Zimmerman in custody...


FWIW, a bloody nose was enough to get him out before.

Assuming the report is true and there is evidence the father was in fact punched in the face, could he have shot GZ?

Drudge put up the link to the 911 call. I call MAJOR BS. Ok, she says over and over about his gun, his gun and that they think he could shoot them. Yet they are outside while calling 911 and did not flee inside the house. Z according to the call has a bodyguard. So he's doing all this in front of him? Please. She claims her father was punched in the face and might have a broken nose but earlier in the call she says her father has a red mark on his nose. If it were broken or even if he was punch in the nose, he would probably have a bloody nose or some blood. She's using all he hot button phrases "scared", afraid, etc.

He smashed the ipad, then but it with a knife? How the heck to you cut an ipad with a knife or blade? And why would you after it was already smashed?


And remember, she's already been proven in court to be a liar. Her credibility is nil.
Listened to the 911 call...maybe it's not but it sounds like BS to me. One-sided call with her father. Her call is all full of buzzwords. "I don't know what he's capable of", "keeps touching his gun", "threatening all of us", "he's gonna shoot us", "I'm really really afraid", "I'm really really scared"...much of it unprompted. Yelling that her dad needs to get inside because "he may start shooting at us". Insists her dad gets medical attention even though the dad says he's fine.

It'll be interesting to hear the other side, apparently Zimmerman had a body guard with him.
Based on what you have posted, if it be true. Then it falls into the realm of "divorce lawyer tactics".

I like this from the orlando paper piece. "He’s in his car and he continually has his hand on his gun and he keeps saying 'step closer' and he’s just threatening all of us," Shellie Zimmerman said in the 911 call.

How the heck to you see if some has their hand on their gun while they are in a car unless you are standing right next to it and at that point you really are not afraid, etc. Also, he was in custody for investigative purposes. If he did punch the father in the face, my guess is he'd be arrested on site for A&B, that's what happens with every case I've seen.

Drudge is reporting he's been released. So no charges, the BS belief we all have seems to be correct.

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From the orlando paper reporting.

The victims are not speaking to police and were waiting for their attorney to arrive, Bracknell said.

Why do VICTIMS need to wait for an attorney to speak to the cops? They called 911, they are the "victims". BS.
Listened to the 911 call...maybe it's not but it sounds like BS to me. One-sided call with her father. Her call is all full of buzzwords. "I don't know what he's capable of", "keeps touching his gun", "threatening all of us", "he's gonna shoot us", "I'm really really afraid", "I'm really really scared"...much of it unprompted. Yelling that her dad needs to get inside because "he may start shooting at us". Insists her dad gets medical attention even though the dad says he's fine.

It'll be interesting to hear the other side, apparently Zimmerman had a body guard with him.

Don't forget while she was fine throughout the call, she got in the crying and weeping at the end of it. Also she says something about there is a woman in there, and was shocked. I think she might have seen a woman in Georges car and that she might be a new gf or something. She didn't sound too pleased. After seeing shellie, hey George is no looker but he's in Florida there are hot girls everywhere, the 2nd tier are much better than shellie.
Regardless of the hows or whys, it's hard to understand why the guy won't lay low. You'd hope he's smart enough to know that people are gunning for him. Best to dot all those Is and cross those Ts.
Friend and key defense witness John Donnelly told MailOnline: 'George has been having an affair with his ex-fiancee. Shellie believes it flared back up after the acquittal.'

read the rest of the dailymail piece. She's a scorned woman who is very angry. In the 911 tape, at the end, she says something about 'there's a woman (in the car) with george. She repeated it after it was told to her by probably her father and is shocked by it. The woman probably was his ex who he is now having a relationship with. George better have someone with him 24/7 and never go near the current wife again without plenty of witnesses. We'll be hearing more about this messy divorce I'm sure.

This is the media's doing. I feel he is now being targeted and given extra attention in order to be arrested and held since he was found nt guilty
A disillusioned spouse called the cops on her soon to be ex-husband and claimed he threatened her? Color me surprised.

She trying to game the system. That guy needs to move to Montana or go work in the Dakota oil fields. Seriously dude, GTFO of there.
A disillusioned spouse called the cops on her soon to be ex-husband and claimed he threatened her? Color me surprised.

She trying to game the system. That guy needs to move to Montana or go work in the Dakota oil fields. Seriously dude, GTFO of there.

yeah no kiding.
Based on what you have posted, if it be true. Then it falls into the realm of "divorce lawyer tactics".

Scripted with all the right words.
A friend was in the process of getting a divorce. Pretty civil and mutual.
No major drama,. No fights or broken furniture, The two of them just decided to call it quits.
The first sleaze of a lawer she went to , kept trying to get her to say there was physical abuse. Telling her it would get her a better settlement and more leverage for custody.
Even though she insisted there was no violent history at all, the sleaze kept pushing her to lie.
She finally got fed up and canned that one and hired another lawyer.
A disillusioned spouse called the cops on her soon to be ex-husband and claimed he threatened her? Color me surprised.

She trying to game the system. That guy needs to move to Montana or go work in the Dakota oil fields. Seriously dude, GTFO of there.
they can hire him for the next season of Gold Rush in AK
Wants enough to force something like a DV RO but not enough where she could get bagged for perjury again. [rofl]


She could still get bagged for perjury for lying on a domestic violence restraining order. I don't think it would be high on the list of cases to pursue by the prosecutors though. [thinking] But also, Shellie just accepted a plea deal a week or two ago for her perjury. She's on probation for 1 year, lying would violate that. George has no restrictions right now, Shellie does and should watch herself.

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Scripted with all the right words.
A friend was in the process of getting a divorce. Pretty civil and mutual.
No major drama,. No fights or broken furniture, The two of them just decided to call it quits.
The first sleaze of a lawer she went to , kept trying to get her to say there was physical abuse. Telling her it would get her a better settlement and more leverage for custody.
Even though she insisted there was no violent history at all, the sleaze kept pushing her to lie.
She finally got fed up and canned that one and hired another lawyer.

Well of course. She gets more settlement, alimony, etc., the lawyer gets more $$.
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