“New” offerings from cmp CustomShop Builds

Absolutely :
I did a thread on that also
New springs
Tight lower band
Snug stock and tight trigger group lock up along with a nice trigger job does wonders. As does shooting good ammo

Any cmp rifle that shoots 6 moa or less out of the box is a good start
3-4 moa - is outstanding
Anything better is a gift.

Oh also make sure your sights are not loose. Watch that rear aperture. Make sure it does not wobble left to right.

Ever think about running a CMP Service Grade shooting clinic? There’s only so much good advice one can absorb from the internet, compared to in-person!
Ever think about running a CMP Service Grade shooting clinic? There’s only so much good advice one can absorb from the internet, compared to in-person!
Watch for the Old Colony CMP schedule this year. Any of those matches can be a 'clinic'. That's how I started then went VERY deep into that rabbit hole. You can get instruction at Ames as well- they have a couple CMP shoots. The closest clinic run by CMP itself is SAFS (Small Arms Firing School) at Camp Ethan Allen every September.
Watch for the Old Colony CMP schedule this year. Any of those matches can be a 'clinic'. That's how I started then went VERY deep into that rabbit hole. You can get instruction at Ames as well- they have a couple CMP shoots. The closest clinic run by CMP itself is SAFS (Small Arms Firing School) at Camp Ethan Allen every September.
I did a shoot at OCSA with @Mountain and @mac1911

Won a karma. Was a great time.

Go do it

Everyone was super helpful.
That was an awsome thread, I'd love to do something like that in the future. Right now I don't have the time or bandwidth. I'd be curious what the prices are now 10yrs later by comparison.
I love my current M1, and don't want to use it as my donor. (It shoots well not great) I think the cheapest donor I've seen is $1150 and then would have to spend money, and do a bunch of work I'd never get around to.
If I can get where it's mostly all done for the same price as theyre selling for on nes... sweet.
If I get to Pembroke again, I'll just use their ammo and rifles, I thought it shot pretty well.
Also if you guys hear of any comps in western mass let me know. I haven't seen anything. Pembroke is close 2hrs for me.
That was an awsome thread, I'd love to do something like that in the future. Right now I don't have the time or bandwidth. I'd be curious what the prices are now 10yrs later by comparison.
I love my current M1, and don't want to use it as my donor. (It shoots well not great) I think the cheapest donor I've seen is $1150 and then would have to spend money, and do a bunch of work I'd never get around to.
If I can get where it's mostly all done for the same price as theyre selling for on nes... sweet.
If I get to Pembroke again, I'll just use their ammo and rifles, I thought it shot pretty well.
Also if you guys hear of any comps in western mass let me know. I haven't seen anything. Pembroke is close 2hrs for me.
I think Chicopee will have a match or two? Check out the CMP website. There's a section that lists matches by state.
That was an awsome thread, I'd love to do something like that in the future. Right now I don't have the time or bandwidth. I'd be curious what the prices are now 10yrs later by comparison.
I love my current M1, and don't want to use it as my donor. (It shoots well not great) I think the cheapest donor I've seen is $1150 and then would have to spend money, and do a bunch of work I'd never get around to.
If I can get where it's mostly all done for the same price as theyre selling for on nes... sweet.
If I get to Pembroke again, I'll just use their ammo and rifles, I thought it shot pretty well.
Also if you guys hear of any comps in western mass let me know. I haven't seen anything. Pembroke is close 2hrs for me.
A few fixes thst will not require much $ or time
A new lower band and lower band pin. You want the band tight to the barrel . They used to knurl the barrel under the area of the band and then stake it. This is not legal for JCG as issued match so finding a tight one is trial and error .

Make sure your sights are snug ,
Make sure the rear aperture assembly does not move left to right.
Again sonme what easy fix , old school fix was rubber band holding it to one side.
Trying multiple parts until you find a snug one or get creative
Gas cylinder - dont want that rocking back and forth. I have seen some that easily rock left to right a good 2 moa.

Cleaned up and smoothed out trigger:
Tight stock fit and lock up
I'm on their list... honestly it seems like a good price, matches my level of shooting. I've been looking for one as a "donor". custom match grade... $2500, Korean bring back.... $2500, rack grade $1200. Most of the garands on here are $1700 atleast and you'd still have to sink some money just to make it a 2moa "legal" competition worthy
When did you place your order
When did you place your order
Unfortunately you fill out a info questionnaire just to be able to be on a wait list.
Once they get to me they will contact me so I can place an order. Seems like a wierd way to do it. Hope I don't miss the phone call, lol. I only signed up last week when I came across this thread. I was on cmp site in December too and didn't notice the "new offerings" I kept thinking about getting a expert new model for $1150 as a donor and putting in the work to make it comp ready.
Unfortunately you fill out a info questionnaire just to be able to be on a wait list.
Once they get to me they will contact me so I can place an order. Seems like a wierd way to do it. Hope I don't miss the phone call, lol. I only signed up last week when I came across this thread. I was on cmp site in December too and didn't notice the "new offerings" I kept thinking about getting a expert new model for $1150 as a donor and putting in the work to make it comp ready.
Im not 100% sure what they are doing for another $500 other than a trigger job and stock finishing ? Maybe because the metal is re finished ?
$1150 is not a terrible price for a new stock and new barrel
Unfortunately you fill out a info questionnaire just to be able to be on a wait list.
Once they get to me they will contact me so I can place an order. Seems like a wierd way to do it. Hope I don't miss the phone call, lol. I only signed up last week when I came across this thread. I was on cmp site in December too and didn't notice the "new offerings" I kept thinking about getting a expert new model for $1150 as a donor and putting in the work to make it comp ready.
I wonder if they try to up sell some extras
Barrel up grade , custom fitted stock or bedded stock ? NM upgrade ?
I wonder if they try to up sell some extras
Barrel up grade , custom fitted stock or bedded stock ? NM upgrade ?

It's definitely a custom fitted stock to the rifle. I was gonna ask them if they bedd it, but i doubt they do, cuz it would probably say it. I think it's a match barrel compared to the "1150 model" and they ream the bore. They do a trigger job and sight work. I don't think it's a nm sight because then it wouldn't be standard issue for competitions. Then all the refinishing is mostly cosmetic to prolong durability.
I'm definitely paying extra for the convenience of having someone else do it.
But i know I'd never get around to it. It's taken me a yr to mount a scope to my M1a and I'm still not finished.
It's definitely a custom fitted stock to the rifle. I was gonna ask them if they bedd it, but i doubt they do, cuz it would probably say it. I think it's a match barrel compared to the "1150 model" and they ream the bore. They do a trigger job and sight work. I don't think it's a nm sight because then it wouldn't be standard issue for competitions. Then all the refinishing is mostly cosmetic to prolong durability.
I'm definitely paying extra for the convenience of having someone else do it.
But i know I'd never get around to it. It's taken me a yr to mount a scope to my M1a and I'm still not finished.
If you read the description
Its mostly cosmetic up grade and a trigger job CS Special Rifle - Civilian Marksmanship Program

Still a good price for a reparked , finished stock and a new barrel .

This was basically the cmp service grade special few couple years back

Its a criterion barrel , a “match grade” M1 barrel would add several hundred more

Still very good barrels
The barrels are finished reamed to spec .

Consider Douglas and Krieger match barrels are going to run $500 or even more these days?

At $1650 your not going to do better doing it yourself or out sourcing it to someone else.

Barrel $230
IDK what a stock set goes for these days.

Im anxious for anyone who has ordered one !
My CMP "as issued" Special grade (Criterion barrel) with a Fulton mounted optic shooting bench supported , i saw 2.52 MOA with my M2 ball replicated handoads. Pretty happy with that. Need to get the optic mounted back on and test some 168 match loads.
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