3 rounds to put down a raccoon?

I killed a rabid (presumably) raccoon that attacked me once with the butt of my M-16. One golf club swing and it sailed about 10 feet and never got back up. This was back in the late 90’s when rabies was everywhere on the south shore.
It took me 3 rounds of 12g buckshot, fired point blank, to put down a rabid racoon in our yard about 3 years ago.

Several months later, I had to take down another rabid one with 3 rounds of .223.

3 seems to be the magic round count with rabid racoons.
I watched a cop once try to dispatch a deer that had been hit by a car. He totally whiffed on the first try……and he was standing right next to him. [rofl]I’m not surprised it took this guy three
I watched a raccoon take a point blank .22 Mag (CCI Maxi Mag) to the head. Square between the eyes. Got back up and screamed at us. Loaded another, it bit the end of the barrel, put one down his throat. Third one was side-on, halfway between eye and ear. This one finally hit the off button.

For body shots, the heart and lungs are much closer to the front of the body than you would anticipate, and because of how furry they are, you can't get a solid visual on where the shoulder is. If you aim where the neck joins the main part of the body, and a touch low, you usually catch the heart/lungs.
Couple years ago we had an apparently rabid raccoon here in our neighborhood. I shot it once in the head with a 9mm. DNR told me afterwards that if we needed to know if it was rabid or not, not to shoot it in the head because they need to look at the brain.

So, perhaps the office shot it in the body. I have NO idea where a racoon's heart is. That's why I shot it in the head.
This event must not have happened in mass i assume
I like to whack them in the head with a shovel a few times until they stop twitching.
I've had issues with this technique in the past. And that's after a head shot and I thought it was dead until I went to scoop it up and throw it away. It ended out looking like a scene from Goodfellas.
A friend of mine came upon one that had been clipped by a car and managed to drag itself to the shoulder. He pulled over to dispatch it and all he had was a hammer. He was in the middle of the act as a loaded school bus drove by.
A friend of mine came upon one that had been clipped by a car and managed to drag itself to the shoulder. He pulled over to dispatch it and all he had was a hammer. He was in the middle of the act as a loaded school bus drove by.

All he had was a hammer?

At that point, I'd have just run over the poor thing and crushed it with my car.
Next time, use a pitchfork, or a puddle.


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