You have to be kidding

Sep 7, 2007
Northshore, MA
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A magazine of magazines?! LOL![laugh]




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I can't see the advantage in that. It takes up the same amount of space as individual or double mag holders and it could jam.
After having it for a year I still can't figure out how to use the 3-point sling I put on one of my ARs......I bet I couldn't figure out how to use 3/4 of all that stuff that guy has tied/suspended/velcroed/quick-released/strapped/buckled onto himself.

I'm sure plenty of shooting range comandos will eat that thing up though.
You'd think they'd have had the ingenuity and initiative to design it like a Pez dispenser, with the monkey head up top. I'd buy one then.


Seriously now, these milspec monkey guys are tools.

Last time I went to a carbine class I wore a simple four mag chest rig (to avoid frequent trips back to get ammo) and a pair of knee pads. Some people in the same class were kitted out as if they were headed to f***ing Mars. [rolleyes] Other that that old Carhartts, a long sleeve fishing shirt, a boonie hat and hiking boots is all I wore.

Oh, and while most were walking around with drop leg holsters with that little flip down hood and every kind of tacticool pistol with lights and lasers I just wore a K frame in a leather pancake.

Seriously now, these milspec monkey guys are tools.

Last time I went to a carbine class I wore a simple four mag chest rig (to avoid frequent trips back to get ammo) and a pair of knee pads. Some people in the same class were kitted out as if they were headed to f***ing Mars. [rolleyes] Other that that old Carhartts, a long sleeve fishing shirt, a boonie hat and hiking boots is all I wore.

Oh, and while most were walking around with drop leg holsters with that little flip down hood and every kind of tacticool pistol with lights and lasers I just wore a K frame in a leather pancake.

Some people are far more interested in how they look than if they can actually accomplish the task at hand.
Cool! I'm going to buy a dozen of them and make a magazine for them!

Then I'm going to sell them..... and wait for someone to buy a bunch and make magazines for them.... it'll be this awesome MLM scheme! We can all be rich!
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