Worcester man accused of trying to pull gun on officers

Nov 8, 2005
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Worcester man accused of trying to pull gun on officers

Monday, February 15, 2010

Worcester man accused of trying to pull gun on officers

[email protected]
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WORCESTER — A man who allegedly tried to pull a gun on police officers around midnight Saturday is scheduled to be arraigned on several charges in Worcester Central District Court tomorrow.

Shawn Johnson, 24, of 180 Fairmont Ave., faces a number of charges: armed assault with intent to murder, using a firearm in commission of a felony, resisting arrest, possession of a large-capacity firearm, possession of ammunition without a firearms license identification card and carrying a loaded firearm without a license. There was also an active outstanding arrest warrant for assault and battery out for Mr. Johnson.

The incident began just before midnight Saturday when officers from the Worcester police gang unit were on patrol near Chandler Street and Park Avenue. The officers saw a man who they are familiar with at the Hess station at the intersection, according to police spokesman Sgt. Kerry Hazelhurst. Officers believed there was an outstanding arrest warrant for the man.

The officers got out of their cruiser and began to approach Mr. Johnson. The officers had their police badges prominently displayed, according to Sgt. Hazelhurst.

One of the officers approached Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Johnson turned, reached for his waistband, and began to pull out a handgun, according to Sgt. Hazelhurst. The officer saw the weapon, and, before the suspect could get his gun completely out of his waistband, pulled out his own gun and pointed it at the suspect, according to Sgt. Hazelhurst.

The officer ordered Mr. Johnson to drop his weapon, according to Sgt. Hazelhurst.

He said the suspect put the gun back into his waistband and began to run through an alley next to The Living Earth. Police pursued the suspect on foot, and noticed the clip to the suspect's handgun had fallen to the ground. As police gained on Mr. Johnson, he tossed the gun over a fence, according to Sgt. Hazelhurst. The gun hit a metal building.

The gang officers were then able to apprehend Mr. Johnson, but he fought violently with them, according to Sgt. Hazelhurst, before he was eventually subdued and arrested.

The gun was later found to have been reported stolen in 2008 from Laurens County, South Carolina. More charges are being filed in connection with the allegedly stolen weapon.

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"...noticed the clip to the suspect's handgun..."

Please, please, please. I know it's the media, not known for their attention to such things, but I cringe when I hear 'clip' in reference to a magazine.
Last friday we pulled a 380 off a guy who had been casing cars in a lot along with three of his bestess friends. He was on probabtion for what do you think ?? and he had a 380 with scratched off serial numbers. Just another misunderstood person trying to make a living. As the world turns, so does my head.
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I already know what the last words of the paragraph in the court records are going to say.......Dismissed. Maybe he'll get a 50 dollar fine...Who Hoo...my "license" cost me 100.
WHen I was in college I had an apartment right across the street from The Living Earth LOL. It was such a WONDERFUL neighborhood!
In case there was any doubt about how completely stupid criminals are, ask yourself what is the possible upside of pulling the gun out on the cops.

It's pretty much either suicide or a very short time on the run before you go away forever because they WILL find your ass if you kill two cops. This is Darwin award type thinking. I keep remembering these people when I hear: "If it only saves one life." Then I think about this joker and say to myself, "one life wouldn't be a bad thing."[wink]
[rolleyes]I dont believe this, how can a person with an outstanding warrant obtain a gun. I thought gun laws were supposed to prevent this???
The guy is very lucky to be alive. IMHO, the police would be in the right to have fired on this person as he was attempting to draw..

I guess the questions I have are.. Was the 380 on the AG list. And where the hell did he find 380ammo??
Last friday we pulled a 380 off a guy who had been casing cars in a lot along with three of his bestess friends. He was on probabtion for what do you think ?? and he had a 380 with scratched off serial numbers. Just another misunderstood person trying to make a living. As the world turns, so does my head.

My boy din do nuttin!
There was a Ayoob file story I read a few weeks ago that had similar responses. A vetran who is 72 is having a sandwich at Subway. Two thugs enter with shotguns, take everyone's money, and then heards them into the back. The veteran knows what is going to happen, so he shoots both of them, killing one with a head shot and putting the other in critical condition. The grandmother of the deceased dirtbag say "he had no right to kill my boy...." then further went on to say "he was just starting to turn his life around". Really? Sounds to me more like he was just about to execute several innocent people before the veteran provided the dirtbag with a well deserved extra hole in the head. Oh and all the good folks in the neighborhood where the kid lived said he was murdered....how could the police let him get away with this.....and other moonbat stupid stuff.

Side note, the veteran shot because they hearded them in the back and told them to lay on the floor. Does anyone know of any stats on the percentage of robberies where such actions result in execution of the victims? I know a lot of people say it's high and at that point you fire whether or not they have the drop on you.....but I'm curious HOW high.
There was a Ayoob file story I read a few weeks ago that had similar responses. A vetran who is 72 is having a sandwich at Subway. Two thugs enter with shotguns, take everyone's money, and then heards them into the back. The veteran knows what is going to happen, so he shoots both of them, killing one with a head shot and putting the other in critical condition. The grandmother of the deceased dirtbag say "he had no right to kill my boy...." then further went on to say "he was just starting to turn his life around". Really? Sounds to me more like he was just about to execute several innocent people before the veteran provided the dirtbag with a well deserved extra hole in the head. Oh and all the good folks in the neighborhood where the kid lived said he was murdered....how could the police let him get away with this.....and other moonbat stupid stuff.

Side note, the veteran shot because they hearded them in the back and told them to lay on the floor. Does anyone know of any stats on the percentage of robberies where such actions result in execution of the victims? I know a lot of people say it's high and at that point you fire whether or not they have the drop on you.....but I'm curious HOW high.

Sounds more like he was about to change everyone else's Life and the lives of the families of the innocent people who could of gotten killed by that hood rat. What happend to the Vet? Any word? Hope he gets off as a hero! He should!
Sounds more like he was about to change everyone else's Life and the lives of the families of the innocent people who could of gotten killed by that hood rat. What happend to the Vet? Any word? Hope he gets off as a hero! He should!

The man never wanted to be identified, didn't want any media coverage. He was cleared of the shoot, but the gun took about a year to come out of evidence. However, he was allowed to continue carrying another gun during the wait. I did some digging around and there were some reports that he was getting death threats from family and friends of the douchebag.
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