Would you buy a gun used in a crime?

Aug 10, 2006
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Hmm... Some very interesting replies on the police confiscation question.... which now bring up another..

If a firearm was used in a crime, then confiscated and later resold in a police auction/resold, would you feel comfortable buying it?

I guess this all depends on if you knew the history or not and type of crime it was used in....

I wouldn't blink at buying some old c&r rifles which I'm sure have seen some action in conflicts but I think I'd be hesitant to purchase something used in a violent crime. Why I dunno... then again, who knows about the history of some of my used guns from consignment, I guess what I dont know wont bother me. Bad Karma associated with it? [hmmm]
If we believe that the gun is just a tool, and that people kill people, not guns, then why shouldn't I or anyone buy a gun used in a violent crime. I don't believe in ghosts. I don't believe in bad luck charms. If I got a good deal on a nice gun I wanted, while I might not ask how the police got it, I sure wouldn't hesitate to buy it.

Why, do you know somewhere I can buy a few guns? [laugh]
Kinda funny how sometimes I read the yankee artifact descriptions and it says something about the blood splatter causing pitting and discolorations on some of the items they sell and in a prior post how it came to light where they get their stock from.
I would buy it, it's just an object, assuming the particular gun was
worth buying. Even if it was involved in a crime the person that pulled
the trigger is the one responsible- the gun has no free will of its

good points so far... I guess It really shouldnt make a difference. But after hearing about the shootings today at VT I would just feel uneasy if I had come across weapons involved in a homocide for sale.

What I dont know wont bother me.
Actually if it was used in a really bad crime or some historical significance, doesn't the value go up? Such as the .38spl Jack Ruby used?
Sure, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

However, I might be a bit more reluctant to purchase a home where a particularly gruesome murder or crime occurred (I wouldn't live in the Tate residence or Jeffery Dahmers apartment if someone paid me).
I never had bought a gun for the story. I like quality and price. With a few C&R exceptions of historical value.
Of course I'd buy it, as long as the purchase wasn't benefiting the criminal. What difference would it make? Superstition is silly.
Like someone mentioned, they're only tools that people used to comit crimes. Hell, I'd buy the guns used in today's shootings if they were offered to me at a good price.
I've heard of people who won't buy foreign milsurps because they might have killed Americans.

I've read from other gun owners that they'd refuse to buy/own any firearm associated with Nazi Germany (I probably don't need to explain their reasons).

I recall one firearms forum from a few years ago and the site owner would pull any ads for WW-II German guns then proceed to let loose with a diatribe
against the seller.
I absolutely would, I love German mausers for their design and reliability without ever giving a second thought to the perpetrated evils in which they were pawns. Why would a domestic crime of a much smaller scale be any different?
Now if only I could find the dealer that has Oswald's 6.5 mm carcano sitting on his shelf. [smile]
I've read from other gun owners that they'd refuse to buy/own any firearm associated with Nazi Germany (I probably don't need to explain their reasons).
I used to think that way until a Jewish gun dealer from NJ pointed out to me that HE has their guns, THEY don't, and in fact their whole regime is now on the garbage heap of history.

I envy my friend his Nazi-proofmarked Walther P38 now... [smile]
How about suicide guns? I`ve seen afew in my years @ gun shop- not superstitious, would`nt want regardless of price. What say you?
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