A$$Holes of the day.

Those people make me want to
A$$"ole of the Month

[evil] [evil] [evil] These bottom feeding scum are really sick!!!
:x :x :x Of course Those brave soldiers fought and were wounded to protect the rights of the ungreatful as well as the greatful. Jim [cry]
Maybe that's why everybody hates us. We send our young and virile folk to defend the rights that we throw away on telling those same young and virile folk how much we hate what they've done for us.
THAT makes me ANGRY. How FLAMING dare they! (Watching my language in responding to this is taxing me greatly!) All I can say is I'm REALLY glad I'm not outside the hospital. I WOULD become extremely violent, and no, I wouldn't need a gun. Damn them to hell...
I've even got a better one for you guys. One of our soldiers mother,called up the leader of our family support group,told her she would not be coming to any of the meetings and did she know where the protest groups were.
Our leader did very well,and I would not have been able to hold my tongue.
She also informed this mother if she changes her mind and wants to come to a meeting the she should with hold that information.
Our leader said if she did say anything she didn't think she'd make it out alive. I said I agreed,and would be at the head of the line.
Apparently her son knows this and is okay with it. I actually feel sorry for the soldier.
Moderator said:
What really pisses me off is that because of people brave soldiers, they actually have the privilege to be a$$holes.

That's what I'm saying. It really makes me mad that that's how they repay the people that give them the right to be able to protest.

I just don't think that they see that. Maybe they need a boot with the message printed on the bottom up close so they can really read it to let them know. [twisted]
Maybe we should find out were some of these people live and have a huge demonstration on their front lawn. I would love to do it... Big'ol signs that read "Stop Protesting the War"
When Glenn and I were stationed in Berlin,even the Krauts would protest us every chance they got. It gets to you,especially since we would then have to work 12 hour shifts,they'd throw themselves infront of our buses,even under the tires,etc. Since we had krauts for drivers,we couldn't talk them into running them over. We couldn't get them to see that we DIDN'T ask to be there,but we were there defending their freedom to do that. We also told them we'd gladly go home if uncle would let us.
Did you notice that all of the FreeRepublic people gave their full names, but many of the Code Pinkos did not? I wonder why... Seems to me if you feel strongly enough you shouldn't be ashamed to let folks know about it.

Well... "they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights", so no, the military does NOT "give" Americans those Rights.

You guys protect them. Big diff.

And those of us without blinders on thank you for it!

Ah you know what I meant. [lol] [wink] Most do see it,it the few who protest that don't see it. You wouldn't believe some of the conversations I've had when I worked in Northampton/Amherst, and with the Krauts when we lived overseas. I should specify the younger Krauts,the older ones did know.
I agree with thier intent we all want the war to end and bring our soldiers home. The way it is demonstrated sometimes is complete crap. During this war when the president and his staff need to put all thier attention towards the war they have this crap to deal with too in the back of thier minds, I find the protestors completely selfish, along with that Cindy Sheehan broad, who the hell is she to camp outside the presidents house, completely selfish and that makes me sick too.
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