18 yr.old non hunter Killed in Paris Me.

Not for anything but a horse doesn't even move like a deer. I'm not a hunter so I won't be condeming this guy but how big does he thing deer get? A moose maybe...but a deer????

As I said I don't hunt but I have seen plenty of deer and they aren't even close in size to a horse.

Like I said about a goose and a swan, you can't mistake them. Mistaking a horse for a deer is unacceptable.
I am a hunter and I AM condemning the guy.

I'm not a hunter, and i'm condeming him. What is the issue here?


We can't have patience for the likes of this guy. I'm sure he's heart broken. I'm sure he's sorry. I'm sure the rifle was pointed at that girl when he pulled the trigger.

I know he shot and killed the girl and that in doing so took aim at a deer that was actually a horse and missed and hit a petite young 18 year old girl.....But I've never hunted and though I know it's WRONG not to identify your target and what's beyond I can't pass judgement because I don't know what he saw that prompted him to pull that trigger. I'm not condoning what he did. A girl is dead and he did it and that is wrong. No question.

But I will not pass judgement on him as it's not my job to do so. If required a jury will decide the level of his guilt in this situation and a judge will pass sentence which I'm sure will be grossly lenient in the eyes of her family.....

I feel bad for all involved and doubly awful that this girl had her life stripped away at such a young age.

As a hunter, I AM condemning him. I will pass judgment on him. It is people like him who are destroy hunting for all of us ethical hunters.

I've been in the field. I've passed up unethical shots. I've watched, waited, and listened for deer ... that turned out to be another hunter. I kept my gun pointed in safe direction until I confirmed my target. I didn't take a shot at what I thought was a deer, or what sounded like a deer.

I respect that you are reserving judgment and are not approving of his actions. What I'm saying is that I've been there and I AM NOT reserving judgment.

You are responsible for the final resting place of each and every bullet that leaves the barrel of your gun. No ifs, ands, or buts. His irresponsible actions took the life of a young girl. He should pay a very heavy price.
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Edited it all out because I am so pissed at what some people have said here that I cannot think straight......[angry] [angry] [angry] [angry]
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But in reading how you all want to hang this guy out to dry, and probably desrvingly so, you are providing ammo for the anti's to make a bid to snatch hunting away from us.

At some point hunting may be the only way we get to retain certain firearms but after reading some of the posts out here I'm not even hopeful of that.

You already gave up, didn't you?


Do us all a favor, when the discussion turns to the right to keep and bear arms, keep silent. Whatever you say and write is FAR more harmful to our cause than what this murdered did. [angry] [angry] [angry]

Go turn in your guns. Now.
You already gave up, didn't you?


Do us all a favor, when the discussion turns to the right to keep and bear arms, keep silent. Whatever you say and write is FAR more harmful to our cause than what this murdered did. [angry] [angry] [angry]

Go turn in your guns. Now.

Wasn't that a tad over the top? [thinking]
From what I read it is required for you to wear orange during hunting season in Maine if you are going to be in the woods. I'm not a hunter so I don't know this as fact but just from what I read on those posts.

orange is only required to be worn by hunters during regular firearms deer season, just archery or ML seasons, or other animal seasons.

though pretty much everyone around me (I live deep in the woods)
wears an orange vest during the deer season (gun and ML)
orange is only required to be worn by hunters during regular firearms deer season, just archery or ML seasons, or other animal seasons.

though pretty much everyone around me (I live deep in the woods)
wears an orange vest during the deer season (gun and ML)

Thankyou very much for that clarification daveInME.
I feel strongly about what I said.

Daceman63 has been a gun control apologist from the get go and that doesn't sit well with me.
You already gave up, didn't you?


Do us all a favor, when the discussion turns to the right to keep and bear arms, keep silent. Whatever you say and write is FAR more harmful to our cause than what this murdered did. [angry] [angry] [angry]

Go turn in your guns. Now.

Jose...you are so right again as you so often are as nobody elses opinions matter. There is nothing about hunting in the second ammendment. You must need a wall full of degrees to have figured that one out.

The point I was making is that in Mass. where they are limiting the firearm style licenses to Class B - Target and Hunting and FID only really good for hunting style rifles they are trying to shove down our thoats and that giving us limited access to certain types of firearms satisfies the second ammendment rights. We all think this is BS.

But thank you for missing my point. As fast as you are to lock this guy up prior to the completion of the investigation is pathetic. There are circumstances behind every event. I chose to wait until the investigation is completed and if the guy is arrested I'd like to wait and see what the facts of the case are and what conclusions the DA and the Judge and a potential jury uncover and decide.

But you continue to listen to the papers and try him in the media like the liberals want. I'll wait for the facts.

I don't disagree that what happened is a horrific tragedy, but we owe him his due process.

But hey, when you f*** up you can just skip all that nonsense and do your time. Maybe for every crime committed we can just run the high levels by you and you can decide on the punishment.

We can scrap the whole judicial system now because we have Jose.

Thanks for being there buddy.
You are the only one from Mass here who takes the defeatist attitude regarding guns.

As for this asswipe who killed an innocent girl, I have ZERO sympathy. He negligently killed an innocent human being. Someone's daughter. This is worse than negligence. Every hunting safety and firearms safety course known to man DRILLS into you the basics of shooting safely. He violated them for NO GOOD REASON.

Some family's child for a piece of venison. Sound like a fair trade to you? If this shitstain gets off, it will be on a technicality. He needs to do hard time.

He might even have to live looking behind his back every day, too. You never know what a distraught father is capable of doing.
You are the only one from Mass here who takes the defeatist attitude regarding guns.

As for this asswipe who killed an innocent girl, I have ZERO sympathy. He negligently killed an innocent human being. Someone's daughter. This is worse than negligence. Every hunting safety and firearms safety course known to man DRILLS into you the basics of shooting safely. He violated them for NO GOOD REASON.

Some family's child for a piece of venison. Sound like a fair trade to you? If this shitstain gets off, it will be on a technicality. He needs to do hard time.

He might even have to live looking behind his back every day, too. You never know what a distraught father is capable of doing.

Hey Jose....I'm not going to get into a pissing contest about this with you. But I will say this......I agree with everything you said except the part about my alleged defeatest attitude which by the way is not the issue here.

The issue is that you have this guy guilty before he's even been arrested. All I asked for was to wait for the facts in the case to be presented in court. But the US Court of Jose has already made its decision.

I feel really bad that a hunter accidentally mistook a horse for a deer and shot a girl and killed her. But when you compare that to the thugs doing the drivebys and paralyzing a little three year old girl and shooting young ladies in the back at their brother's roadside memorials it just doesn't seem as horrific.

Yes, a young girl tragically lost her life in a hunting accident. Involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, murder in the second degree..or whatever you want to call what they ultimately convict him for it is still a hunting accident at best. They will manipulate the charge to determine his punishment but it's an accident. Yes he used bad judgement and forgot all your little safety rules but he did not intend to kill the girl. He meant to and thought he was shooting a deer and he did actually see an animal.

We have scum running the streets with firearms and shooting innocent children and old ladies and any fricken person they desire and they walk free or do very little time.

This guy is a hunter who made a mistake. It was not intentional.

I hope the public is more kind to you when you accidentally cross the line.

I suppose the second ammendment is the only one you're choosing to defend and none of the others matter.
I feel really bad that a hunter accidentally mistook a horse for a deer and shot a girl and killed her. But when you compare that to the thugs doing the drivebys and paralyzing a little three year old girl and shooting young ladies in the back at their brother's roadside memorials it just doesn't seem as horrific.

Yes, a young girl tragically lost her life in a hunting accident. Involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, murder in the second degree..or whatever you want to call what they ultimately convict him for it is still a hunting accident at best. They will manipulate the charge to determine his punishment but it's an accident. Yes he used bad judgement and forgot all your little safety rules but he did not intend to kill the girl. He meant to and thought he was shooting a deer and he did actually see an animal.

We have scum running the streets with firearms and shooting innocent children and old ladies and any fricken person they desire and they walk free or do very little time.

This guy is a hunter who made a mistake. It was not intentional.

I hope the public is more kind to you when you accidentally cross the line.

I suppose the second ammendment is the only one you're choosing to defend and none of the others matter.
A mistake is shooting a spike buck thinking it's a doe.

This shooting was as much an accident as if he had killed her while driving drunk.

I'll stop here before I say something that will get me banned.
A mistake is shooting a spike buck thinking it's a doe.

This shooting was as much an accident as if he had killed her while driving drunk.

I'll stop here before I say something that will get me banned.

He shot at an animal and didn't see the girl. What is so hard to comprehend about that? It has nothing to do with drunk driving. I wish you wannabe liberals would stop using that analogy.

You just can't wait to see what the authorities do? Just go burn a cross on his lawn and throw a rope over a tree branch.

But I'll stop here before I say something that might get me banned.
He shot at an animal and didn't see the girl.

Have you EVER looked at a deer through a hunting rifle's scope???????

Even at 300 yards a god damned horse is impossible to mistake for a deer.

And oh, what's that blonde thing on top of the deer that looks like a horse?

Did you notice I am not the only hunter who has called out this irresponsible jerk for what he is?
Have you EVER looked at a deer through a hunting rifle's scope???????

Even at 300 yards a god damned horse is impossible to mistake for a deer.

And oh, what's that blonde thing on top of the deer that looks like a horse?

Did you notice I am not the only hunter who has called out this irresponsible jerk for what he is?

Jose, FYI- I agree that this guy was beyond negligent, but I read at least
one report that said that she wasn't on/riding the horse when she was
shot. IMO it makes it that much worse... since if she was on the horse
the bullet trajectory would have had to be that much higher in order to hit
her in the chest.

Jose, one report that said that she wasn't on/riding the horse when she was shot. The bullet trajectory would have had to be that much higher in order to hit her in the chest.

DUH!!!!!! Capice Jose???? Have you read all the articles or do you just want to convict him because he's a guy who made a mistake with a firearm?

He shot at a horse which is stupid and he didn't see the girl. Maybe this actually happened this way. But lets hang him first and uncover the truth later. That always works best.
I agree with Daceman....I think this guy deserves his day in court. If something happened to one of us I would like to think we would get to state our side of the story.

That being said I also agree that this guy has to do some time regardless of what the circumstances were that caused him to shoot at the horse and hit the girl.

I've also noticed in another thread it seems Jose has a gripe against Daceman and initiated a personal attack tonight. Kudos to Daceman for blasting back at him. I thought this was a forum where people could freely post thier opinions and not be perosnally attacked for it.
I agree with Daceman....I think this guy deserves his day in court. If something happened to one of us I would like to think we would get to state our side of the story.

That being said I also agree that this guy has to do some time regardless of what the circumstances were that caused him to shoot at the horse and hit the girl.

I've also noticed in another thread it seems Jose has a gripe against Daceman and initiated a personal attack tonight. Kudos to Daceman for blasting back at him. I thought this was a forum where people could freely post thier opinions and not be perosnally attacked for it.

Thanks sks....appreciate the support. [grin]
DUH!!!!!! Capice Jose???? Have you read all the articles or do you just want to convict him because he's a guy who made a mistake with a firearm?

He shot at a horse which is stupid and he didn't see the girl. Maybe this actually happened this way. But lets hang him first and uncover the truth later. That always works best.

Regardless of him not seeing the girl, his actions are still insanely
negligent- let's not lose sight of that here. How the hell does one
mistake a horse for a deer? I'm not getting how he did that, inside
of usable muzzle loader range. It just doesn't make any sense.

According to one of the articles, in ME, you must identify the head and
the torso of the animal that you're hunting, before taking the shot. It would
appear to the layman that he obviously didn't do this. I'm not a hunter,
but a horse looks a hell of a lot different from a deer!

Regardless of him not seeing the girl, his actions are still insanely
negligent- let's not lose sight of that here. How the hell does one
mistake a horse for a deer? I'm not getting how he did that, inside
of usable muzzle loader range. It just doesn't make any sense.

According to one of the articles, in ME, you must identify the head and
the torso of the animal that you're hunting, before taking the shot. It would
appear to the layman that he obviously didn't do this. I'm not a hunter,
but a horse looks a hell of a lot different from a deer!


Agreed. I just think the guy deserves to be tried in court...not in the media or on NES. But one of the alleged facts is that there was a horse there and whether or not we think it's stupid to mistake a horse for a deer in the guys defense he did see an animal. Whatever rules and laws he violated by taking that shot will be disclosed when the investigation is complete. Then they'll decide what charges to bring against this guy.

Certain people out here think this guy went into the woods looking for an 18 year old girl to shoot. That is not the case. The result is the same but it's not the case but I guess some think an accident is far worse than the dliberate murder of school children. Because school shooters have issues and deep rooted reasons for doing what they do we can have compasion but because this guy was sane and made a mistake he deserves the death penalty.

Did he shoot and kill the girl? Yes....nobody is disputing those alleged facts at this time. But I'd like to know more before the guy is hung and hopefully whatever crime he is convicted of if he is convicted of a crime will be fair and just.

It was a bad thing that happened and we'll know the whole truth soon enough. There will be plenty of time for that lethal injection after he's convicted.
But one of the alleged facts is that there was a horse there and whether or not we think it's stupid to mistake a horse for a deer in the guys defense he did see an animal.
EVERY time I go hunting I see animals. I've seen countless birds, squirrels, voles, chipmunks, dogs, foxes, etc. As a hunter IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SEE AN ANIMAL AND SHOOT. You must identify your target. You can just shoot at fur.
Certain people out here think this guy went into the woods looking for an 18 year old girl to shoot.
That is a strawman argument. No one here is saying he deliberately murdered the girl.
EVERY time I go hunting I see animals. I've seen countless birds, squirrels, voles, chipmunks, dogs, foxes, etc. As a hunter IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SEE AN ANIMAL AND SHOOT. You must identify your target. You can't just shoot at fur.

Have I disagreed with this anywhere in my posts?

That is a strawman argument. No one here is saying he deliberately murdered the girl.

I'll wait for the investigation to be complete and draw my conclusions from that rahter that what's written in the papers and on the internet.
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