Everything fun is illegal. And I know, I was just being creative since these are not as brittle as glass. Dem moonshiners drive in the backroads with glass jars in the trunk! I've seen the show on Discovery.
Sure they will work, but the Hunersdorf bottles were specifically designed for extreme cold weather with a specially designed threaded cap that will not leak or crack. Also the 32 oz bottles only weigh 4.4 oz vs 6.2 oz for the equivalent Nalgene. I do have a few Nalgene bottles and I did have a cap crack on me once, but the Hunersdorf's are far superior in my opinion. This guy did a good write up on them here:
Sure they will work, but the Hunersdorf bottles were specifically designed for extreme cold weather with a specially designed threaded cap that will not leak or crack. Also the 32 oz bottles only weigh 4.4 oz vs 6.2 oz for the equivalent Nalgene. I do have a few Nalgene bottles and I did have a cap crack on me once, but the Hunersdorf's are far superior in my opinion. This guy did a good write up on them here:
i do quite a bit of winter hiking in the white mountains and theres plenty of tricks you can pick up from hardy new england hiking folks.
Hiking stores sell insulating covers for naglenes, also lots of folks just put hot water in their bottles and by the time they drink it later in the day it is cool. Also put your bottle inside your backpack in your extra clothes to keep it warm - just make sure it doesnt leak.
ps - dress inthin breathable layers and always bring a change of clothes.
youre gonna be sweating like crazy if youre hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, etc and if youre all bundled up youre gonna get soaked in sweat. also if you try to cross a stream and get wet, youre gonna want some dry clothes in a hurry.
Theres nothing better than getting to the summit of a mountain in the winter and changing into a fresh, dry shirt and shell!