Active-shooting incident reported at community college in Oregon

My point is that if someone's mental health makes them dangerous (I was just narrow-mindedly regurgitating the Main Stream Media diagnosis, I realize that's not fair), their doctor should be proactive about mitigating the risk they present to themselves or others. The Government shouldn't infringe on people's gun rights to mitigate the harm that mentally ill people that want to inflict harm on themselves or others could potentially cause with a gun.

I agree in theory. If, after evaluation by a team of qualified professionals, you are deemed to be mentally deficient and a high risk to be a danger to society, then you should be subject to restrictions WITH DUE PROCESS. This, to me, is no different than Doctors being able to create a formal notice to the RMV (or DMV in other states) asking that they schedule a hearing to revoke someone's driver's licence if they have a medical condition which would make driving dangerous to the rest of us. Could be old age, could be a seizure disorder, could be narcolepsy. Get a hearing, get better/prove you are not a danger, get everything back.
Why is it that the mentally ill don't have to sacrifice their rights, but gun owners do?

If a doctor diagnoses someone as being on the broader Autism Spectrum (including Asperger's), then if the kid is not committed to an institution, he should have weekly or daily counseling sessions where he is asked if he bought a gun and if he has thoughts of killing people.

Someone with an infectious disease is quarantined by the doctor. Someone with a mental illness which is becoming a prerequisite for mass murder should be managed by health care professionals and parents to mitigate that risk.

And no, the government doesn't need to be involved in this, parents and doctors need to be.
The problem with this approach is that it is the mental health equivalent of gun-free zones; feels good in theory, has the opposite effect in practice.

IMNSHO the answer is better accessibility to mental health services in ways that do not threaten ones life and liberty, not further stigmatization of those needing and seeking help. In my observation many people, a majority?, even most?, go through some time in their life when it would be good to have some conversation with a mental health person, be it a psychologist, counselor, life coach, or clergy. We shouldn't be afraid of this, nor should we have to fear a loss of rights and liberties just for doing so.

Reporting laws already exist for those with homicidal and suicidal tendencies. They need to be applied, however, we need to make sure people don't legally lose their rights and liberties without some form of due process, or lose them permanently for temporary situations.

What can individuals do? Reach out to those who may seem a bit different to you. I'm not talking trying to hug the guy holding a gun to your head, real threats need to be stopped. Encourage those who may be having some difficulties in life to find someone to talk to who can help them. Don't stigmatize those who are different, just because their different. This is part of what I think made our US melting-pot society work. Not forced conformity to some single societal norm (ex. Time's Modern Man), or cliques coming together to fight for their rights at the expense of others (ex. LGBT pride), or the everyone-must-think-and-believe-exactly-as-I-do "diversity" of modern progressivism. </soapbox>

Sorry for the soliloquy. This shooting got to me. Then again, if the shooter turns out to really be a radicalized muzzy, as some in the alternate media are claiming, then f'it and all those like it. It's one thing to care about your fellow countrymen, and quite another to willingly ingest a fatal virus.
Once again you forget that you are not having a rational discussion.

The Anti arguments are emotional because they do not understand the rational. They think more guns equals more shootings therefore statistics are found to back up this theory. Then legislation is proposed based on the statistics. Yet in the end, the legislature has the opposite effect.

As for the go find me guy, if only he had a gun to defend himself. He would probably still been shot but more lives may have been saved.

The criminals have guns. Gun control only affects the law abiding by definition. Criminals benefit from your gun control.
This tragic event only proves what we have been saying all along, the government CANNOT protect us !!! We can and must protect ourselves and our families. Protect and serve is just a slogan, it is not a promise. The best security in the world can be found in Washington D.C. protecting these hypocrites with ARMED guards while our children are being murdered in these "Gun Free Zones." If the GOP wants to do something useful then now is the time. If your employer cannot or will not provide adequate security then by law we should be allowed to carry our own weapons.
You'll notice the fanfare is dying out. I'm sure between the whole targeting Christians thing and most likely an SSRI in there this event will be long forgotten by next week.
I'd love to see the topic of hate crime come up, just to watch the verbal gymnastics of why this doesnt apply here.[rolleyes]
This ******* is the poster child for tolerance run amuck. This will fade quickly as he doesn't fit their narrative.
We all know guns are used to save many lives every year, some say more than are lost to violent means (murder) -

way more, actually, according to various surveys conducted over the last few years. most confrontations don't end up with shots fired, fortunately, and don't get reported, maybe unfortunately, so we could use the definitive stats.
I made the mistake of looking over my wife's shoulder while she was on facebook last night. Her anti friends (our neighbors BTW) were in full retard mode. If only they knew how close some of those evil guns were lol. BTW my wife just told me she want's to get her LTC.
Here's what I don't understand: Why do we think we're any different from the UK, Australia, etc.? Depending on the study, the USA has roughly a 30% higher rate of mental illness than Australia. Depending on the study, we see 800% to 2,000% higher rates of gun deaths in the USA vs. Australia. Depending on the study, there are 6-8X more LEGAL guns per capita in the USA vs. Australia.

I'm all for law-abiding citizens owning guns. I own a couple (M&P Shield and a VP9). I'm also 100% behind making it a much more involved process to buy one.

Yup, that's just great...that's just we need is "just a little bit more gun control".... Cuz you know the Anti's will certainly stop and go away if we give up "just a little more" of our freedom.

Dude, F*ck off and surf a "Mom's against.." forum instead. Actually, just f*ck off.
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I agree in theory. If, after evaluation by a team of qualified professionals, you are deemed to be mentally deficient and a high risk to be a danger to society, then you should be subject to restrictions WITH DUE PROCESS. This, to me, is no different than Doctors being able to create a formal notice to the RMV (or DMV in other states) asking that they schedule a hearing to revoke someone's driver's licence if they have a medical condition which would make driving dangerous to the rest of us. Could be old age, could be a seizure disorder, could be narcolepsy. Get a hearing, get better/prove you are not a danger, get everything back.

Under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), which if left in place will lead to "single payer" or nationalized health care, doctors and other health personnel will be functionaries of government. Under such a scheme, a person's mere interest in firearms for any reason could be grounds for a diagnosis of mental illness that mandates a spectrum of interventions.
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I made the mistake of looking over my wife's shoulder while she was on facebook last night. Her anti friends (our neighbors BTW) were in full retard mode. If only they knew how close some of those evil guns were lol. BTW my wife just told me she want's to get her LTC.

Facebook + Gun Control Debates =


In their haste to capitalize on this tragedy, many in the lame stream media made a mistake and corrected it to 45 school shootings.

From Newsweek:

Additional reporting by Max Kutner.
This story has been updated to include the most recent information and remarks about the shooting in Oregon. Correction: This article originally incorrectly stated 45 as the number of mass shootings in 2015. The correct fact is the number of school shootings.

Time Magazine also listed the number at 45 school shootings, but even this is wrong as it listed Umpqua numbers as 13 dead and at least 20 injured:

Oct. 1, 2015
Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, Ore.
13 dead, at least 20 injured
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Sounds like they make a habit of getting info from each others articles rather than doing their own digging. Cant say Im shocked.
I made the mistake of looking over my wife's shoulder while she was on facebook last night. Her anti friends (our neighbors BTW) were in full retard mode. If only they knew how close some of those evil guns were lol. BTW my wife just told me she want's to get her LTC.

Good stuff! Glad to grow the good news. The best part is that you and your wife can smirk at each other when the neighbors come over for social hour.

Who knows? Maybe some day they'll take an invite to the range.

I know right? You would think that even they would of said to themselves, "45? This year? That sounds high. Let me spend a couple minutes on Google before I make an ass of myself."

Gang banger shoots other gang banger at 2am in school playground, it's a school shooting. 50 yr old guy offs himself in school parking lot at 10pm in the middle of july, it's a school shooting.

Just like the anti's will say 7 children are killed each day. 17 yr old drug dealer killed, that's a child. Their defiitions are purposely extremely broad.
just for shits and giggles I put the douche's myspace link and his dating profile link in the wayback machine, nothing before oct 2nd.

did it:

A) not show up before because it didn't exist or was updated?

B) only show up in the crawler because of the large amount of interest in those links on that day?

I guess I'm leaning towards B, because who would mess with a profile to cover something up/add/delete information and leave a Jimmy Jihadist as one of only two connections?

(don't mind me, I'm just tinfoil fishing today, I got nothing better to do.)
You'll notice the fanfare is dying out. I'm sure between the whole targeting Christians thing and most likely an SSRI in there this event will be long forgotten by next week.

Yeah the media is already trying to shit on the sheriff for cockblocking the release of the kids name, by whining about how he posted tinfoiler stuff somewhere.... the memetic value of this is dissapointing to the moonbats/media because there's no toddler corpses for them to dance on.

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