Wow, gun fever is contageous!!!

Apr 24, 2008
Providence, RI
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Yesterday I took my friend Kelly to the range with me. Today, four other people, two of them women, asked if I can take them, too.[grin] Most other co-workers seem to be curious, asking me how is my shooting every day. I always tell then how it is, and they say that looks like we have a lot of fun! My anti-gun boss mentioned that I am "corrupting" people. Next week I am going to place a flyer with an offer to be my guest in the gun club, and probably the boss will have a heart attack[wink]
If every shooter will introduce at least one person to shooting sport, it will be too many gun owners for gun control!
It's a lot of fun isn't it? When I first got my license a lot of people were typical antis and would say discouraging things but many of these same people would pause and then add, "can I go with you to the range?" [smile]
Just keep corrupting your co workers.[smile]

When my wife worked at Lloyd's Animal Hospital and drove my car (complete with NRA and Taunton Rifle and Pistol stickers in the rear window) she was approached by a progun associate. Durring their conversation is when the anit's came out. One woman asked "You have guns in your house?" To which her reply was, "Yup. And we have knives too. Only we don't keep those in the safe." I love my wife.[smile]
Good for you. It's great when you turn someone's one of the things that I've found to be the best as an instructor.

To see someone that's never touched a gun...then have them smiling and not wanting to stop by the time we get to the range.
To see someone that's never touched a gun...then have them smiling and not wanting to stop by the time we get to the range.
Yes! This is extremely rewarding. Especially if that person was afraid of guns previously. My Mom wasn't that's comfortabe with my hobby a short while ago, but now she is keep asking if I can buy a small light pistol for her. And after I told her about planning a trip to Guatemala, her first question was:
-Find out if you can take your Makarov with you![wink]
over the years i have convinced 3 or 4 antis that they should try out shooting so that they could see what they hated....the results are that 2 of them now have an LTC. i am working on my son in law now and he is almost converted.
I have been shooting for years and years. Since I was 15 and you know what, I enjoy it just as much today as I did back then. Total relaxation and release.

Good for you. I hope you can get to more people at your work. Every person who gets into it today helps the cause.


I got my ltcA and now my dad and stepmom are getting theirs I do believe both have their apps in and are just waiting on what to get! [smile] Help the ones you love!! [laugh2]
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