"I must be a good shot."

Tell that to the husband of the woman sunbathing topless in her yard. [smile]
With the granularity that satellites and gov't surveillance aircraft have these days, you have no privacy.

Also, seeing a nude body from the air is NOT a threat to that nude body. Perhaps an invasion of privacy (except if gov't does it), but that is all.
I won't link it b/c it's always paywalled, but a good article in the WSJ on Sat on this. Guy who was doing some sort of research back in the 70's. Swore he saw a flying saucer over a mountain across the way. It was only when he moved and realized it was TIED WITH FISHING LINE TO A NEARBY TREE did he figure out the scam.

At night. With no frame of reference, it is near impossible to determine size and distance of an object. It is likely these NJ drones are closer and far smaller than people are reporting or filming.

Besides - if I had a super-secret drone that was doing some sort of surveillance. . . . . why wouldn't I disco or electric-tape the lights on it???? Why advertise??????
I know that technically you're correct. But this argument against shooting at drones sounds to me like the "tampering with a mailbox is a federal offense" line you use to scare kids that smash the neighborhood Karen's mailbox. I think whatever agency is in charge of that has more pressing things to do than see who broke a toy.

My bet is they would care. This is going to be a great tool to look at people backyards.

You don't think the gov will be "buying" footage from all the drones that will eventually be flying over our homes?
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