Zimmerman in custody...

Well look at the twat that he married, is probably pissed that they didn't get more money from this whole damn thing!

how long are people going to flim flam the zim zam? you can only flim flam a zim zam so much until the zim zam is backed into a corner and becomes aggressive.
It was those goddam aliens

So she files for divorce. Now all of a sudden she calls the cops on him...him having recently clearing himself of a murder charge from defending himself with a gun. Hmmmmm...
Knowing what I know about domestic violence involved when people are going through a divorce, there is a better than average chance that claim he was threatening her with a gun is completely made up. Of course, on the other hand, there are often cases where what was going on is actually far worse than the claim. But that is less likely when the person making the claim is also the person who filed for divorce.

Whatever the case, things have turned to shit for GZ. It might actually be better for him not to have any guns right now, since it seems like it'd be easy for him to fall off the edge, if he hasn't already.
Liberals destroyed his life. I'm sure he can't get a job and then his wife files for divorce. The man has been unfairly branded as a racist murderer by POTUS and his AG and the liberal media. Hopefully his wife just overreacted and he walks. He needs serious witness relocation protection and to start a new life.
Found some more on this whole thing, I would bet one of my stones that this D-bag is lying to just get him into jail and killed!

Fla. police called on George Zimmerman

Shellie Zimmerman was asking that her husband pay for a permanent life insurance policy with her named as the beneficiary, according to a divorce petition made public last week
If this doesn't prove something is fishy here I don't know what else he should even do!

Liberals destroyed his life. I'm sure he can't get a job and then his wife files for divorce. The man has been unfairly branded as a racist murderer by POTUS and his AG and the liberal media. Hopefully his wife just overreacted and he walks. He needs serious witness relocation protection and to start a new life.

I'm not taking one side or the other but people getting divorced/separated after an SD shooting is more common that you would think- it ends up ****ing up people's lives due to all the stress and the bullshit involved, and the financial vacuum sucking noise that happens. Events like that can expose serious, deep flaws in a relationship that probably just got covered with a rug previously or glossed over.

Shellie Zimmerman was asking that her husband pay for a permanent life insurance policy with her named as the beneficiary, according to a divorce petition made public last week.

so she thinks he's going to get capped and wants to profit from his death!! What a POS she is!!
I think you might find that this is a plan by her lawyer, so that they get his undivided attention and to get the divorce settled in a hurry and to thier liking.

Yeah, probably true.... about 90% of the divorce lawyers out there are devious in this regard... get the man over the barrel, prepare for easy rape... throwing an RO on him puts him on a downward pitch, and makes it so he wants to get it over with as quickly as possible so he can get back to something resembling

We all knew he should have moved in the middle of no where and kept a real low profile - he hasn't.

The soon to be X is proving to be a B & C.

The Z man knows he is wanted by TPTB, no way he would sanely do this. My vote, more divorce 'case building'.

The father-in-law will tell the tale, if he was there and was threatened and provides evidence that's one thing - but it looks like (inferring from the article) that she said 'he threatened her and her father' to the cops.

Divorces suck, no one wins and your faith in the opposite sex is destroyed.
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