Ak hand gaurd


NES Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Newer to the ak game and pick up this mak90 from this site. I would prefer a metal, sturdy handgaurd the allows for solid optics mounting. Problem is I don't know which fitment is right. Can anyone tell me the key words I should be looking for while shopping, or what quality ones will fit? Thanks
Hope you get a decent response at some point, but I've got nothing.

Suffice it to say you and I don't have the same taste in AKs, lol.
go to Midwest Industries website. they're all i use on mine. easy to install and solid.
I had a Midwest handgaurd for a T1 on my tacticool rifle. I liked that it co-witnessed, did not like how muzzle heavy it became and switched to RS Regulate.

I would put a rail on it since it’s already in the…state…that it is.
Hope you get a decent response at some point, but I've got nothing.

Suffice it to say you and I don't have the same taste in AKs, lol.
In fairness I've never really had much of a taste for aks at all, but I can't keep bashing them without atleast putting one through the paces lol. This one was local and in my price range.
In fairness I've never really had much of a taste for aks at all, but I can't keep bashing them without atleast putting one through the paces lol. This one was local and in my price range.

Ah. In that case, with my own prejudices aside, I'd recommend getting plain-jane furnitre and putting it through its paces over irons. That's how these things were designed. Not saying this is your intent, but lots of people seem to want to turn AKs into lego-guns, like ARs. They're just not the same. Keep it simple and enjoy the stark, efficient beauty of Mikhail's design.
Ah. In that case, with my own prejudices aside, I'd recommend getting plain-jane furnitre and putting it through its paces over irons. That's how these things were designed. Not saying this is your intent, but lots of people seem to want to turn AKs into lego-guns, like ARs. They're just not the same. Keep it simple and enjoy the stark, efficient beauty of Mikhail's design.
It’s a slant-back and too far gone. Might as well have fun with it.
go to Midwest Industries website. they're all i use on mine. easy to install and solid.
Thanks for that. Checking them out now because I've had an M10 sitting in my safe that needs a few replacements...the rubber attachments that it came with me no like.

These things:

OP, are you talking about mounting an optic to the handguard (forward of the receiver), or to the dust cover (above the receiver). I would think it would be too far forward on the handguard.

The reason the AK uses a side mount for optic and not the dust cover is simply because the the cover isn't firmly attached to the receiver, this would result in a wildly shifting zero. Defeats the purpose.
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