Wheelchair/disability carry...

Andy in NH

NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 14, 2007
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I find it interesting that he is not wearing a belt to keep his tools in place, but instead just clipping his holster and mag pouch to the waistband of his jeans.

When selecting someone to victimize, criminals want the maximum return on investment with the least amount of effort and risk involved. People with disabilities, especially those who use wheelchairs for mobility, undoubtedly fall into the “soft target” category in the eyes of criminals. When it comes to wheelchair concealed carry, some special attention must be paid.

I was shot and paralyzed from the waist down in a gunfight while serving as a U.S. Marine infantryman during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. I spent months recovering in the hospital before finally getting back into society again as a civilian with a severe disability, and I immediately felt physically vulnerable around shady-looking characters. So it made sense that I’d eventually want to start carrying a handgun for protection and become more self-defense minded in general.

@Andy in NH,
It's not like his pants are going to fall down. [laugh2]

and 🦽&[mg] [rockon]
That was also one of my first thoughts, but this isn't the dark humor thread (I'll save a seat in hell for you).

I still think he could go for his pistol and draw the holster out with the gun, but maybe with all the training he's done that has been worked out?
That was also one of my first thoughts, but this isn't the dark humor thread (I'll save a seat in hell for you).

I still think he could go for his pistol and draw the holster out with the gun, but maybe with all the training he's done that has been worked out?
I wonder if it’s just too uncomfortable after a while wearing a stiff belt and having it rub your back constantly due to always sitting down.
I've tried OWB but there's a chance of getting hung up on the inner side of my chair. and yes, it's uncomfortable as all heck in the chair. So I use a Galco "Miami Vice" shoulder rig. (Alligator not included). I'm giving serious consideration to a chest holster because sometimes drawing from the Galco gets hung up on the other side of the chair.
I'm doing pretty good these days and only need the WC when I'll be out for a long day. Thanks tho [smile]
I've tried OWB but there's a chance of getting hung up on the inner side of my chair. and yes, it's uncomfortable as all heck in the chair. So I use a Galco "Miami Vice" shoulder rig. (Alligator not included). I'm giving serious consideration to a chest holster because sometimes drawing from the Galco gets hung up on the other side of the chair.
I'm doing pretty good these days and only need the WC when I'll be out for a long day. Thanks tho [smile]
That is good to hear.
I'm doing pretty good these days and only need the WC when I'll be out for a long day.

That's great news. :)

RE carrying, a dude that shows up at one of my local restaurants is on a wheeled walker. He simply carries a revolver in the handlebar bag of his walker. Yep, it is off body carry, but the dude's back is really messed up. There are likely ways to speed the draw with practice and modifying the handbar bag.
They retrofitted a “Handy-capable?” Bay at one of my previous ranges… I got a fair amount of use and I think it was overall a really good thing.

To me it makes complete sense to wanna be armed if you’re in a wheelchair. Some people will rob, steal, cheat, assault assault anyone.

I wouldn’t recommend f***ing with somebody in a wheelchair; not from a moral standpoint, But you’re likelihood of getting lethal force used against you probably through the roof…
I find it interesting that he is not wearing a belt to keep his tools in place, but instead just clipping his holster and mag pouch to the waistband of his jeans.
I've recently run across at least one company that specifically markets metal spring clips to grip the waistband of jeans alone.

I still think a good, stiff belt would carry the weight of the gun better, but clearly this isn't a concern for Mr. Gardner.
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