you had someone who knew how to farm and also had a good knowledge of animal husbandry. Agricultural skills would be at a premium, also knowing how to preserve food would be helpful too, be it canning, dehydrating curing etc.

Naturally, if you are talking about a natural catastrophe, the electromagnetic spectrum is less likely to be degraded (although there are probably some scenarios where that would happen especially if there was a marked increase in sunspot activity) in which case having some commo people would be helpful.

The major problem is that most people think having a thousand rounds, an AR and a two week supply of dehydrated food will see them through. I know you don't, but there is nothing romantic about surviving it's damn hard work, and most aren't going to make it. It is that simple really.
I think you bring up an excellent subject. Many, perhaps most preppers view themselves as a standalone Mad Max type person, even though it isn't reality. Knowing who and what you need are critical considerations if you want to build your group.

I suck at everything and don't play well with others. I offset these liabilities with booze.
Court Jester.

Maybe I'm just too humble, but I dont consider myself a sme in anything
I'm not a SME by any stretch, but have decent grasp of HAM, some medical, some medium scale farming, and dabble in certain types of metalworking. Or not. Who really "knows" what they are good at when SHTF, unless they have lived through similar circumstances?
My group has had tshirts made, all different colors. Sometimes they get different colors, but I always get the red shirts. Not sure why
I try to have basic grasp of a lot of different subjects, that way I can vary my role depending on the party and situations at hand. I am also trying to get myself physically capable again, for some reason I have put on almost 20lbs in the past 6 months so it is back to the gym, it will do no good to have the knowledge if I can't use it and keep up with the group
Dabbler more than SME. Mostly just normal stuff: make sure the pantry is stocked, try to stay current on basic first aid/CPR, get to the range every now and then, and I've been known to grow a few tomatoes and peppers in our little garden plot.
Not an SME in anything but I know enough to be dangerous: Canning, Mid-size Farming, Basic First aid including Adult as well as Infant CPR, hunting, trapping, fishing. Been a while since I've had to put my farming knowledge to any use other than helping with neighbors small garden. Same with trapping, haven't done that in almost 20 years now. Working on getting things squared away for me and the family, lots of work to do.
The question surmises an organized unit , like a fire team , or ... The A- Team ( pilot , general , muscle , whatever the 4th guy did. ) .

My ... Range buddies ... have no roles , three of the four most likely candidates have some stuff set aside , and a remote place to go.

So there's a core group , I guess. And a secondary group , who are capable , but not quite as " in " , and then there are the people we've made note of. Gun nuts , herbal medicine witch lady , healthy young babe , unstable psychopath ... The usual suspects. Some of them may get recruited if there is time.

If something sudden and ugly happens to society , a bunch of us will converge on my house , get drunk and argue about which camp to relocate to , when we should go , how we'll get there and the actual really big question : who do we tell to FOAD ? ... A lot of long term relationships are going to abruptly end if things go bad fast.

How many people have heard this ? - " if TSHTF I am going to your house. "

I respond with , if you show up empty handed we will turn you away or shoot you.
One of my friends takes it a step further " if you want advice , help , assistance right now I will help you sort it out. If your plan is to rely on my work I will turn you away or shoot you."

I believe the current plan is to : improvise , wing it , and make shite up as we go. Flexibility and options... Looks like the newest BOL is both rural and accessable from salt water.

But we have had a enough discussion and actual work done that hard choices should be able to get made on the fly.
Yeah, my real world SME ability will becomes totally useless in a SHTF scenario. I guess I turn into a trigger puller with some minor skills at that point.
I don't have a group of people. I barley have any friends. Heck the only family I have is 2 kids. I guess I'd have to be the MacGyver and father <<< Security for 2 girls.
I don't have a group of people. I barely have any friends. Heck the only family I have is 2 kids. I guess I'd have to be the MacGyver and father <<< Security for 2 girls.

Hey, at least you'll have a decent water supply nearby [wink]

I say stock up so you and the girls can lay low for a bit, while the herd thins itself out first. [laugh]
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