Where would be a good place to look for a quality 1911 bbl?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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Now that we are in the waiting phase for the NES 1911 Caspian group buy, I'm starting to look at getting the parts necessary to finish up the build. I'm starting at this point with trying to find a bbl. Short of having no clue as to where to start, I figure I'd ask the advise of some people who do.

What are some good quality 1911 bbl makers that I should be looking for? Since this is for a custom made 1911 that I'm going to make into a race gun, I don't want to skimp on the part that will be effecting my accuracy the most.

Also, where would be a few good places (internet mostly) to look for said quality bbl?

Lastly, and this is the one that always hurts, what kind of price range do you think I'd be looking at?

Thanks for the help!!!
BarSto; Wilson; Nowlin; SVI all come to mind - figure $150 to $300 for a premium bbl, depending on the brand and if you use "buddy with FFL" for the suppliers that maintain two tier pricing (not all do)
when you say race gun, do you mean and USPSA Open gun? if so you need to get a bull barrel and a good comp. I would look at a KKM or Schuemann barrel with a Bedell comp.

try www.shootersconnection.com

I was indicating a gun for USPSA, but I was thinking more of the Single Stack Division. Mostly a standard 1911 with some quality parts.

Then again, most people know more about this then me. I'm asuming if I go with the route suggested, that will throw me into the Open Division, correct?
I was indicating a gun for USPSA, but I was thinking more of the Single Stack Division. Mostly a standard 1911 with some quality parts.

Then again, most people know more about this then me. I'm asuming if I go with the route suggested, that will throw me into the Open Division, correct?

For SS division, you need to run a bushing and no comps allowed. so any of the barrel mentioned would work, just no bull barrels
I use Barsto, Kart, Barsto, is more money and does not have to be finished, its stainless, Kart barrels you should finish.both are excellent barrels hopes this helps
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Kart is an excellent barrel at a reasonable price. If you want to assemble the pistol yourself, get the EZ Fit, if you're going to have a gunsmith fit it, get the Match Target. Both are made to the same tolerances, the EZ Fit was designed for the home tinkerer. Kart barrels do not require bluing or plating.
Another thing about Single Stack, there is a 43 ounce maximum weight, that includes a magazine. Caspian frames can be on the heavy side, due to the lack of large cutouts under the grip.
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