A must watch if true

Too complicated to link the thread(s), but this is already being discussed in like three or four other places.
Old news that's getting spread around. It's part of his Agenda 47. Vid clip that's getting spread around after this past Tuesday appears to come from a 2023 video (see the 4:06 mark).

View: https://rumble.com/v2a80eu-agenda47-president-trump-announces-plan-to-end-crime-and-restore-law-and-or.html?start=246

Keep in mind that's its an election year promise for an election year wedge issue. Trump isn't a "gun guy". It remains to be seen how serious he'll be on pro 2A issues after Jan 20, 2025. We saw how he was in his first term when he made some negative statements and got ATF to institute a bump stock ban.
remains to be seen how serious he'll be
what he will be on it matters not, if he will put enough judges into scotus and more fed judges that are conservatives. the whole bullshit NY and others are doing is because they rely on judges to support removal of rights and ability to postpone any countermeasures pretty much indefinitely, so an any vicious edict of a progressive gov'nah becomes an only enforced rule of the land immediately.
Will like to find as well wether the past 4 years of his advance education on government has given him more insight the path to follow
There's a lot of roadblocks to enacting something like this. One roadblock that won't sit well is with the states that have constitutional carry. Do we really think folks who have constitutional carry are going to want to run out and get a permission slip to validate their rights in other states? Do we need a first amendment license when we go state to state? No, exactly. Drivers license isn't a good comparison either - driving is a privilege, not a god given civil right.
It'll create an interesting situation. Imagine a Con-Carry citizen (not you NH) carrying in mASS and being questioned for some reason by the poe-lease. "Do you have a license for this?"


Imagine the bureaucratic headache. National CC reciprocity leads to the obvious end-point of elimination of licensing altogether. At some point, State A (mASS) ability to look up data on their own citizens but can't verify data on citizens of 60% of the other states. Seems unfair to me.
Mr. Trump does not really care about you, us or such issues. Don't be naive.

View attachment 935433
Does he care about 2A? Maybe, but not a real surprise if it's not a priority for someone who can afford extensive private security.

More important to see what he does or doesn't do. I think it's likely that he won't feed the attack on 2A in 180 degree contrast to the liberals. Will he support the reversal of 2A infringement? Yet to be seen. Not holding my breath but I'd be glad to see it.

Please show the evidence that Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden were better advocates for 2A.
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