on a revolver i like to have adjustable rear sight and prefer stainless finish in general. AFAIK the wiley clap edition is fixed sights and has a matte finish?
all of the GP100 variants are pretty much identical so i wouldn't get too hung up on a specific variant. i have the match champion and honestly it's essentially the same as a standard 4" GP100.
Disagree. The trigger is more refined, not that the regular GP is anything to sneeze at. It's not as good as a performance center Smith but it's not far from it.
I personally can't stand adjustable sights on revolvers because they ruin the look for me. With the Talo having the Novak cuts for changing the sights out is pretty nifty.
Disagree. The trigger is more refined, not that the regular GP is anything to sneeze at. It's not as good as a performance center Smith but it's not far from it.
I personally can't stand adjustable sights on revolvers because they ruin the look for me. With the Talo having the Novak cuts for changing the sights out is pretty nifty.
give me 20 minutes and a dremel and a standard GP100 can be just a smooth as the match champion. while i like the MC model (hell i bought one), the SP101 or GP100 are easily given a 25c trigger job just like a glock. drop the trigger unit off a MC model and one can see they polish 3 spots. it's about as easy as could be.
with the MC model, you're basically getting a slightly smoother trigger (but still heavy as shit until the springs are fixed), a half underlug, minor chamfering + tapering on the cylinder, a fancier muzzle crown and some shims on the hammer. the only mod on the MC that I actually thing matters is the half underlug as it points more naturally and less nose heavy.
my point is that all the GP100 models are winners. the variants just come down to personal preference. i am yet to own any ruger firearm with the sights correctly set from the factory. for this reason i won't purchase a ruger unless it has adjustable sights. the only exception here for me is the LCR series, which by some act of providence Ruger was able to get the POI/POA correct.
Another good reason to have adjustable sights (for me anyway) is if you shoot different bullet weights. I reload 357 mag with 125, 158, and 180 gr bullets. All of which have different POI's. Just my $0.02.
I was new to guns when I bought mine so I had Greg Derr do a trigger job. It's very nice now. I don't think he changed out the springs, I think he just did some polishing but I'm not sure. I think he charged me like $80 or so.