Accurate No2 vs No5

Feb 22, 2010
North Central Worcester County, MA
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I mistakenly picked up a pound of AA No2, instead of No5. Aside from starting low and working my way up to develop my load in 9mm, should I be concerned about the bullet type? I have Berry's plated and some coated lead. Will it be okay to use under each? I can't find much load data for the lead rounds.
Look up the load data from Accurate and you should be gtg. I have 4lbs myself but have yet to open a bottle.
Find COL that feeds and cycles in your gun then start loading at the start load.
Jacketed bullets load as jacketed bullets, no matter shape.
Lead and plated load as lead bullets or per manufacturer's recommendation.
All copper (monolithic) bullets must be loaded only with specific load data.
If there was a real issue, it would have been discovered at least 125 years ago.
Thanks for the input, everyone. I continued looking around myself, and the internet seems to be split. Many folks talk about the faster/hotter powders (AA No2, TiteGroup, N310, etc) causing a lot of smoke/smell with the coated lead bullets. Others say there is no difference in effect between coated lead, plated, or jacketed ammo. Maybe it has to do with the quality/generation of the coating. I dunno. I will say, though, that the Unique I just did a work up with, was really dirty on the low end, but burned much cleaner on the higher end of the loads. But, there were no issues with the coating.
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