MA - compact/subcompact options with a hammer.

I had an Argentinian copy for the poors. Those little 380s with the spring around the barrel bark a bit much for how much bite those rounds have. Good sexy piece of history, but plenty of better options in 9 that shoot easier for boys with soft hands.
Agreed that in .380 the PPKs is a torture device. All those sharp edges get slammed right into the meathooks. They only made it in .380 to satisfy Americans desire to super size their happy meals. In .32, OTOH, it’s a little kitten, purring away contentedly.

And 007 showed us that you can get one shot stops with a .32 from 35 yards shooting from the hip, after downing three martinis!
To hell with 9mm
H&k 45c
My EDC for 6 years now.....DA/SA, carry any way you want, decocker, hammer and as reliable as the day is long
Precision Point Firearms, he is an Hk dealer and a great guy.

This is my EDC as well. Might be too big for him though. PPK was my other thought and it’s already been suggested.

P365 and you can make a fake hammer out of cardboard?
My recommendation for a subcompact with a hammer:

View attachment 957866
I can’t believe we got this far into this thread without this kind of recommendation. You folks are slipping.
People are freaked out now that cops disarm you during traffic stops and your own striker carry gun might just go off completely on its own in a rookie cop's hands and potentially kill you.
Springfield made what you're looking for, now discontinued, not sure why.

Seems to be one on sale in the classifieds.


To the OP, don’t think Springfield made a version without a safety, plus the safety is also the decocker, and since the safety is ambidextrous it might hit your hand on the right side when depressed. I much prefer the Sig, CZ or HK location of the decocker where it’s easily accessible and not ambidextrous.
Springfield made what you're looking for, now discontinued, not sure why.

Seems to be one on sale in the classifieds.


To the OP, don’t think Springfield made a version without a safety, plus the safety is also the decocker, and since the safety is ambidextrous it might hit your hand on the right side when depressed. I much prefer the Sig, CZ or HK location of the decocker where it’s easily accessible and not ambidextrous.

I had an XDE, large in relationship to capacity. Has an ambi mag release that would sit right where the corner above the button on my jeans was, ejected the mag on me a couple times when sitting down/getting up. Coulda taken off the lefty mag release but the thing had a habit of going out of battery too so I got rid of it,
Maybe a cz75 compact

Just so happen to know ones in the classifieds

I think this, plus USPc etc are all larger than the OP is looking for, since he said the P239 is too big. Even the P30sk is probably too wide, especially in decocker form.

Why does Apple need to autocorrect decocker every single time I type it? Isn’t AI smart enough to figure it out after the 10th time? It also edited “open borders” to “open boarders” whatever the hell that means. It’s almost like it’s censoring deplorable words?
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That is not the fear - for this use case a hammer is desired.

those are great but can not get them in ma

You can get anything in MA either from the right shop or from the classifieds. They’re legal to own you just can’t buy them at Four Seasons.

If you want the CZ Rami you’d want the BD version which has a decocker not the B version which is 1911 style.
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