Witnesses say many dead, injured in shooting at New Zealand mosque


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Witnesses say several people have been killed and injured in a shooting at a mosque in the center of Christchurch, New Zealand.

New Zeland police tweeted that officers responded to a "serious ongoing firearms incident" at approximately 1:40 p.m. Friday (8:40 p.m. Thursday ET). They said schools in the city had been placed on lockdown and urged people to stay indoors.

There was no official word on casualties, but witnesses said the Masjid Al Noor mosque was full for Friday afternoon prayers and said many people were dead.

Witnesses say many dead, injured in shooting at New Zealand mosque
30 dead.

Killer live-streamed the event.

Wonder if it's on LiveLeak yet.

Soon to be the most banned video in history.
Only thing I really managed to catch on the guns/mags was "this is for..." and the number 14 a bunch of times. Some serious autism going on there with that graffiti treatment.

Hope all you church-going folks are packin. There will be retaliations and dont think theyll be contained to NZ.
0:08 - Picks camera up to affix to head and show weaponry. Rifles, shotguns, magazines, visible kneepads and camo: "Let's get this party started."
0:30 - "Remember lads - subscribe to PewDiePie"
0:40 - Starts up car, GPS says "Turn right at the Hills Drive(?)" Fingerless gloves are visible.
0:50 - GPS: Turn left at X, then the same left towrads the city drive.
1:14 - Driving - Begins playing "Remove Kebab."
3:10 - Brings the car to a start. He mumbles, turns down the radio, turns camera to his face, makes a grimace. Sits quietly until 3:38 when he turns the music back up. He sits and listens until...
4:15 - Fiddles with his rifle, turns the light on, it has a strobelight sort of effect.
4:20 - Starts driving again, saying something inaudible.
4:52 - Another song begins, eastern europeany marching tune?
5:02 - Arrives at mosque, drives down long driveway and parks so that he blocks off the driveway.
5:57 - Gets out of car with rifle immediately after arriving.
6:00 - Goes into trunk, grabs shotgun. Still mumbling inaudibly but he sounds chipper.
6:28 - Walks past person leaving mosque and into the gates of the mosque.
6:35 - Two men are standing in front of the doors, he shoots at both of them. They go both down, one crawls away but is shot again. He drops the shotgun and switches to the rifle. It says "14" on it twice as well as "kebab remover" and other stuff.
6:56 - He enters an open area and fires freely, people are crowded in the corners to hide. This is an ineffective strategy. He checks the corners as he fires into the corner with the people. Lots of people die.
7:02 - Legitimately heroic act as guy tries to tackle him, but fails and gets shot down.
7:14 - He changes magazines. Moaning and guttural screaming in the background.
7:24 - He reenters the open area after checking the entrance and shoots at people hiding in the other corner. Lots of people die.
7:38 - He's just firing indiscriminately into the pile of bodies in the corner at this point. There's probably people playing dead in the piles. Occasional yelps from the pile.
7:54 - New mag, still shooting into the pile of bodies. This honestly looks like "No Russian" from Call Of Duty.
8:24 - Notices someone playing dead, shoots him. A man runs from the exit and apparently makes it, the shooter fires a few bullets towards the doors.
8:35 - He runs towards the exit, picks up one of his magazines from the ground. He walks over a couple of dead bodies and carefully exits with his gun up. He starts sprinting when he sees no one is there.
8:58 - He shoots at someone who is pretty far away. He heads back to his car where we hear the Waffen SS Choir remix - most faniys for being used by live internet streaming superstar @Null as a stream intro
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlGSEl97-Jc&bpctr=1552619837

9:26 - Goes into his trunk, which he left open, strangely, and drops his current rifle to the ground in exchange for one with a larger scope. Says "Bitch" and runs back out the sidewalk and towards the mosque.
10:15 - Fires at a person in the distance towards the mosque. Says something like "Looks like you won't get the bird today boys."
10:30 - Back to the mosque. Loud moans from the people inside.
10:45 - Not sure what's going on with the music but it's apparently being played from his person now, I believe he may have grabbed his phone from the car. Still listening to the Waffen SS Choir remix.
10:46 - Back into the open area with the piles of bodies. He shoots a guy that was sitting up and probably others.
11:00 - Just shooting corpses like an exceptional individual.
11:46 - He exits the mosque and fires at a woman fleeing. He hits her from like 30-40 feet away. The woman falls down near his car and begs for her life, he walks right up to her and shoots her.
12:13 - Arrives back at car, as soon as he does, "Fire" by Arthur Brown starts playing.
12:26 - He pulls off. "You'd have thought that was planned"
12:50 - Shoots at his own car's front window with pump action shotgun. Doesn't break, drives forward, tries again, nope.
13:26 - Shoots the passenger side window which instantly breaks, tries to fire again, gun doesn't fire. He drives off.
13:45 - Driving fast and breathing hard. New music, don't know what it is. Honks his horn at a crosswalk, driving wrecklessly
14:20 - Laughs, says something like "Mags(?) go down instantly." Driving carelessly down the middle of the road between cars.
15:00 - He mumbles, something about something he list. "Shit happens."
15:05 - "Left one full magazine back there I know for sure. Possibly more." "Had to run along in the middle of the firefight and pick up the mags and fell out pretty much f***ing instantly." "There was so many people the carpark was full so there's no real chance." Sirens, an ambulance passes him. "Gas Gas Gas" from Initial D plays.
15:55 - Weaving in and out of traffic. Possibly says "A little Need For Speed action"
16:55 - Feed cuts
That idiot on MassLive who gave a class on protecting churches without guns is a fool.

The Muslims are going to be seeking revenge at churches all over the world.

If you have a CCW and training - we should volunteer to protect the churches against revenge attacks.
I'm sure many churches would accept our help.
Such reckless hate and astounding cowardice to attack unarmed innocents, then he streams a video and calls it a "firefight" like he's special. Couldn't think of anything more significant than dying while exerting his will on others. Textbook nihilist conclusion. How about living for something bigger than yourself?
anybody blame Trump yet?

It won't be long - (from his 74-page "manifesto")

Why did you carry out the attack?

Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United
States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural,
political and racial divide within the United states.This conflict over the
2nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will
ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US along
political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.
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