Who's up for some cold weather training? Project Appleseed Littleton, NH January 20th & 21st (After Action Report posted!!)


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
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At Project Appleseed we train year round, in the rain, in the sun, in the snow, and in the heat! As I've mentioned before Project Appleseed New Hampshire is shooting for no less than one Appleseed event a month. So we are going to start 2024 with some COLD weather shooting.

Hosted by: Alder Brook Sportsmens Association
Littleton, NH 03561

Dates: January 20th - January 21st

This will be a 25m Event. We teach and train at 25m, but you learn the skills needed to take your shots out much further.

Because it's a January event in Northern NH, this is likely to be cold and maybe even snowing! When events conspire to cause adverse conditions Project Appleseed pushes forward and instead of calling it quits, we hand out a different patch for those who overcome adversity. If you are already a Rifleman, why don't sign up and earn your icicle patch?

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Last minute reminder, there's is still some time to sign up for the Alderbrook Sportsman association event.

Looks like we will have least one fire pit, maybe two to keep people warm. I hear rumors of some form of stew or chilli being served, small donation to cover cost of ingredients, to warm up the belly.

Going to be a fun weekend to kick off the 2024 Project Appleseed season year!!!!
I had this written on my work calendar. I used to go to the Harvard Appleseeds with my older daughter, then with her and her boyfriend ( now husband ) and the last one I did was about 10 years ago with my nephew. I started with a Ruger 10/22 but had better results with the S&W 15/22. I believe Appleseed banned them. I had ordered the new LH Ruger 10/22 for my younger daughter but she passed away before it came in. I kept as I'm a too am a kooky cross-dominat lefty. I've had it two years now and have yet to put an optic on it. My days of Iron and Tech sights are over. When they tell me to "Shoot the Fuzz", I'm shooting below the fuzz as I can't the bottom four Red Coats. Our weekend residence is 20 minutes from Alderbrook. I just checked the weather, for 03595 it's going to be 0° at sunup reaching a high of 10° in the afternoon. We're staying in the Communistwealth this weekend. Weather for 01915 tomorrow is 12° at sunup reaching a high of 19° in the afternoon. I gotta a bunch crap I have to do anyway. Maybe in when it's a bit warmer I'll break in that new Ruger. Late Winter/Early Mud.
After Action Report!!!!!

After Action Report

What is the second best thing about 6 degrees farenheit?

It isn't wet.

What is the *best* thing about 6 degrees farenheit?

Being surrounded by patriots for a weekend of Marksmanship and Heritage.

NH Wyman provided a fire-ring to gather about as mmirate led the day with 1st Strike.

Huge improvement was made from our starting baseline, with all shot groups shrinking to 4-6 MoA by early afternoon.

For lunch, "Mrs. Berg" delivered the enormous pot of chili that HamGun prepared the day prior, while nhalan impressed us with Second Strike.

Saturday concluded with an AQT and 300berg's telling of 3rd strike.


Exactly 248 years ago this month, in the dead of winter, one of the greatest feats
of military supply chain logistics of all time was accomplished:

Henry Knox's removal of 120,000 pounds of cannon from Fort Ticonderoga to the seige of Boston.
An epic journey of 300 miles, with some cannon weighing more than 5,000 pounds a piece!

SB 300berg wondered, what would that be like? Could men today still accomplish such a task?

After polling the shooters' opinions, there was unanimous agreement that the Project
Applesed instructors present be given the honor of attempting to recreate Henry Knox's feat.

The nearest canon-sized object was lashed, and the men of New Hampshire pulled a multi-ton
object a modest distance. Huzzah!

KevinNH and NH Wyman refreshed us on safety POIs, and we began our instruction on day 2.

A siginificant lesson from Saturday was that cold weather gear inhibits movement. We performed
drills to practice efficient transitions to seated and achieve a first
shot time within 15 seconds were quite helpful.

Lunchtime brought us some Dangerous Old Men stories. MattNH's second look at
Paul Revere as a super-hero was inspiring.

Afternoon KD lesson, then putting it to work at 100 yards. Trudging through the snow, we saw some of the best shot groups of the day.

Shooter Brent's change to 30cal M1A echoed heroically across the range; snow falling from trees with each reverberation.

With our final redcoat target Calvin recorded the first and only cleared target of the weekend. Huzzah!

There were no "sunshine patriots" at this event. As Daniel Webster wrote, "... up in the Mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men." I was proud to stand with them.
Quoted 300Berg
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