Wow thanks guys for such quick responses. A quick look at S&W's website shows they no longer make a 6 shot 617. For that matter Ruger's website doesn't seem to show any .22lr DA revolvers at all. Guess that simplifies things a little. Guess my decision is just down to new vs. classic and 4" or 6". Anyone know if one model has better, finer etc. sights than an other or am I splitting hairs here? I probably just going to have to visit Four Seasons and handle both side by side as they seem to have 2 model 17s (according to their website) and I would assume new 617s.
Hanwei absolutely beautiful pics.
Round Gun Shooter- Just saw your last post right before I posted this. First, no apology necessary at all, I sincerely appreciate anyone taking the time to share their experiences and opinions. My personal opinion is that no post by anyone has detracted anything from the thread. Second, a huge thank you for your extremely generous offer. Not really near the cape (Quincy) but I am not about to pass up such an opportunity. I'll send you an email or pm as soon as I can.
Thank you one and all