Where are all the CT LEO's speaking out against these new unconstitutional gun laws


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NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
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I've been looking for them, I can't find them. I think it's quite obvious who's side they've chosen.

I know a handful testified, but the vast majority of the rank & file sat this out without saying a word in public.
They will enforce the new law. It's their job to side with their employer (the state). Protecting the people only happens as a consequence.

The reasonable ones will notify/warn the individual they aren't complying with the law and give them a chance to comply rather than immediate arrest.
Because they don't want the SS, err, Secret Service to show up in their state and arrest them.
They are busy counting their $200,000 salaries and planning their retirement to anoth- oh, they are exempt from the laws so they don't care.
At some point, LEO will have to choose a side. For the moment, they can put it off because they are exempt from the civilian bans and they need a paycheck, like the rest of us. When the proverbial feces is impacting the fan and kinetic events are occurring on a large scale, a choice will have to be made. Side with Tyranny and continue to collect a paycheck or side with Liberty and risk everything dear to them.

I have a feeling which choice most will make...
I've been looking for them, I can't find them. I think it's quite obvious who's side they've chosen.


Remember they are "Law" enforcement, not Constitution enforcement. So when the bosses make a law, they enforce it if they want a check. Also, as has been pointed out, they are exempt so no worries. America is now a tiered society where some citizens are more special than others.
Like I've said before, their souls have already been bought and sold. Flashy rig, above the law, guns & ammo, shiny uniform, and 6 figure salary plus retirement. Maybe when no one is watching they won't bust somebody fumbling around with a 20 round magazine.

But when push comes to shove.....yes, massa.
I'm sure the off duty ones are already out shopping today, happy there's no more swarm to wade through and having their choice of whatever didn't make it off the shelves yesterday.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. They are sworn to uphold it.
I've been looking for them, I can't find them. I think it's quite obvious who's side they've chosen.


They are exactly where all the "molon labe" guys are. Nobody speaks up. All the tough "from my cold dead hands" guys are silent, and all the "we will side with the constitution" cops are nowhere to be found. It is EXACTLY as I predicted. An army of cricketts is all we hear. Sad, but true.
History shows that those in law enforcement and military will do anything their superiors tell them to, up to and including mass slaughter of human beings.
Any question what side cops are going to be on when (not if) SHTF?......

Their own. Their addresses are public record and their families are easy targets. In a real SHTF scenario, I cannot believe they will be roaming around like sitting ducks when their wives and families sit home.
There's that excuse about making enforcement of the law too hard for LEOs to do, or too risky to the LEOs, if people have "too much" 2nd Amendment - AR15s, 30rd magazines, Castle Law, Stand-Your-Ground Laws, CCW in cars, bars, and churches. Or "too much" 1st Amendment rights to organize, to demonstrate peaceably, to video police, to not be video'd by police, etc. Or 4th Amendment rights to privacy, warrants for search & seizures, GPS bugs on cars, dogs alerting to something around your car or on your front porch, etc.

Well, law enforcement isn't supposed to be hard, but law enforcement it isn't supposed to be easy. It's just supposed to comply with the US Constitution.

If you can't arrest a "bad guy" without violating their rights, then they remain free until such time as you can collar them in compliance with the law. And "we" get to protect ourselves from said "bad guys" who aren't caught yet via 2ndA, Castle Law, SYG Law, etc.

The greater the ability of police to "do their job" unhindered, the more we have to fear from a police state. And the more crime perpetrated against the citizen by government sanction.

As long at the cops are complaining they can't do their job with all these laws protecting criminals, the safer we all are - IF we are not deprived of our natural right to self-defense.
They are exactly where all the "molon labe" guys are. Nobody speaks up. All the tough "from my cold dead hands" guys are silent, and all the "we will side with the constitution" cops are nowhere to be found. It is EXACTLY as I predicted. An army of cricketts is all we hear. Sad, but true.

Many pro-gun civilians may be afraid to actively resist, however I don't the same is true for most cops. In fact, most cops do not silently oppose these laws, it's just opposite (as many polls shows), the vast majority of cops LOVE these laws and would support full confiscation. A rare few cops are prop-gun, but they are a tiny minority.
It's a cop's wet dream come true. No more guns around, and the opportunity to gear up like the pink power ranger and wreak havoc in law abiding citizen's houses. It'd be like Katrina, minus all the water.
I got the picture when I read some of the posts from that primus tacticool clown. He was exactly the kind of ossifer who'd love this confiscation shit, and wouldn't have any troubles justifying it for himself.
Where are all the CT LEO's speaking out against these new unconstitutional gun

Sad to say but many cops are not even aware of the new laws being discussed because it "doesn't affect us". No lie I had a conversation the other day with one of my coworkers and we were discussing the gun control proposals, anyway he was unaware that MA had an assault weapons ban, that's right he had no idea. I've asked three of my pro gun coworkers to call their reps and senators and what bills are being proposed, not 1 of them made the calls. As far as LEO's steeping forward I can say that aside from testifying at public hearings and making the same calls/phone calls as every other legal gun owner there is not much more we can do unless we had a very large number of us to speak out against this gun control insanity. Sadly that is not going to happen.
Sad to say but many cops are not even aware of the new laws being discussed because it "doesn't affect us". No lie I had a conversation the other day with one of my coworkers and we were discussing the gun control proposals, anyway he was unaware that MA had an assault weapons ban, that's right he had no idea. I've asked three of my pro gun coworkers to call their reps and senators and what bills are being proposed, not 1 of them made the calls. As far as LEO's steeping forward I can say that aside from testifying at public hearings and making the same calls/phone calls as every other legal gun owner there is not much more we can do unless we had a very large number of us to speak out against this gun control insanity. Sadly that is not going to happen.
Like everything else political, it won't happen until it does. It can't happen until it can. No one will do it, unless you do.
Where are all the CT LEO's speaking out against these new unconstitutional gun

I have called many times, I was at the rally Wednesday, and I will testify at public hearing. Problem is I need a few hundred of my coworkers to make a significant impact in the politicians eyes.
I have called many times, I was at the rally Wednesday, and I will testify at public hearing. Problem is I need a few hundred of my coworkers to make a significant impact in the politicians eyes.
Yep, same for us all, not much we do as individuals makes a difference except where it convinces those around us to stop waiting for someone else to do it.
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