Besides the nice flat shooting characteristics of 6 ARC, it carries much more energy at distance. I checked calculations against my typical .223 Service Rifle loads (Nosler cc 77's) that have essentially the same muzzle velocity as my 6 ARC 105's. At 1,000 yards the 6 ARC carries ~2.3X more energy than does the .223. Also the .223 went transsonic about a hair past 800 yards. The difference in drop is huge. I can see why some elements of the .mil would have been interested in this performance.
And all in a normal/small frame AR weight/size with lower recoil than 308/6.5CM so you can see hits easier.
I still haven’t gotten into it yet though. Soon I think.
But of courseRegarding 6mm ARC and flat shooting: That 11 fps ES I get with my favorite load translates to a 0.1" difference in drop at 200 yards from one extreme to the other. Variance from the mean will of course be ~0.05", so essentially nothing. At 1,000 yards impacts will be plus or minus ~2" in elevation. Variance in windage from the mean is only left or right 0.3". Should be able to hang a 6" plate at 1,000 and ding it all day, no?