11/19/09 *IMPORTANT* Lots of new "Gun" legislation to be heard at State House

I'll be there on the 19th but would also like more info on the nature of the meeting....how much time for comment? on each bill? etc.

See another thread where GOAL outlined what happened at the last set of hearings in Boston. That should give you a very good idea of what will happen this time too. [thinking] [rolleyes]


I think the thread below (3 pages) is the background on what happened (thread listed just above this paragraph) at the hearing GOAL (Jim Wallace) was referring to.
S1580, also proposed by Sen. Brewer, seems to be common sense. It states that (1) lethal/non-lethal self-defense is lawful anywhere where a person has a right to be (removes the duty to retreat when outside one's home), (2) same goes for defending someone else in similar circumstances and (3) removes all liability from said defense.

I'm loving S 924 - An Act relative to fair licensing. It sounds like it deletes the whole notion of FID , Classes A&B and replaces it with one license for all and at a cost of 50 bucks! Sounds like Brewer's got the right idea

... and it's "shall issue" and allows concealed carry for anyone over 21. As far as I can tell it's roughly the licensing part of H 2259.
Ya know, is it at all possible to use all this f'ing PC/anti gun BS to our favor. Would it be feasible to file suit that as law abiding citizens that we are HIGHLY OFFENDED at the way our "LIFESTYLE" and "RIGHTS" are being VIOLATED and DISCRIMINATED against by the current and proposed laws and regulations that affect our "LIFESTYLE" choices??

Just a thought.......[thinking][angry]

I've said it before about bringing a class action and or civil suit against these politicians and other anti's for harrassment and discrimination.
Whats with all the pepper spray legislation all of a sudden?
My guess is a FUDD-style response trying to allay complaints about women not being able to get pepper spray to defend themselves...

So they can say: "I'm not against self defense, look I supported legislation to allow people to carry assertive letters that tell your attacker how very, very angry you are that you are being attacked"...
S. 1580 is not on the docket for the 19th. Please mention it to your reps when you call/write, it should be up for discussion soon.

If you plan to attend please see the thread above that Len so graciously posted. Basically you need to sign up before the discussions begin to be able to speak.

Thanks everyone for the support, GOAL is looking forward to seeing a large contingent of 2nd Amendment activists at the State House on the 19th.
...If you plan to attend please see the thread above that Len so graciously posted. Basically you need to sign up before the discussions begin to be able to speak.

By "sign up before", does that mean on the same day, or before that? How does one sign up? Thanks.
There is a sign-in sheet either at the door or on a table up-front before the hearing starts. You sign in and can check off if you wish to speak.

After all the "special people" get to speak, IFF there is still time left in the hearing, they will allow those that signed up and checked "want to speak" to do so in the order you signed in.
See another thread where GOAL outlined what happened at the last set of hearings in Boston. That should give you a very good idea of what will happen this time too. [thinking] [rolleyes]


I think the thread below (3 pages) is the background on what happened (thread listed just above this paragraph) at the hearing GOAL (Jim Wallace) was referring to.

Thanks, Len.

Wow...that linked thread paints a pretty grim picture. GOAL didn't even get to speak, yet hundreds of gays showed up and got attention for the horrors of 'gun violence'.

We absolutely need to continue to press legislators, but it wouldn't hurt if we had advocates in the press as well. Perhaps we do, but clearly the gay community (as well as other groups) has 'natural supporters' in the media who will publicize their support and their side of important issues.

One poster in the linked thread fondly remembering when gun owners had '5,000' (perhaps hyperbole) member present, in support of legislation.

If that's true, it's a very bad indicator of where we stand in our efforts based upon the resulting legislation that we now have.

We need a MASSIVE counter argument and presence for our side, to counter the whole 'gun violence' argument.

Attention needs to be shifted to reducing VIOLENCE, by identifying it's root causes and attacking them (breakdown of families, etc). This is something everyone on our side knows, but getting it to occur seems to be a lot more difficult.
Titan, I was part of that 5000. It was a rally in 1999 (IIRC). The Gov was scared of us so banned us from rallying on State House property (there were no hearings that day), so we were forced out on the street/sidewalk instead. We started in the Boston Commons at a corner far away from the statehouse and John Lott was our Keynote Speaker. We marched from there to the sidewalk in front of the State House. IIRC it was only the local Fox-25 or NECN that covered any of this event and it was downplayed as a "few hundred angry gun owners".

A few hundred of us went into the State House demanding to speak with the Gov. He allowed 1 or 2 GOAL staff to talk with him for a few minutes but that's all.

Afterwards I paid a visit to my State Rep and State Senator. My State Rep asked me "what's going on" . . . they seriously had no clue who, how many of us or why we were there!! News blackouts are a great tool to prevent our actions from generating interest in our cause and our enemies use it very well! [thinking]
I think with the Internet, news blackouts can start becoming a thing of the past. You just need enough people linking to the right footage, and eventually it will get picked up and made more mainstream.
Who's going to the State House Thursday? We'd love to see TONS of 2A support at this hearing.

Which is a complete 180 from previous times. What time is the meeting? Is there anything else on the agenda or is it predominately 2A issues? You may want to create a thread solely for meeting logistics and to drum up support for those to go.
Who's going to the State House Thursday? We'd love to see TONS of 2A support at this hearing.

Which is a complete 180 from previous times. What time is the meeting? Is there anything else on the agenda or is it predominately 2A issues? You may want to create a thread solely for meeting logistics and to drum up support for those to go.

I thought this WAS that thread. Then I started reading what seemed like we were being discouraged from going. Now this.

I think GOAL needs to coordinate favorable representatives, citizens, and other professionals for speaking on Thursday. This means each should have a unique story, point of view, and angle on approaching overcoming these problems in our laws which are oppressive to our civil rights. Heck, bring in some "big guns", if need be.

I think GOAL needs to coordinate favorable representatives, citizens, and other professionals for speaking on Thursday. This means each should have a unique story, point of view, and angle on approaching overcoming these problems in our laws which are oppressive to our civil rights. Heck, bring in some "big guns", if need be.


We unfortunately don't have that kind of pull, .gov makes the calls on who speaks and when.
I meant offer guidance to those who are interested, and maybe steer some towards and others away from signing up on the public comments speaker's list.
Titan, I was part of that 5000. It was a rally in 1999 (IIRC). The Gov was scared of us so banned us from rallying on State House property (there were no hearings that day), so we were forced out on the street/sidewalk instead. We started in the Boston Commons at a corner far away from the statehouse and John Lott was our Keynote Speaker. We marched from there to the sidewalk in front of the State House. IIRC it was only the local Fox-25 or NECN that covered any of this event and it was downplayed as a "few hundred angry gun owners".

A few hundred of us went into the State House demanding to speak with the Gov. He allowed 1 or 2 GOAL staff to talk with him for a few minutes but that's all.

Afterwards I paid a visit to my State Rep and State Senator. My State Rep asked me "what's going on" . . . they seriously had no clue who, how many of us or why we were there!! News blackouts are a great tool to prevent our actions from generating interest in our cause and our enemies use it very well! [thinking]

Wow, that's incredible background...thanks.

It sure makes a point about the futility of an effort without 'champions' in the media to get the story out. It sounds like the old adage... 'if a tree falls in a forest, and nobody was there, did it really make a sound?'

No matter what occurs, if there is no coverage, it's a lot harder to get the message out. I guess it's also like trying to defeat a candidate for President when the media is 'in the bag' and won't cover a candidate's negative points.

I wish I hadn't lost so much time in my life, wrapped up in 'other priorities' while failing to participate in this fight. I didn't get back into handguns and find my 'passion' till well into my fifities.

I'm very grateful to those of you who have always been taking the fight to the other side.

OK call me stupid but if people just show up how do they know why we are there? do you check off what you are there for on the sign in sheet? are people bringing signs? or what? how do they know what we are there to support?
Wow, that's incredible background...thanks.

It sure makes a point about the futility of an effort without 'champions' in the media to get the story out. It sounds like the old adage... 'if a tree falls in a forest, and nobody was there, did it really make a sound?'

No matter what occurs, if there is no coverage, it's a lot harder to get the message out. I guess it's also like trying to defeat a candidate for President when the media is 'in the bag' and won't cover a candidate's negative points.

I wish I hadn't lost so much time in my life, wrapped up in 'other priorities' while failing to participate in this fight. I didn't get back into handguns and find my 'passion' till well into my fifities.

I'm very grateful to those of you who have always been taking the fight to the other side.


Too true. I vote for a NES/GOAL radio or TV station.
Hey Guys,

November 19th is going to be a busy one at the State House. Just wanted to give you a heads up as to the scheduled discussions, including this one.

(only in MA.!) "An Act to Allow Citizens Possession of Non-Lethal Protection" [rofl]

Here's the full schedule. Not all of it is bad, anything sponsored by Senator Brewer is good for us.

Note, they are going after paintball, BB and Pellet guns.

I strongly urge everyone to call their legislators about some of these bills, and if you can to get to the State House, let your voice be heard.

Full Schedule:
Notice of Public Hearing

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security will be holding a public hearing on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th at 11:30AM in ROOM B-2 on:


H 33 Executive Office An Act Relative to Electronic Notification of License Expiration
H 35 Executive Office An Act to Extend Time Limits for the Firearm Licensing Review Board
H 541 Rep. Pignatelli An Act Authorizing the Licensing of Firearms for Persons 70 Years of Age or Older
H 2195 Rep. Barrows An Act Relative to the Licensing Fees of Firearms
H 2204 Rep. Callahan An Act Relative to the Fees for the Renewal of FID Cards by Certain Elderly Persons
H 2229 Rep. Gobi An Act Further Regulating the Issuance of Firearm Identification Cards and Licenses to Carry Firearms
H 2233 Rep. Gobi An Act Further Regulating the Issuance of Firearm Identification
H 2237 Rep. Jones An Act Relative to Non Lethal Self Defense Spray
H 2245 Rep. Lantigua An Act Relative to Application for the Use of Mace
H 2246 Rep. Lantigua An Act Relative to the Expiration of a Firearm Identification Card of Gun License
H 2248 Rep. Linsky An Act to Restrict the Issuance of Licenses to Carry Firearms
H 2254 Rep. Murphy An Act Relative to Electrical Weapon Registration
H 2258 Rep. Peake An Act Relative to the Possession of Firearms by People with Dementia
H 2274 Rep. Sannicandro An Act Relative to Pepper Spray
H 2288 Rep. Toomey An Act Relative to Increasing Accessibility to Non Lethal Self Defense Sprays


S 919 Sen. Brewer An Act Reducing Firearm License Application Fees
S 920 Sen. Brewer An Act Further Regulating the Issuance of Firearm Identification Cards and Licenses to Carry Firearms
S 924 Sen. Brewer An Act Relative to Fair Licensing
S 929 Sen. Brown An Act Relative to Remove Pepper Spray from Firearms Identification
S 967 Sen. Morrissey An Act Prohibiting the Use of Paintball Guns
S 970 Sen. Morrissey An Act Requiring a Firearms Licensing Authority to Provide a Receipt for Firearm License Applications
S 975 Sen. O’Leary An Act Relative to Remove Pepper Spray from Firearms Identification
S 985 Sen. Timilty An Act to Allow Citizens Possession of Non-Lethal Protection
S 1000 Sen. Tisei An Act to Reduce Gun Violence and Promote Public Safety
S 1001 Sen. Tisei An Act Relative to the Sale and Possession of BB, Pellet, and Paintball Guns

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact committee staff at 722-2230.

Thank You,

Michael Onoyan
Research Analyst
Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Chairman Michael A. Costello
[email protected]

I know 2259 and 4201 are currently the hot topics, but there are a LOT of other bills to be considered as well. Are these all still open issues, or are any of them now done?
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