Will there be a next Civil War?

If this was a true civil war and the gov turned on the civilians I would think part of the military would turn on itself. That's why Obama has been purging officers.

I am biding my time. I build up my knowledge. I learn, acquire and watch. Some day my family and I will disappear. Where I don't know today but when the time comes we will know. They can cut all they want but if you can't reach me it can't hurt.

Know when to leave Dodge. I don't think there is another country to go to but there are still things to look into.

It sure as hell beats living in a culvert with a space blanket to protect you from the thermal.

Soviet Army took anti-communists and "enemies of the people" from gulags and put them directly on the front line to face invading German army. Than they put regular army conscripts behind them and finished the front ensemble with KGB approved special forces which did make sure everyone is advancing in the right direction or they killed them on the spot. Expect the same here.

If .gov will confiscate the house of the troublesome soldier he/she will make sure you are gone before he/ she will have no place to return to. Expect that.

Most of today's men will fold once they will feed them via a rectal tube. Expect that.

There are some great places in countries you should start exploring: Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic. They have English in schools over there so by the time you will get there you will have less language issues. When European Union asked to give guns in the name of the All Mighty European Idea they just showed EU a nice straight finger.

It looks like a big chunk of American citizens is bored with democracy and they want to play with globalist hell. Good luck hiding here!
I believe it will happen. But how it will play out, and who will be fighting against who is a mystery. Obama has divided this country in a way it has never been divided before. He's successfully turned blacks against whites, men against women, the working class against those who choose not to work, the rich against the poor, Christians against Muslims, Mexicans against Americans, and the list goes on and on.
My gut tells me we are about to stumble off the edge because of a financial collapse and the .Gov wants as many of us disarmed as possible...

It's logical. Government knows the debt and welfare are unsustainable, and massive civil unrest is coming. They don't want angry civilians to be armed when they're on the White House lawn.

Politicians need producers of revenue. As they are bringing nomads in to replace "the ageing population" they will be eliminating citizen's rights at the same time. GIVE THEM NOTHING!

We should, in fact, being fighting NOW to stop the erosion and take BACK our power - that of the citizen - and remind these eliteists that this is a Constitutional REPUBLIC...where ALL are held accountable.
The new pilotless drone program will replace any warbirds and humans as they are much cheaper and easier to deploy. Minimal crew needed for maintenance etc.
The new pilotless drone program will replace any warbirds and humans as they are much cheaper and easier to deploy. Minimal crew needed for maintenance etc.

So, the drone factories get blown up........what then?
I do not think so. 99.99999% of gun owners are so responsible and law abiding....we will probably just turn them all in when they come to confiscate. We are NOT our country's forefathers!

Tell me again, how did the Roman Empire fall? Why don't they speak Latin in Italy anymore? [banghead]
They will make sure that the cable stays on and the EBT cards stay loaded while they wipe out the constitution entirely. I sincerely doubt that any of us would recognize our nation in 100 years.

I don't recognize it now vs 20 years ago........
I do not think so. 99.99999% of gun owners are so responsible and law abiding....we will probably just turn them all in when they come to confiscate. We are NOT our country's forefathers!

Tell me again, how did the Roman Empire fall? Why don't they speak Latin in Italy anymore? [banghead]

I won't, I will politely decline the invitation - what happens after that is on them.
I won't, I will politely decline the invitation - what happens after that is on them.

Some people have sworn, as part of military service or for some other reason, to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Obviously, those people were sworn in on the U.S. Constitution that existed at the time.

If the makeup of the Supreme Court gets changed in the wrong way, and they reinterpret the Second Amendment in the wrong way, does that change anything? No.

If there is a Constitutional Amendment that totally does away with the Second Amendment, does that change anything? No.

Does anyone think "they" realize this?
Remember, even thou the repressive libs are wedded to gun control this is all a diversion from Barry O's abysmal reign of terror/foreign policy. His vision was to destroy the country, divide and conquer. His hatred if freedom and love of the nanny state are well known and his sycophants in the media and society will stoop to anything to keep their dream alive. These stupid ****s don't understand that if the Revolution they dream of ever happened they'd be the first to get a bullet in the back of the head. Academic elitists like Barry O. and his acolytes think Utopia is achievable and don't have a clue what real Americans are like and could care less. FORTITUDE AND COURAGE/KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY.
For those who subscribe to the proposition that .gov will avoid going for checkmate and instead turn up the heat incrementally, remember that when Gen. Gage sent Maj. Pitcairn to Concord, the intent was not total confiscation, it was just common-sense, reasonable regulation.

Several recent incidents that had the potential to get badly out of control have been skillfully deescalated.

A batter may have a great game and hit five-for-five, but nobody bats 1.000. A gambler on a winning streak plays until his luck runs out.

The woods are bone dry and loaded with tinder, yet idiots still play with matches.
I don't see it happening to be honest. Short of the gov murdering people in the streets I just don't think you will see an uprising with the potential.
The Civilutionary War

You're talking about a revolutionary war, not a civil war.

... Revolution or Civil War-same thing now...

It won't hapen the way most think it will if it happens at all.

I won't make any predictions, but I came up with the name for such a war... The Civilutionary War.

Neighbors and family members killing each other, similar to what happened in the Civil War, instigated by a government trying to seize guns from law-abiding people, as in the Revolutionary War.

That adds up to a Civilutionary War.
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