A little incident in traffic today made me think...

So the a-hole was walking back to his car and you felt the need to share your opinion with him?

If the old guy's getting beat up, definitely intervene to stop it, otherwise MYOFB.

Have to agree with you, would you run your mouth if you knew juice boy had a gun?
So the a-hole was walking back to his car and you felt the need to share your opinion with him?

If the old guy's getting beat up, definitely intervene to stop it, otherwise MYOFB.

The hell with that I'm sick of the MYOFB attitude. It's that very thought process that has put this country where it is. No one wants to stand up for anyone else, no one wants "get involved", head down, look away, avert your eyes they might attack you next. I look out for number 1 always but I also will not hesitate to get involved regardless of what may have precipitated it.

A few years back while waiting in line to get into the Warped Tour over at the tweeter center these four thugged out "gangsters" were acting all tough in the crowd. There were a few hundred of us waiting to get in. This one girl pulls out a beach ball and starts tossing it around to kill time. They thought it would be funny to pop it, so when she said hey thats my ball, they shoved her...... Rather quickly I intervened, and instantly several hundred people were fully aware I meant business with these dickbacks and in no certain terms made it aware that I was willing to go toe to toe with all four of them. I'm not a huge guy but certainly not the warm and fuzzy looking type either, and they backed right down. I got more thanks and high fives from other girls and her friends and they were so thankful that I helped them out.

I feel it my duty as a human to look out and help out my fellow man. I can't help but always think, what if it's me who needs that help someday.........

Karmas a real bitch
This situation happened to my wife back in '96 she was taking my son to they eye doctors down in Nashua so she had to travel down 101a aka Amherst st.(for those that know what a rat race that is)A guy in a lifted muddin truck my wife calls it..was asleep at the light in front of her..so the person behind her lays on the horn...The guy got out and tossed full fastfoot cup at my wifes window and starts screaming at her I guess and the two guys behind her got out and proceeded to beat the snot out of the guy right there at the intersection.

They all got arrested and my wife got a subpoena to show in court as a witness but it was later settled out of court for whatever reasons.

i'd love to sit here and say i'd "cowboy up" every time i've seen anyone "in distress"

sometimes the person getting the crap kicked out of them or getting yelled at rightfully deserves it.

call the cops FIRST IF you feel it's a big deal. then, IF you want to gamble on a stranger, it's on each of us to make sure we can accept whatever consequences.

i'm not talking about fantasy world where all the good guys wear white and all the bad guys wear trench coats and beanie caps like the pistol targets you can order online (the LE ones)

until that day comes where i get training on how to apply a choke hold while simultaneously tazing both subjects, i'll stick to what i'm doing. i'm going to do whatever is right IF i have to. for all we know, it was two crack heads arguing...

Young guys should think twice before picking on an old guy. Young healthy people with pain free joints and good flexibility might like a physical altercation. But older folks will avoid such things. Wrestling around could cause permanent injury that might affect the rest of their lives. Many old people are prepared to defend themselves however.

A young guy might punch you in the nose but an old guy will kill you.
If someone is messing with an old person, a helpless woman, or a kid...my stupid ass is stepping up.


I also do not take kindly to being restricted in my ability to come and go by some douche. He might get hurt and it won't necessarily be by a bullet.

Not only do I drive a fairly heavy vehicle with lots of torque, high clearance (so he fits under), and it has an old school steel bumper directly bolted to the frame, I also keep a small can of 10% OC and a tire thumper within easy reach.

You basically took the words right out of my mouth. (Jose, +1 for the tire knocker. I have one in both vehicles.) [cheers]
Where's Epic Beard Man when you need him?

That punk would be going... BRING DA AMBALAMPS!!!! [rofl]



do people quit smoking crack at a certain age?

what about pimps, prostitutes, misc. trouble makers...

do thieves all dress and carry themselves a certain way?

look at this guy.... (stolen from another forum) if he knocked your kid over while fleeing or ran over your puppy,

would you catch up to him and beat some sense into him? then a cowboy comes up and tells you "leave him alone" bla bla bla, i'm calling the cops. maybe pulls a gun on you, or a "be good stick"

war story:

we were all in our teens growing up in the inner city. we went to pizza shop, all of a sudden some old dude comes flying through the door with the pizza shop owner and a worker swinging chairs, throwing plates, salt shakers, anything they could get their hands on.

being innocent children like we were, we all ran over and watched. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

after the dust settled, turned out the old man had groped one of their younger family members a couple days prior.

*no one saw nothing... [wink]
Young guys should think twice before picking on an old guy. Young healthy people with pain free joints and good flexibility might like a physical altercation. But older folks will avoid such things. Wrestling around could cause permanent injury that might affect the rest of their lives. Many old people are prepared to defend themselves however.

A young guy might punch you in the nose but an old guy will kill you.

The hell with that I'm sick of the MYOFB attitude. It's that very thought process that has put this country where it is. No one wants to stand up for anyone else, no one wants "get involved", head down, look away, avert your eyes they might attack you next. I look out for number 1 always but I also will not hesitate to get involved regardless of what may have precipitated it.

A few years back while waiting in line to get into the Warped Tour over at the tweeter center these four thugged out "gangsters" were acting all tough in the crowd. There were a few hundred of us waiting to get in. This one girl pulls out a beach ball and starts tossing it around to kill time. They thought it would be funny to pop it, so when she said hey thats my ball, they shoved her...... Rather quickly I intervened, and instantly several hundred people were fully aware I meant business with these dickbacks and in no certain terms made it aware that I was willing to go toe to toe with all four of them. I'm not a huge guy but certainly not the warm and fuzzy looking type either, and they backed right down. I got more thanks and high fives from other girls and her friends and they were so thankful that I helped them out.

I feel it my duty as a human to look out and help out my fellow man. I can't help but always think, what if it's me who needs that help someday.........

Karmas a real bitch

Yeah, they shoved her and you stepped in. I've got no problems with that. If you read my post the whole way rather than jumping on the first thing you saw, the problem I would have had is if you "stepped up" because they were talking about popping the beach ball. [thinking]
This situation happened to my wife back in '96 she was taking my son to they eye doctors down in Nashua so she had to travel down 101a aka Amherst st.(for those that know what a rat race that is)A guy in a lifted muddin truck my wife calls it..was asleep at the light in front of her..so the person behind her lays on the horn...The guy got out and tossed full fastfoot cup at my wifes window and starts screaming at her I guess and the two guys behind her got out and proceeded to beat the snot out of the guy right there at the intersection.

They all got arrested and my wife got a subpoena to show in court as a witness but it was later settled out of court for whatever reasons.

Years ago in Manchester there was an incident at the July Fourth fireworks. A guy got his hands on a young girl and was preparing to drive away with her, when the fact that he was completely unknown to the girl came to the attention of a group of motorcycle enthusiasts who were parked in the same area for the fireworks show. The bikers blocked the car, got the girl back to her mother, and proceeded to destroy as much of the vehicle they could while trying to get to the driver. By the time the police arrived, the guy was pretty happy to be taken into custody. Sadly, while several witnesses saw him take the girl, no witnesses saw anything useful about what happened after she was let go; even the responding officers were too busy responding to do any observing.
Don't do that. That might have turned his ire against you. You really don't want to get involved in a road rage incident.

If you see that sort of thing, pull over to the side, get out your cell phone, dial 911, hopefully with a license plate number of the offender.

I know...I usually DON'T. But A) I was driving by and B) I just can't take that crap anymore. The only way I would have become physically involved was if he was physically assaulting the old dude.
Not having seen the incident, it's hard for me to comment.

Could have been that the old man was being an impatient and inconsiderate a$$hole. The type that literally honks the millisecond the light turns green. I've had people honk at me as I was releasing the clutch and moving forward. They actually honked at me as I was moving through the intersection.

Could have been that the big guy was distracted by talking on his phone and didn't see the light. The honk could have been the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back".

Not knowing the events leading up to the encounter makes it difficult to intervene. If you feel you must take action; stop, observe, and then intervene if necessary (if things get physical).

I try to remind myself that the majority of drivers I will encounter on a daily basis are reactionary, or offensive drivers rather than defensive. They simply don't anticipate what can happen based on what they observe.

I was on a 4 lane road on Sunday, approaching a rotary. The left and right lanes both enter the rotary (not one of those cases where only the left lane enters and the right lane exits to the right). I am in the right lane. A lady in an SUV is hugging hugging the left rear corner of my vehicle. We are approaching the rotary. I tap the brakes to show I am yielding to any traffic currently in the rotary (none at the time) I then hit my left blinker to show I am entering the rotary (instead of going straight/bearing right and exiting). Knowing that she is directly behind me and on my corner, I make extra effort to stay in the right lane of the 2 lane rotary.

This lady loses her mind and lays on the horn for a solid 5 seconds. Then flies by me with a 1 finger solute.

If she had forced me to the side of the road and started yelling at me, who's side would you have taken as the passer-by?

Hers if you started to pummel her needlessly. But I do see your point 100% and have been in your position...honked at for obeying the law. The "you never know's" can get you in a heap of crap, quick. But as one respondent said "there still is right and wrong". The escalation kinda goes as follows with a variable flow from "right and wrong". Honking and flipping a bird are free speech - it may be crappy of her to be so uncivilized but it's not really wrong. Yelling in someone's face is verbal assault, demeaning and in most cases pretty darn wrong but not very actionable. Pummeling a weaker person just because you don't like what they did or said is DEAD WRONG and clearly actionable if the person cannot defend themselves. At least should be broken up. IMHO

Physical violence should be reserved for protecting one's life or the life of another. Otherwise, save it for the ring.
So the a-hole was walking back to his car and you felt the need to share your opinion with him?

If the old guy's getting beat up, definitely intervene to stop it, otherwise MYOFB.

Sorry, in that case...no can do. Free speech. Dig it or join Obama's cabinet. He had no right to do what he did and people need to know that society won't tolerate idiots, even if I am a minority in that opinion. He's lucky I wasn't a guy like him b/c I probably would've close-lined him out my window if I was.
Have to agree with you, would you run your mouth if you knew juice boy had a gun?

There's still right and wrong in this world and if we are going to sit by and let it happen then I guess I should just vote for Obama next year.

Besides, I think this country was pretty much taken BY PEOPLE WHO MOUTHED OFF TO PEOPLE WITH GUNS.

Just a thought.
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Yeah, they shoved her and you stepped in. I've got no problems with that. If you read my post the whole way rather than jumping on the first thing you saw, the problem I would have had is if you "stepped up" because they were talking about popping the beach ball. [thinking]

True. I would hope ALL of us would have a problem for someone stepping up about "talk". That is exactly the point of the OP...well, that and for us all to ponder the WHAT IFS.

In the OP the jacked dude who left his truck WAS STEPPING UP at a stupid friggin horn. Oh yeah he was one "tough dude". Just fu*king drive through the light and have a nice day already. What a juiced up hero, stopping traffic, engaging in road rage (against the law), and telling off the Quaker Oats guy...for a horn that Mr. Oldman may have accidentally bumped into while he reached for his coffee.
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