Which 9mm??

hmmm the M&P is looking better and better but i still probably won't decide until i got to buy it. I know the Sig is to expensive for what i want at the moment. So i cut it down to the G19, M&P, or 908. The G19 really depends on availability. I think I am going to go to FS on friday and check out the 908 and M&P9C
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I purchased the M&P compact in late Jan/early Feb - it is comfortable, and am glad I got it.

You will wait a long time for your free mags - I am still waiting for it all yet -keep that in mind if you are expecting to have the mags available in this century [wink].
I got a M&P .40 that I carry now.Isent it to Burwell for a 4lb trigger and it is great,but its a full size.I recently got a Sig239 for summer in 9mm and its a great gun.I have about 500 rounds thru it and am still getting used to it.The gun is excellent for carry and target,I'll be using it most for carry though.The M&P is easy to conceal with a sweatshrit but come summer I'll look silly
There's a Kahr P9 in the classified ads right now. You might want to check it out. They're rare in MA since they don't meet the AG's supersecretsquirrel list, but I love my Kahr K9. The P9 is a polymer compact.
I thought there was a P9 listed, because I remember having to look up the P9 since I wasn't familiar with it. Seems to be gone now - maybe it sold.

Or maybe I'm hallucinating. Who knows... it's been a rough week.
The benefit of Glock 19 is the ability to get hi cap mags fairly easily. Another gun that I would recommend is Walther P99C. It is very ergonomic and accurate, plus you can buy them brand new, if that matters.
Find a used 6906. 12 rounds, with 5906 15 round mags an option for backup. Inexpensive, compact, reliable, and backed by S&W warranty. You will not go wrong with a 6906.

Maybe i'm just nuts but I carry a Glock 17 most of the time and haven't had any trouble concealing it. My Glock 21 is a different story ... maybe I need just a better holster for it.

Instead of fixing the horrible S&W trigger you can buy the 3lb connector and all the trigger springs you need to easily customize the trigger on the Glock 19. That and you'll be able to use all the nice preban 17rd & 33rd magazines from the 17.
I think i am going to hold off on a 9mm right now unless i find one for a good deal. I switched my focus to finding a nice summer carry gun first. The 9mm will be a good gun to buy towards the end of summer and early fall when we break out the sweatshirts and jackets again.
I recommend a FNP-9. Exposed hammer, 3 16rd magazines. Quite accurate and functions perfectly. All for under $500.

Not in MA it's not, if you can even find one. Count yourself lucky to live in a free state. We're stuck with some really awful laws up here. To be sold new, guns have to be on 'the List', plus pass the attorney generals super secret double probation regs. Also, we're still stuck with the 1994 AWB.
I recommend a brand new SIGMA 9mm. I don't own one, but a buddy of mine got one after shooting my Glock 22, M&P9c and Ruger P-345.

The SIGMA 9 or .40 is basically a glock! you won't get to buy the pre-ban toys, but it functions and even breaks apart the same way as a Glock does.

A SIGMA will set you back between $200 (used) to $300 (new). So I suggest you get a new one and cash in on the $50 rebate and two free mags....

That is the most cogent argument for getting a SIGMA that I have ever heard. People piss and moan about not being able to get a new Glock in MA, yet the Glock clone (for which S&W paid Glock a royalty as a settlement in a lawsuit over patent infringement) is made right in Springfield...with better ergonomics. Now I know that there have been changes in the SIGMA over the years, but I think an earlier one from the early 90's would be the most Glock-like. I'm pretty sure Mike LaRocca would do a trigger job on a current production SIGMA and it is a helluva deal right now with the rebate program, good until April 30th, I believe.

Executive was on the money too, in recommending a S&W 3rd Gen Gun. S&W spent a fortune perfecting these guns and the very best of the examples used to be referred to as SMIGS by die-hard Sig Sauer fans. There are a lot of police trade-ins on the market right now. There are several reasons why the 3rd Generation semi-autos didn't get the respect they deserved but a lot of it had to do with the aggressive marketing by Glock. The old Yankee gunmakers were in serious denial when the pistole de plastique came about.

I would never underestimate Ruger, either but they are not everyone's cup of tea as far as ergonomics and looks go, although they are probably the best damn engineered 9mms on the planet.

My favorite 9mms: S&W M39 and the Browning Hi-Power.

My suggestion: buy a good used .38 or .357 revolver by Colt, Ruger or S&W.

Good luck !

Mark L.
I agree 3rd gen. SW are very underrated I pick up a nice 5946 few years ago for short $$$ and its one of best shooting 9mm I have.
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the price of the SIGMA turned me off initally as well - i figured a $250 dollar "new" gun was a POS.

The M&P and SIGMA series are good guns - IMO

I personally like the shape and design of the Trigger SIGMA / M&P's over the Glock...

I find them more comfortable and easier for beginer's to shoot. I can shoot my M&P all day vs. the Glock. The Glock has what I call "trigger snap" and my finger starts to hurt after a couple hundred rounds....

I wonder if anyone experiences the same with their Glocks????

That is the most cogent argument for getting a SIGMA that I have ever heard. People piss and moan about not being able to get a new Glock in MA, yet the Glock clone (for which S&W paid Glock a royalty as a settlement in a lawsuit over patent infringement) is made right in Springfield...with better ergonomics. Now I know that there have been changes in the SIGMA over the years, but I think an earlier one from the early 90's would be the most Glock-like. I'm pretty sure Mike LaRocca would do a trigger job on a current production SIGMA and it is a helluva deal right now with the rebate program, good until April 30th, I believe.
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For what it is worth, I took a Handgun Technique Course at the S&W Academy today (3/30/08) and the instructor was using a SIGMA as his teaching gun.

Mark L.
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I don't know much about this gun, and I would love to hear more about it. It is not one of models approved for sale by a licensed dealer here in Massachusetts.

Mark L.

I did a search and only 1 dealer in eatern MA came up with "Law Enforcement Sales Only".......

They look like decent guns - almost looks exatctly like the new Ruger SR9, an HK or Sig 9mm.

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Wow. I'm feeling the S&W Third-Gen Semi-Auto love here. I have a 4013, 4563, and to keep this OT a 6906. They are all excellent shooters. I'm going to suggest to the OP the 6906 again. This firearm is considerably smaller than a 228/229, slimmer than a G26, and shoots as well as any CCW can be expected to, which is to say, better than the capabilities of most who carry it. If you're looking to get into this family new, on a budget, check out the 910 or 910s. I happen to know someone,<<cough>><<cough>> who is selling an unfired one on the NES classifieds for short money.

One option I haven't heard mentioned yet, is the Israeli "Baby Eagle" in 9mm. It's style is reminiscent of of it's bigger brother, Magnum Research's Desert Eagle line of Personal Hand Cannon (PHC). I've never owned one but I have a friend who often lends his to me when we shoot together. While I haven't tried everything out there by a long shot, I always liked every aspect of these guns. Accuracy (such as it is) ergonomics, capacity, and aesthetics, plus, you can get one new for <$500...at least you can is free states....I can...well, I can look at pictures...and think about moving-that's what I can do.
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