Would a pelican box make a good car safe?


Pelican Box works really well.

Why not in Mass?

I have a Pelican case with molded in tabs to put on a padlock if one so wished.

That would qualify as your locked container.

Heres an idea Im going to do. BJ's Club has a small comonation lock metal box in the office supply section for just $19.95. I plan on drinng a couple of holes in the bottom and screwing it down somewhere in the pickup truck. Easy to open, cheap and handy.

To bad truck manufactures did not build in easy accessable storage like rifle racks and suck right into the truck. but Hey they cant even figure out how to make a roof and door that wont dump 50 pounds of snow into the drivers seat and on the electric doors switch panel. Idiots put plastic windshield wash nozzles right where you scrape the ice off so your wiper blades can work; and of course wiper motors that just have to run one more time after you shut them off just when you start the truck and rip the rubber off the blades because there frozzen....... Jeezee don get me started!

Capt Walt

Dumb Ass truck desginers!

PS: Yea and the god dam rounded floors that make all your tools fall out the doors when you open them.. I had to tell you about that!

CAMOFLANGE The Box the Martha Stewart way by glueing Flowers or even a Duckin Donut cardboard on the box. The less desirable the item ie: Tim Hurtons, Damino Pizza etc.. the better the CamoFlange will work.
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Pelican Box works really well.

Why not in Mass?

I have a Pelican case with molded in tabs to put on a padlock if one so wished.

That would qualify as your locked container.

Heres an idea Im going to do. BJ's Club has a small comonation lock metal box in the office supply section for just $19.95. I plan on drinng a couple of holes in the bottom and screwing it down somewhere in the pickup truck. Easy to open, cheap and handy.

To bad truck manufactures did not build in easy accessable storage like rifle racks and suck right into the truck. but Hey they cant even figure out how to make a roof and door that wont dump 50 pounds of snow into the drivers seat and on the electric doors switch panel. Idiots put plastic windshield wash nozzles right where you scrape the ice off so your wiper blades can work; and of course wiper motors that just have to run one more time after you shut them off just when you start the truck and rip the rubber off the blades because there frozzen....... Jeezee don get me started!

Capt Walt

Dumb Ass truck desginers!

PS: Yea and the god dam rounded floors that make all your tools fall out the doors when you open them.. I had to tell you about that!

[laugh]. Yes, I have the same problem with ice and snow.

I guess I have been Loserchuserettsized about leaving a firearm unattended in a car, locked up or not. Conventional wisdom is that it is not illegal, but your chief just may decide you are not a suitable gun owner.

I have a new pelican box that has two holes for locks. I can put a padlock through one hole, and a cable lock attached through the other and attach to a seat post.

I just didn't know if it was easy to defeat the pelican or should I get one of those thin metal safes that would serve the same purpose. I'd just rather use the pelican box and save 30 bucks.

I can camouflage it with something stupid like a pillow or something. (I have an SUV - no trunk)
+1 for the "secure-it" for the car. Fits nicely in a backpack for vacation also.
I have a pelican case for every one of my pistols. I use them mostly when I am backpacking or canoeing. They are waterproof and float. I also have some "survival items" packed into them as well such as firestarter, small knife, micro headlamp, compass and whistle. You never know when you may have to "bug out" of camp in a hurry.
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