There's definitely alot of ppl that would say they'd do do it. However,as we all know,everyone says they want to and usually end up doing things a few times only... That being said,I recently spoke to Trey Tuggle (NRA Hi-Power Tactical rifle Co-Ord) and he is trying to get as much involvement in his program as possible. He is running an invite only Tactical Match the 2 days after Hi-power week this yr @ Nat's. e is hoping to get enough interest/involvement so that in following years it is not an invite only match. Opening up a REAL LONG RANGE club/range in New england is an excellent idea. I live bout 2 1/2 hrs away and would find a way to make it up 2x/mth for matches. Currently I drive to Nashua on Thurs am's during the summer for 600 yd practice. The idea of inviting Manufacturers to make "donations" to make the range affordable for ppl to use is a great idea. There's no doubt Manufacturers would love to promote in New England. If range is developed right(and I'm sure it will be) you also can run regular hi-power matches there.. there's no question there's options for producing funds to sustain the range. The Idea of opening up to the general public is a great idea. I'm sure if you ran "controlled" long range shoots open to the public where ppl can show up and pay to shoot a rifle 1000 yds is another option. I think if there was advertising done through local vendors it would promote it. All in all, love the idea, where do I sign up...