Hello all, I consider myself a very good shot especially for my experience level. Full size handguns and rifles are easy for me to shoot but I am struggling with my mp 9mm shield. I pretty much always shoot to the left slow or fast shooting. Btw I am left eye dominant and right handed. I have absolutely no problems with full frame handguns. I'm wondering if the shield is just not for me and should try another carry size gun???
It may be that the pistol is not suited to your hand and may need grip modification. My EDC is colt officers in 45 ACP. When I first got it (the year they first came out) I had problems being accurate with it that I did not have with full size 1911 or commander. I was really frustrated as rifle shotguns revolver and other pistols I was shooting well
I finally figured out it was grip. When I drew from holster I was adjusting grip and not getting same grip twice
I added mag well which slightly extended grip and went to extended magazine (standard 1911 mag with butt pad).
Magically my grip on draw became rock solid and consistent shooting followed.
May have nothing to do with your problem. But if you are shooting other pistols well it probably isn't you. Look for something with pistol.
This and this.
Do you suffer from big-hand curse?
"I'm a good shot with a full size, not so much a compact"
Grip grip grip grip grip grip.
Finding something that fits your mitts is the problem solver.
This does not fit well.

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