Active Shooter Situation in Lewiston Maine

Oh, hogwash!! I just got new hearing aids from the VA in Bedford. The voices in mine keep telling me that I'm handsome, just like my mother used to.
Of course! I'm sure the government & military doesn't have deep psychiatric files on everyone and know exactly who would be susceptible to such voices!
Just out of curiosity, what makes it obvious that this one is a conspiracy?

A few weeks ago, after some shooting or another, Mrs Pipes was venting about how something should be done and I suggested buckling in because we'll have at least one, possibly two high body count incidents like this in the 12 months leading into the next election. This is a trifle earlier than I expected it, but I know a lot of you are saying to yourselves, "Self, I said (or thought) the same damned thing." She didn't speak to me for half a week, so I'm not about to mention it, but she MUST have heard about this by now.

The next one will be in the spring. I'm thinking May or June, probably in the midwest.

This doesn't count the riots or demonstrations that will also happen. Those won't really ramp up until warm weather in '24. Then stay away from populated areas.

Note: I have no knowledge of these expected events, but from enjoying a little too much (but less than average) time watching movies or tv shows, I have a set of "rules" if you will, to predict how the episode is likely to play out. I'm usually right. That's not because I'm so feckking smahrt, but because script writers are so feckking PREDICTABLE.

It's really disturbing that the same rules to predict tv episode outcomes maps pretty close to how election years play out.
Where are those f***wads who turn their noses up at any supposed conspiracy now?
Patting their wife's head as she's being hammered by the UPS man. Its the same cucks, doing the same cuck things. "Why dont you trust the government?!?!..." Its honestly laughable at this point.
The army called and the police took him to a hospital for evaluation. Isnt that a disqualifier for gun ownership? This would show up on a background check wouldnt it ?
Not likely. Note I did not say it "shouldn't", but it's unlikely to. He was not arrested, not ordered by a judge. In this case the police transported...they were essentially a cab from the sounds of things.

Your "record" is a record of legal actions...arrests, findings, sentences. None of those events would end up on there. He could have gotten a ride, signed himself in, stayed for a while, and gotten out. That never shows up on a background check. Even an "ordered" eval is not enough
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If he needed high power hearing aids, he probably had a very difficult time hearing without them, so every voice, even those that are real would go away. If the voices didn't go away when taking them out, it would probably have been easier for him to believe that they weren't real. I'm not promoting any conspiracy theory at all, but it's by no means farfetched that someone was transmitting sounds/voices to him as a means to manipulate him. Technologically, the concept is no different than wireless earbuds.
I get that

But like ear buds in.. voices ear buds out no voices

Easy test
I am so very tired of being punished for what criminals do.
I explained this to my 14 year old daughter tonight. "Once again a mentally deranged monster known to the .gov as being a monster does monster shit. Now dad has to defend his right to protect you, your brothers ,your sister, and mom. That is how commies operate."
Hey, this is the textbook case for what they want. To be honest, this is what is should have been used for. Confine him, get him the help he needed and treatment, get well, get released and on your way.
Ok. But when the state is allowed to weaponize ERPOs soon they will just say everyone is crazy.

Ban Ban Ban! Making something all of a sudden 'illegal' doesn't prevent mass shootings. What would actually get some tangible results is the Beto 'HELL YES' plan of sending SWAT to everyone's homes and forcibly taking them.
Anyone know what the role of the MA LE vehicles with the contractor style cap (usually dark blue Rams) and they even have ladder racks (without ladders)
I see them fairly often and rarely with someone pulled over
Saw one yesterday doing 100+ in NH weaving through traffic no lights
They do they have the fiberglass style cap, they have the cheaper aluminum style with strobes on the shell
They normally drive like the average Ram driver (crazy or drunk), Probably to blend in.
I explained this to my 14 year old daughter tonight. "Once again a mentally deranged monster known to the .gov as being a monster does monster shit. Now dad has to defend his right to protect you, your brothers ,your sister, and mom. That is how commies operate."
Yep, commies gonna commie
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