Where is all the .380?

Thanks Dwarvin1,

That's why I suspect the "Big dogs" pay to play there, rather than litigate the issue. It is cost-wise productive for them. They in effect, have an exclusive market.
There will be some cases comiing up before the Supremes soon respecting State regs. I believe I am correct though, (after speaking with the guys at Four Seasons in Woburn last year), in that you have to have a Massachusetts Class A to buy Handgun ammo and that it has to be purchased through an FFL, i.e., your purchase is kept on record.

We are on the same side, but to launch forlorn into- at best, a pyhric victory for Appalachian Ammunition, Inc. would be a very poor business decision and a poor retirement for me, and would greatly benefit the Winchesters, the Remingtons, the Federals and the Speers, who could afford to mount a challenge, but don't. (why litigate when you can lobby?) Why else would they be so silent for so long?
Isn't it also odd that Gun Manufacturers are heavily invested and still located there and say nothing about the strict regulations regarding importation? Actually not. There are many, gun manufacturers who's products are forbidden in Massachusetts than those who's products have been cleared for sale in th Commonwealth. Call me a cynic, but I say follow the money.

The only recourse to change the power is at the ballot box, which was why I so strongly suggested to get active .
We are polite but firm and vocal here in Maine so that we don't lose our gun rights.

Anyways, we pray that the Tea Party movement is alive and well in Massachusets and that November begins a new direction.

Jeff Holt
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