WTF? Ban Circular saws

Why why why did he not video tape the event? Murdering someone (particularly his own mother) is not in anyway funny and is a sad example of the human condition. Clearly not something I would watch.

Him killing HIMSELF ala "Darwin's waiting room" by attempting to saw his own head off? Pure entertainment. [popcorn]
Gross......They should ban them damn it, why on earth does an ordinary citizen need such a potentially deadly device? The only way you should be allowed to buy one is with a CCL (Circular Carpentry License) [wink]
Hey, at least it doesn't release CO2 into the atmosphere and contribute to Global Warming, like Self Immolation.


Aftermath Cleaning Company was established to provide clients in Massachusetts and Rhode Island with the specialized cleaning and sterilization of trauma and crime scenes associated with suicides, accidents, decomposition, natural death and acts of violence. We are directly engaged in the cleanup and removal of blood, body fluids and airborne pathogens.
You have NO idea how much this blows my mind... that there's a company that can make a profitable living providing this service JUST TO MA AND RI!
Are we talking like a nice magnesium worm-drive Skil-saw, a reliable 15-Amp Milwaukee, or a $40 Walmart special? Left-hand blade or right? Corded or cordless?

What a terribly written news story. No important details.

I have to assume he was using a "finishing" blade.
All right, can we cut the bad jokes here? I mean really... just because it was a hack writer, who probably wasn't the sharpest guy out there, doesn't mean that his feelings won't be cut to the bone by your remarks.
I don't think the framers ever took it into account that someone could be running around willy-nilly with a cordless circular saw and multiple battery packs.
One of the neighbors in the old neighborhood I used to live in cut his own head off with a chainsaw,while attempting to cut a branch over his head. I guess we should put those on the ban list too.
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