

  • 4,945
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Come rent this peace of history! This Full auto PPSH is available for rent and is not the only full auto in our arsenal!

4th circuit rules banning handgun sales to 18/20 YO unconstitutional

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This is a big one.

As Judge Julius Richardson wrote for the three-judge panel . . .

When do constitutional rights vest? At 18 or 21? 16 or 25? Why not 13 or 33? In the law, a line must sometimes be drawn. But there must be a reason why constitutional rights cannot be enjoyed until a certain age. Our nation’s most cherished constitutional rights vest no later than 18. And the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms is no different.

Plaintiffs seek an injunction and a declaratory judgment that several federal laws and regulations that prevent federally licensed gun dealers from selling handguns to any 18-, 19-, or 20-year-old violate the Second Amendment. We first find that 18-year-olds possess Second Amendment rights. They enjoy almost every other constitutional right, and they were required at the time of the Founding to serve in the militia and furnish their own weapons. We then ask, as our precedent requires, whether the government has met its burden...

Independence Day 2021

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On behalf of NES, the moderators and I would like everyone to enjoy this weekend and remember what it means.

In Congress, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of...

BREAKING: FPC Wins “Assault Weapon” Lawsuit in Historic Victory for Second Amendment Rights

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SAN DIEGO, CA (June 4, 2021) — Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that Judge Roger T. Benitez of the Southern District of California has issued an opinion in Miller v. Bonta (previously Miller v. Becerra), holding that California’s tyrannical ban on so-called “assault weapons” is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. The opinion, along with other filings in this case, can be viewed at


Making to the Top Shelf pics!

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I spotted this Colt a few weeks ago in the classified. Fully engraved by John Adams II. One of the better names in handgun engraving. He and his dad John both engrave for Colt. The engraving was first class but the esthetics just were not right in my view( no offense to the previous owner) it just needed a few little tweaks to get it to the top shelf. I had some thoughts, which I told a great client about- he bought it.
The front sight looked to be a tritium that someone took out the the vial and plugged with a gold bead, the MSH was proud of the frame. The thumb safety was really the wrong style for a classic engraved gun. Then there was just too much stainless. There was so much that there was no visual point to focus on. The barrel was a BarSto and really needed to be a Colt to keep some integrity . Mammoth was a no brainer. The grip screws that came with it had to go.

So I replaced the front sight with black steel. Fit a Colt NM barrel and EGW bushing. Colt thumb safety and...

SCOTUS rules 9-0 on police/privacy and the 4A... in a gun case. Constitution actually applied!

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Source with no paywall!



I'll take this win. Let's keep going, shall we? Maybe pare down exigency even further?

P.S. Admins, let me know if this belongs in OT... but it seems like a "gun" case.

NES/MFS March Giveaway ***Ruger Wrangler .22lr***

  • 42,595
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Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Ruger Wrangler .22lr in March.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by March 31st. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to own a handgun in the state your residence as of NOW. All...

Comm2A wins in MA state court against the FLRB

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Comm2A is pleased to announce that we have won a case in Suffolk Superior Court on the issue of FLRB failing to grant proper hearings for rights restoration. The FLRB was denying outright all requests for restoration on the basis that federal law prevented recipients of the restoration from lawfully possessing firearms. This has been firmly rejected in almost a dozen cases Comm2A has quietly been taking on the issue. We have supported, through attorneys Jason Guida (@MassachusettsFirearmsAttorney) and Keith Langer, a host of cases culminating in 3 appeals cases to the Superior Court. See link for text of the courts well reasoned opinion in Capano v. Dunne. Comm2A will not rest until this issue has been litigated to completion. The absurdity of the FLRB's position, and the ATFs, on this issue needs to be addressed. A prerequisite to firearms rights restoration does not, and never was, the need to lose your voting, public office, and juror rights.
Read the memorandum of decision in...

NES/MFS February Giveaway ***Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380***

  • 39,762
  • 1,103

Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 in February.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by Feb 27th. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to own a handgun in the state your residence as of...

GOAL Joins Amicus Brief in New York Case

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GOAL Joins Amicus Brief in New York Case

Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) has joined with other groups to support an amicus brief for the case of New York Rifle and Pistol Association v. Keith Corlett. The case seeks to have the U.S. Supreme Court review an adverse decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The case, rising from New York, challenges the inability to carry firearms outside the home in some instances. It also challenges the “may issue” statute in New York.

There are some courts and government entities that insist the prior US Supreme Court decisions of Heller and McDonald as only protecting the ability to carry/possess a loaded firearm in the home. In this case, we are asking the Supreme Court to hold that the Second Amendment’s protections include the right to carry outside the home.”

The secondary purpose of the case is the challenge the “may issue” licensing laws. According to the court filings, only eight states are left that use this...

NES/MFS January Giveaway ***Hi-Point 995TS 9mm

  • 39,225
  • 1,144

Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Hi-Point 995TS 9mm Carbine in January.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by January 30th. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to own a...

NES/MFS December Giveaway ***Mossberg 702 Plinkster .22lr***

  • 34,487
  • 988

Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Mossberg 702 Plinkster .22lr in December.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by December 31st. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to own a handgun in the state your residence as of NOW...

Veterans Day 2020

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Have a great day Guys and Gals! Happy Birthday USMC. I posted the USMC Commandant's 245th Birthday message in the Military thread.


NES/MFS November Giveaway ***Chinese Surplus SKS Type 56***

  • 37,281
  • 1,160

Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Chinese Surplus SKS Type 56 aka, Peasant rifle, in November.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by November 30th. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to...

NES/MFS October Giveaway ***Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Sport***

  • 39,257
  • 1,061

Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 in October.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by October 31st. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to own a handgun in the state your residence as of...

9th Circuit Strikes down Magazine Restrictions - Breaking

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Just breaking now. Heard it on Gun and Gadgets.

Online New Hampshire Hunter Safety Course

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Just a reminder.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all class requirements must be met through the online course along with a field day to get hunter certification. Traditional in-person Hunter Education classes have been cancelled for 2020. Registration for field days will open July 1.

Once students pass the online exam, they will receive a voucher with a link to register for their field day. The cost of the online exam is $29.00 which is paid only upon passing. Masks and other personal protective equipment will be provided as needed at the field days, and class sizes will be limited to ensure the safety of participants.

Please Note: Field days are currently available only for New Hampshire residents age 15 and older; 12- to 14-year-olds will not be able to join a field day this year due to limited capacity.

Anyone unable to attend a field...

Happy Independence Day 2020

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I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

NES/MFS July Giveaway ***Stoeger STR-9***

  • 33,520
  • 854

Mass Firearms and would like to give away a Stoeger STR-9 in July.


How do you enter?

Simple, if you're a GREEN member you can simply post in this thread "In" and I will add you to the drawing.
If you are not a GREEN member become one and post "In" in this thread.
All checks for membership must be received by July 31st. If you still want in after that date you must use PayPal.

***Posting more than the word "In" or posting more than once will get you disqualified. ***

In order to enter you must be legally able to own a handgun in the state your residence...

Memorial Day

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Is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. PERIOD.

And I for one am both thankful and grateful for their sacrifice for this great nation. May they rest in peace, and may they never be forgotten.

God Bless.
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