2020 CMP M1 Garand Clinic OCSA , SEASON is OVER

Temps will be 62-72. Cloudy but who knows if bright cloudy or dark cloudy. A better day to beat our usual winner if it's dark.
once Rich does his bookkeeping, they'll show up here: CMP Club & Competition Tracker | Dashboard

how'd you do?
I didn’t do too shabby. I got one X and was in the black a good amount for the prone shots. A few made it off the reservation on the standing shots and the rapid fire though. But seeing the enbloc clip fly out after the rapid fire shots was totally cool.
Nice shooting today
M1 Garand Gold 277/8X
Modern Military Gold 275/4X
If anyone has more details please post

M1 Garand Gold 275-4X
I know the names for the rest, just not the scores. If I recall correctly, @dw617 took bronze.
I think I shot ~265? Maybe 255? with the HXP 'flyer in every box' 1965 Greek surplus ammo.

Modern Military Gold 277-8X (me [rockon])
Silver 277-6X
Bronze 275 ?X

Top 3 in Modern Military were all M1A's. No trinkets for mouse farts.
believe it or not, they were actually phasing in 'optic only' platoons as a test run about 2 weeks after I got to Parris Island. I remember seeing at the turds at the chow hall with their shiny new ACOG's. My dick never felt bigger after realizing that we were literally one of the last company's ever to go through training without an optic attached to our rifles.

Really glad things turned out that way and not the other way around. I'm currently trying to figure out the 'optic side' of things, but got some world class iron sight training compliments of the american tax payer (so, thank all you guys for that).
believe it or not, they were actually phasing in 'optic only' platoons as a test run about 2 weeks after I got to Parris Island. I remember seeing at the turds at the chow hall with their shiny new ACOG's. My dick never felt bigger after realizing that we were literally one of the last company's ever to go through training without an optic attached to our rifles.

Really glad things turned out that way and not the other way around. I'm currently trying to figure out the 'optic side' of things, but got some world class iron sight training compliments of the american tax payer (so, thank all you guys for that).

At least the USMC seems to be pounding in some solid technique, which translates well back to irons. If it were my call, I'd still teach irons first to 'force' solid technique, then move to optics. Additionally, if my life depended on it I'd want BUIS's even with those taxpayer funded uber expensive VCOG's. No idea if the various services provide back up sights.


Which brings me back to CMP- If those now leaving the service or jumping out of a full time gig for the reserves have never laid hands on a rifle with iron sights, why in f-ing hell did CMP take away optics from Modern Military? Blows my mind. Guess I'm getting along the Italian Stallion road to full blown cranky...
Interesting to hear a firsthand account of the optics only training regimen. He shot slow prone extremely well. Shots opened up a bit for his rapid and Franco said, "That's OK, next time we'll use the full choke." LOL
Full choke, thats a good one
At least the USMC seems to be pounding in some solid technique, which translates well back to irons. If it were my call, I'd still teach irons first to 'force' solid technique, then move to optics. Additionally, if my life depended on it I'd want BUIS's even with those taxpayer funded uber expensive VCOG's. No idea if the various services provide back up sights.


Which brings me back to CMP- If those now leaving the service or jumping out of a full time gig for the reserves have never laid hands on a rifle with iron sights, why in f-ing hell did CMP take away optics from Modern Military? Blows my mind. Guess I'm getting along the Italian Stallion road to full blown cranky...
Because cmp is still 95% old cranky f***s
My Croakies wouldn't fit over the shooting glasses I used. Had to hold the glasses up with my thumb to see the target. :D
Had do it yourself ear plugs from Amazon I made up but they wouldn't stay in...ended up using a copy of those orange band things Hickok45 uses in his videos and they worked well enough if I wore them over my head...:rolleyes:
Had a great time as usual, nice to see everyone!
My Croakies wouldn't fit over the shooting glasses I used. Had to hold the glasses up with my thumb to see the target. :D
Had do it yourself ear plugs from Amazon I made up but they wouldn't stay in...ended up using a copy of those orange band things Hickok45 uses in his videos and they worked well enough if I wore them over my head...:rolleyes:
Had a great time as usual, nice to see everyone!
sorry those home made jobs did not work for you. Maybe we can get a group buy going and have a pro come to the match and do some for us?
Thanks mac, but that orange thing actually worked very well and for the most part stayed out of the way. I'm going to experiment with wearing it another way just to see what happens. Might try the do-it-yourself route one more time for $10. I do not think I got enough into the ear canal the first time. Want to try again.
And I think I can come up with something to hold my glasses in position so I can put my thumb back on the stock! [laugh]

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