80% AK lowers

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NES Member
Jan 14, 2024
North Shore
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I’ve been looking for some 80% AK lowers to potentially build off of, i was wondering if someone could PM me so I could get a firm understanding of what I’ll need to get. I have a ton of question’s and would appreciate someone taking the time to answer them.

Edit/ just found out this is not a way to get around the AWB.
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You actually have to build an AK. They require a lot of jigs and tooling $$$$$ to complete unlike AR's which are pretty much just assembling the parts. That can be somewhat minimized by purchasing subassemblies but at a price above a more DIY. As @Yotacrawler said AK Files or The AK Forum or even YouTube are the best resources to see what is involved to get an overview of what's involved.
If someone in a third world hut can bang out a working ak, anyone can do it. Now, the difference is how much cursing and how ugly your rivets will look. Unless you want a cursed build and rivets that look a troll with a rock hammer banged it out, I’d recommend getting the tools, or you’ll get FCG holes that look like you could toss a hotdog through.

It’s a little harder than an AR but probably a smidge more work than a FAL.

Or just hit someone up and they can probably let you try em out. I have no engineering experience and built a few already that work just fine.
Just grab an old shovel.


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