2013 white tail hunting pictures and experiences.

Got out for a few hours yesterday, and had a couple of grouse keeping me company, feeding up in the trees. A couple of quadtards coming through the area didn't phase them. Then, as the sun set, I heard some crunching coming up behind me - NOT downwind from me. It seems a nature lover was seeking out the masterful tune I was playing with a grunt call. So, no deer. Again.
They're def moving around even in this warmth. My stands lit up with ground scrapes and mauled tree saplings. And the does have been on the run. The 3 bucks I've seen had their heads down, postured and chasing tail. The Bourne/wareham rut is on Cheers
Shot a one horned 4 point on Sunday in NYS. Would have been an 8 but he lost one side of his rack somewhere along the way.
Happy to get some meat in the freezer as I've been skunked the last few years.
I thought I was gonna get blown out of the tree this morning!!!...got down after a couple hours...be back out in the am...not too much movement the last couple days...hopefully tomorrow will be good!
I thought I was gonna get blown out of the tree this morning!!!...got down after a couple hours...be back out in the am...not too much movement the last couple days...hopefully tomorrow will be good!

I envy you guys who can go out everyday. I was in the woods 3 days a week last year but i'm only able to get in 1 day (saturdays) this year. I'll be in wednesday-sat with the Holiday next week though [smile]
I thought I was gonna get blown out of the tree this morning!!!...got down after a couple hours...be back out in the am...not too much movement the last couple days...hopefully tomorrow will be good!
Same here and froze my nuts off. Came home for an hour to eat and get a couple more layers then went back out. Didn't see anything but my brother texted me from about a mile away when he got home from work to tell me there was a big buck in his front yard.
I saw 14 in a field just before the end of legal; the only one's that would come close to me were young fawns. The was a fork buck chasing a doe into and back out of the woods. Maybe I can get back out Thursday afternoon.
Was in the woods Saturday. No luck, but I heard a Doe giving an estrous bleat off about what sounded like 85yrds away 3 different times within the last hour before I had to get out of the tree. The area where she must have been is extremely thick. I have a feeling she was just coming into estrous because she would let out only a single bleat then roughly 30mins passed before the next single bleat. Was a nice day, but too warm....think the warmth caused a lot of doe in (or going into estrous) to stay bedded down.

Also, another hunter may have been the doe.

-Proud to be dad every day, a licensed plumber most days, and wish I was a shoemaker on others.
Hey guys, I just bagged my first deer. A really nice 8 point buck. I have all ready field dressed it but i was wondering if someone could give me a timeline on what should be taking place. My buddies friend says that i need to pull the loins tonight or the meat will dry out. I personally think thats BS because its bellow freezing outside but what do i know. Im just looking for a general timeline like how long i should hang it/ bleed it, when should i start skinning, and when should i start pulling what meat. Also if anyone has any info on what i need to do to get the head mounted that would be great ie. Price,Place, and what i need to do with the buck to make it happen. Im in the Fitchburg Leominster area by the way.

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Hey guys, I just bagged my first deer. A really nice 8 point buck. I have all ready field dressed it but i was wondering if someone could give me a timeline on what should be taking place. My buddies friend says that i need to pull the loins tonight or the meat will dry out. I personally think thats BS because its bellow freezing outside but what do i know. Im just looking for a general timeline like how long i should hang it/ bleed it, when should i start skinning, and when should i start pulling what meat. Also if anyone has any info on what i need to do to get the head mounted that would be great ie. Price,Place, and what i need to do with the buck to make it happen. Im in the Fitchburg Leominster area by the way.


Hey guys, I just bagged my first deer. A really nice 8 point buck. I have all ready field dressed it but i was wondering if someone could give me a timeline on what should be taking place. My buddies friend says that i need to pull the loins tonight or the meat will dry out. I personally think thats BS because its bellow freezing outside but what do i know. Im just looking for a general timeline like how long i should hang it/ bleed it, when should i start skinning, and when should i start pulling what meat. Also if anyone has any info on what i need to do to get the head mounted that would be great ie. Price,Place, and what i need to do with the buck to make it happen. Im in the Fitchburg Leominster area by the way.

Congrats on the buck. I'm no expert but most people recommend removing the tenderloins right after field dressing. From what I understand leaving the skin on until you are ready to butcher protects the rest of the meat from drying out.
Hey guys, I just bagged my first deer. A really nice 8 point buck. I have all ready field dressed it but i was wondering if someone could give me a timeline on what should be taking place. My buddies friend says that i need to pull the loins tonight or the meat will dry out. I personally think thats BS because its bellow freezing outside but what do i know. Im just looking for a general timeline like how long i should hang it/ bleed it, when should i start skinning, and when should i start pulling what meat. Also if anyone has any info on what i need to do to get the head mounted that would be great ie. Price,Place, and what i need to do with the buck to make it happen. Im in the Fitchburg Leominster area by the way.


Your buddy is right, cut those loins out right away. I cut them out and eat them the very same day or night, reward for the drag out of the woods. They are very tender meat and they are exposed where as all the other meat is covered by the skin. You'd be surprised how many deer sitting at the butcher still have the loins in them, rookie move. I made that mistake on many deer till I was shown to cut them out right away, and its super easy. Congrats on the deer!
picked up 1000g insulated boots, merino wool socks, and cold weather underarmour. i am determined to not freeze again.

this guarantees me a buck, right guys?! [laugh]
picked up 1000g insulated boots, merino wool socks, and cold weather underarmour. i am determined to not freeze again.

this guarantees me a buck, right guys?! [laugh]

No, and it doesn't guarantee you won't freeze either.... just maybe a little warmer... [grin] ... oh ya, and a few less "bucks" in your pocket
My toes seem to get cold no matter what I do. Two pairs or wool socks and insulated boots and they still went numb. Granted it was 25 degrees all day when this happened. Even had toe warmers in my boots. I think since they are air activated and my boots were so tight, they never heated up fully.
picked up 1000g insulated boots, merino wool socks, and cold weather underarmour. i am determined to not freeze again.

this guarantees me a buck, right guys?! [laugh]

You spent most of your time with Adam and Nicole sitting still right? I've done the "sit still and STFU" thing many times and hell yeah it gets cold when you're not moving. Most of the deer hunting I do is with several other guys and we're constantly moving, pushing, all damn day. I don't know if that's an option where you're hunting up there in NH but it makes a big difference as to how warm you stay. It definitely drains your energy by the end of the day but I much prefer being on the move. It's tough to be quiet when there's dry crunchy leaves all over the place but we still tend to see more deer when we're crashing through woody islands out on the marshes than when we're all spread out in a large area sitting still.
picked up 1000g insulated boots, merino wool socks, and cold weather underarmour. i am determined to not freeze again.

this guarantees me a buck, right guys?! [laugh]

Pick up one of these.

Two handwarmers inside that thing and your digits will be toasty. I don't go into the woods without it.

If you're sitting for an extended period of time, it's invaluable.
You spent most of your time with Adam and Nicole sitting still right? I've done the "sit still and STFU" thing many times and hell yeah it gets cold when you're not moving. Most of the deer hunting I do is with several other guys and we're constantly moving, pushing, all damn day. I don't know if that's an option where you're hunting up there in NH but it makes a big difference as to how warm you stay. It definitely drains your energy by the end of the day but I much prefer being on the move. It's tough to be quiet when there's dry crunchy leaves all over the place but we still tend to see more deer when we're crashing through woody islands out on the marshes than when we're all spread out in a large area sitting still.

yeah, sat still most of the time. made the mistake of not moving leaves right when i got into the woods. rookie mistake, but i'm a rookie. there was talk about maybe doing a push next time.

Pick up one of these.

Two handwarmers inside that thing and your digits will be toasty. I don't go into the woods without it.

If you're sitting for an extended period of time, it's invaluable.

thank you! i will check it out. any suggestions for good socks inside the boots? i have some military boot socks, some long cotton socks, and merino wool socks that i'm going to try to wear all of them next time. also foot-size warmers will go in the boots first.
thank you! i will check it out. any suggestions for good socks inside the boots? i have some military boot socks, some long cotton socks, and merino wool socks that i'm going to try to wear all of them next time. also foot-size warmers will go in the boots first.

Find some thin poly liners for inside the wool socks.

I'm not a big fan of chem warmers inside my boots. They make my feet sweat and feel cold when the warmers give out. Those chem warmers need air to work and inside a boot isn't the best environment for that, IMO.
yeah, sat still most of the time. made the mistake of not moving leaves right when i got into the woods. rookie mistake, but i'm a rookie. there was talk about maybe doing a push next time.

Right on. I'm sure it's different up there with all the huge areas of woodland to hunt but down on the Cape we know all the areas where the deer run and hide once the all the shotguns start going off on the first day (Dec 2nd this year). We've seen deer dart out of the woods, across tidal rivers and into the marsh's small wooded islands after other hunters started firing at least half a mile away from us. Getting out onto the marsh is a pain in the ass and we've never seen any other hunters out there. I pulled a back muscle last year jumping over a particularly wide slew, and had to visit the chiropractor a few times until it was right again. [crying]

After that first day of a million shotguns going off everywhere, the deer generally won't move at all during daylight and that's when we have to start flushing them out of the worst f*cking thick, prickery, crawl on your stomach for 100 yards bullshit you've ever seen. I don't know if you've spent much time on the Cape but the undergrowth in certain areas is almost impossible to get through, and that's where the deer love to sit. I carry a pair of pruning sheers with me when it gets to the point where I'm in the "rabbit zone". It sucks, but that's the only way to get those white-assed bastids to move.
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