Active-shooting incident reported at community college in Oregon

I disagree.

I'm with you as well. I'm even shocked at my Facebook feed after this one. While a few of the expected people did post anti crap, I've seen several people, that I would never have expected in all of eternity, coming out and actually condemning gun free zones. One of them is someone I've suggested this to in the past and his response was the typical "it will be a disaster if we have untrained college kids running around playing cops and robbers with real guns". I think the fact that the retired military (sorry didn't catch which branch) guy made news for trying to stop this ****er may have something to do with it, as a lack of training and experience isn't an issue with him. When the news first broke about the military guy trying to stop the killer, I actually heard someone say "wait, I don't get it, even military people couldn't have guns there? That's stupid." Maybe a few more people are starting to wake up. I'm thinking of offering a range trip to some of these people.
I'm with you as well. I'm even shocked at my Facebook feed after this one. While a few of the expected people did post anti crap, I've seen several people, that I would never have expected in all of eternity, coming out and actually condemning gun free zones.

My feed has the usual suspects posting and reposting the usual anti propaganda crap, blaming the NRA, etc.

I'm considering posting that "I will be donating $1 to the NRA for every anti-gun post that appears on my newsfeed. Thank you all for supporting civil rights."
I was at dinner last night with the fam and overheard 2 ladies in their 70's saying that it's not the guns it's the crazy people using them. she said the people who work for the Gov should not be paid what they make and $ should go to helping The people in need on American soil. My wife caught me with my ear towards them and just looked at me like stop..LOL.. Oh by the way I had my XDS9 on my hip..
I fear with more of these shootings we are going to lose the second amendment battle.

Keep thinking and "fearing" that way and you will.
Meanwhile, WE will not walk about in fear and WE feel that the 2nd shall survive and shall not be infringed. That's why we gather here at NES and in thousands of similar forums nationwide...

My point is, and mind you I'm not "slamming" you on this just understanding that these are indeed difficult days for many: if you truly have those fears, you're allowing THEM to win. I've been "debating" this with everyone the past two days as more and more news about the attack emerges, and I actually have seen evidence even from the Anti's that maybe thoughts are changing on this issue... and that maybe, just maybe, a "good guy with a gun" might be the only real answer to all of this....

The dude that bravely rushed the f**** who did the shooting is being hailed as a hero, and rightfully so. Now (as I said to my coworker), just imagine if this hero had been ARMED. And that the victims didn't have to wait like lambs for either the slaughter or for help to arrive ("help", as in "good guy with gun") but were instead saved by this ARMED hero.

Instead of puking out some more Anti vomit, the coworker actually (for the first time that I've known him) said, quietly, "Maybe"....and then quietly walked away. (another first)....
I was at dinner last night with the fam and overheard 2 ladies in their 70's saying that it's not the guns it's the crazy people using them. she said the people who work for the Gov should not be paid what they make and $ should go to helping The people in need on American soil. My wife caught me with my ear towards them and just looked at me like stop..LOL.. Oh by the way I had my XDS9 on my hip..

And for all you know, maybe one (or both!) of the ladies at the other table had her G26 in her girdle CCW!
I made the mistake of looking over my wife's shoulder while she was on facebook last night. Her anti friends (our neighbors BTW) were in full retard mode. If only they knew how close some of those evil guns were lol. BTW my wife just told me she want's to get her LTC.

Invite your neighbors to come along shooting with you one of the next times you go.
I did a few months ago, my neighbor who had never owned a gun. And my neighbor just recently asked if I'd write a letter of reference for him - for his LTC app. I handed him the letter the following morning. He submitted his app a few days later. Day 17 is today. He's looking forward to it AND says his wife (previously very anti) "may wanna get hers too".
Keep thinking and "fearing" that way and you will.
Meanwhile, WE will not walk about in fear and WE feel that the 2nd shall survive and shall not be infringed. That's why we gather here at NES and in thousands of similar forums nationwide...

My point is, and mind you I'm not "slamming" you on this just understanding that these are indeed difficult days for many: if you truly have those fears, you're allowing THEM to win. I've been "debating" this with everyone the past two days as more and more news about the attack emerges, and I actually have seen evidence even from the Anti's that maybe thoughts are changing on this issue... and that maybe, just maybe, a "good guy with a gun" might be the only real answer to all of this....

The dude that bravely rushed the f**** who did the shooting is being hailed as a hero, and rightfully so. Now (as I said to my coworker), just imagine if this hero had been ARMED. And that the victims didn't have to wait like lambs for either the slaughter or for help to arrive ("help", as in "good guy with gun") but were instead saved by this ARMED hero.

Instead of puking out some more Anti vomit, the coworker actually (for the first time that I've known him) said, quietly, "Maybe"....and then quietly walked away. (another first)....

Thats a good story to hear but i have many on the contrary. Many know im very pro second amendment and with my job i get to talk to hundreds of different people. With that said many of the conversations ive been having are the opposite of what you said. A few of the people i speak to that are usually pro gun have been changing their tune. Now these people i speak of are not gun owners they just agree with the second amendment. My recent experiences are leaving me to believe many who are as they say on the fence, are jumping to the other side. Now my sample size is small but im using my personal experiences as well as social media.
Maybe it just means more people are actually having important conversations they hadn't been willing to have until recently. Minds can be changed on both sides. At the same time even.
Looks like Daddy's blaming the lack of gun control for his little snowflake's evil actions.

Maybe if mr. sperm donor was an actual parent and hadn't been a cowardly deadbeat absentee his offspring would have grown up normally and not turned into a violent nutter.
We already had a whole bunch of conversations.

We won, they can suck it.

Not sure what you think you won. In case you missed it, 2nd amendment rights have been eroding for the last century. You think that's reversing now because the Republicans currently control Congress?

If you really think the cold, dead hands, no compromise, machine guns for everybody, approach is the best, by all means be my guest. Hasn't seemed effective to me.
You'll notice the fanfare is dying out. I'm sure between the whole targeting Christians thing and most likely an SSRI in there this event will be long forgotten by next week.
i think it's dying out because "gun free zone" does not equal safe zone.
Not sure what you think you won. In case you missed it, 2nd amendment rights have been eroding for the last century.


More states allow concealed carry than 30 years ago. The assault weapons ban was allowed to expire. You may also have heard of the Heller case which reinforced the individual right to firearms ownership.

Sure, NFA rules still suck but we'll get to that eventually.
anyone else see where the LA Times called this kid with a black mom a white supremacist?

then CNN goes and alters his image to make him look more white...

I think once us gun owners come to grip with this and stop trying to compare mass shootings to car crash statistics and can come up with better counter arguments to the anti's we may move forward in our attempt to make people realize that the problem is not about LEGAL gun owners, but rather, it is about criminals and mentally ill people who manage to get guns legally are the real problem. If we can provide a means by which we can solve THAT problem, we may see movement.

But then again...antis don't listen to arguments from our side anyway. <sigh>

The battle isn't about antis. It's about nons. The antis in this country are statistically insignificant and we're not going to stop them from spewing their shit, so the next best thing is to get everyone else to stop paying attention to them. Antis are like reverend Phelp's retarded kids, they're not going to stop spewing venom and garbage. It's about protecting the nons from sucking for, or being dragged into misinformation, lies, and hyperbole the media throws out there. Protip: Don't pay attention to antis. Complete waste of time. Pay lots of attention to wafflers and nons. These people are 100 times more important than antis. They are an untapped resource. You often don't even have to beat a non up verbally to get them to change their mind, or at least look at the issue differently. Not to mention, there are also a shitload of people in this country who haven't really made judgments AT ALL about guns. Getting someone who may have not given a shit to suddenly give a shit is a big step forward.

The battle isn't about antis. It's about nons. The antis in this country are statistically insignificant and we're not going to stop them from spewing their shit, so the next best thing is to get everyone else to stop paying attention to them. Antis are like reverend Phelp's retarded kids, they're not going to stop spewing venom and garbage. It's about protecting the nons from sucking for, or being dragged into misinformation, lies, and hyperbole the media throws out there. Protip: Don't pay attention to antis. Complete waste of time. Pay lots of attention to wafflers and nons. These people are 100 times more important than antis. They are an untapped resource. You often don't even have to beat a non up verbally to get them to change their mind, or at least look at the issue differently. Not to mention, there are also a shitload of people in this country who haven't really made judgments AT ALL about guns. Getting someone who may have not given a shit to suddenly give a shit is a big step forward.


Spot on. +1
First time the news reported that he was a conservative republican. Every other mass shooter in a school was a liberal or grew up in a democratic family, but the news never reported that info. I guess that there can even be one conservative wacko.
anyone else see where the LA Times called this kid with a black mom a white supremacist?

then CNN goes and alters his image to make him look more white...

View attachment 147744

A real life Clayton Bigsby?
First time the news reported that he was a conservative republican. Every other mass shooter in a school was a liberal or grew up in a democratic family, but the news never reported that info. I guess that there can even be one conservative wacko.

Not that it matters to the victims, but other sources state that the shooter was registered as an Independent. I have no way of confirming the picture below, but it appears that he was just another anti-social loner with possible mental health problems according to his mother that is a nurse, in addition to being against organized religion.

The battle isn't about antis. It's about nons. The antis in this country are statistically insignificant and we're not going to stop them from spewing their shit, so the next best thing is to get everyone else to stop paying attention to them. Antis are like reverend Phelp's retarded kids, they're not going to stop spewing venom and garbage. It's about protecting the nons from sucking for, or being dragged into misinformation, lies, and hyperbole the media throws out there. Protip: Don't pay attention to antis. Complete waste of time. Pay lots of attention to wafflers and nons. These people are 100 times more important than antis. They are an untapped resource. You often don't even have to beat a non up verbally to get them to change their mind, or at least look at the issue differently. Not to mention, there are also a shitload of people in this country who haven't really made judgments AT ALL about guns. Getting someone who may have not given a shit to suddenly give a shit is a big step forward.


Replied with quote because this should be read again, he's right on. Taking someone shooting for the first time is 1000 times more effective at influencing someone's opinion than a social media post.
Following on from dr. grant's last post, it is also worth noting that around 80% of Americans think the government is corrupt and unable to do its job. A slightly lower number think the government is a threat to them. Combine these two statistics with the statement 'The government wants to take your guns away in order to keep you safe' and I think its unlikely that people who are not committed will blindly jump on the gun ban bandwagon.

Even better, the nutbags over at The Atlantic blame the Constitution for this and suggest changing it to allow government to function more effectively. And who do you suppose gets to decide that?
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havent seen much news lately because I have been busy with work...just got into a hotel and cnn has mark kelly on saying 40% of guns sold are done with out back ground checks

also says felons and domestic abusers easily get guns....

says there is no indication any shooter went to a gun free zone to kill people when asked about gun free zone signs..

says when places where gun laws are the strictest people are the safest....[thinking]
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