Active-shooting incident reported at community college in Oregon

havent seen much news lately because I have been busy with work...just got into a hotel and cnn has mark kelly on saying 40% of guns sold are done with out back ground checks

also says felons and domestic abusers easily get guns....

All these progressive statistics are lies and most people paying attention know it. The lemmings who aren't paying attention will be shocked into reality very soon
The irony of this is dumbfounding

From an article on CNN that focuses quite a lot on the shooter, his father, etc

Speaking of Flanagan on August 31, the blog post reads: "I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. ... Seems the more people you kill, the more you're in the limelight."

You guys really need to lay off the mental health angle of these shooters. As has been stated previously, many many many people in his country have a mental illness and battle through it successfully. The vast majority of those people are never a threat to themselves or others.

What you don't seem to get is the very real connection between this angle and an erosion of your rights. If .gov can identify certain illnesses that increase the risk of violent action, they will develop tests for them. The next step is to take those voluntary tests and contain them in a database. Then the tests become mandatory.

The fallout from that is twofold:
1. Those people who may possibly think they might have some chance of maybe having a mental illness like this will do their damnedest to avoid diagnosis and will not seek treatment.
2. Medical data will have taken the next step to becoming the barometer by which your rights are allowed.

Think about that carefully the next time you blame mental illness for the actions of a single person. You may as well be blaming all gun owners for the actions of that same gunman.

Do you really want the rest of us to be reading about your "cache" of semi automatic machine guns?
We already had a whole bunch of conversations.

We won, they can suck it.
A cousin was raising the old 'NRA owns congress' crap. I respond that I WISH they were that effective. He comes back with 'how can you believe that when 80% of people want stricter laws. I reminded him that if 80% really DID want them, we would have them.

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You guys really need to lay off the mental health angle of these shooters. As has been stated previously, many many many people in his country have a mental illness and battle through it successfully. The vast majority of those people are never a threat to themselves or others.

What you don't seem to get is the very real connection between this angle and an erosion of your rights. If .gov can identify certain illnesses that increase the risk of violent action, they will develop tests for them. The next step is to take those voluntary tests and contain them in a database. Then the tests become mandatory.

The fallout from that is twofold:
1. Those people who may possibly think they might have some chance of maybe having a mental illness like this will do their damnedest to avoid diagnosis and will not seek treatment.
2. Medical data will have taken the next step to becoming the barometer by which your rights are allowed.

Think about that carefully the next time you blame mental illness for the actions of a single person. You may as well be blaming all gun owners for the actions of that same gunman.

Do you really want the rest of us to be reading about your "cache" of semi automatic machine guns?

This. Each Mental Health claim puts it closer to the CDC treating it as a public heLth issue.
A cousin was raising the old 'NRA owns congress' crap. I respond that I WISH they were that effective. He comes back with 'how can you believe that when 80% of people want stricter laws. I reminded him that if 80% really DID want them, we would have them.

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This. Each Mental Health claim puts it closer to the CDC treating it as a public heLth issue.

And the definition of mentally ill will be broad and constantly growing to capture more of the population. They will not stop until everyone but the elites are prohbited people.
Has it been mentioned yet that the shooter's mother was black, and he self-identified as mixed race? The LA Times labeled him as a white supremacist, but that doesn't make much sense. Searching Google for "Oregon shooter" and "white supremacist" yields about 31,200 results. Searching Google for "Oregon shooter," "white supremacist" and ["multiracial," "biracial," "black mother" or "mother was black"] yield a few hundred each at the most. Searching Google for "oregon shooter," "white supremacist" and "mixed race" yields 4,670 results but the most mainstream source that I could find in this search is
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Real estate agent Edwin Almeida reportedly told the Australia Associated Press that he saw a man with a gun screaming and pacing up and down the side of the building, before seeing a body next to him. Sky News Australia reported that the gunman was wearing a black gown.

Jimmy Jihad or an angry tranny, inquiring minds want to know
The battle isn't about antis. It's about nons. The antis in this country are statistically insignificant and we're not going to stop them from spewing their shit, so the next best thing is to get everyone else to stop paying attention to them. Antis are like reverend Phelp's retarded kids, they're not going to stop spewing venom and garbage. It's about protecting the nons from sucking for, or being dragged into misinformation, lies, and hyperbole the media throws out there. Protip: Don't pay attention to antis. Complete waste of time. Pay lots of attention to wafflers and nons. These people are 100 times more important than antis. They are an untapped resource. You often don't even have to beat a non up verbally to get them to change their mind, or at least look at the issue differently. Not to mention, there are also a shitload of people in this country who haven't really made judgments AT ALL about guns. Getting someone who may have not given a shit to suddenly give a shit is a big step forward.

Absolutely positively THIS, one of the best posts ever on NES.. (IMHO)

Huge +1
Has it been mentioned yet that the shooter's mother was black, and he self-identified as mixed race? The LA Times labeled him as a white supremacist, but that doesn't make much sense. Searching Google for "Oregon shooter" and "white supremacist" yields about 31,200 results. Searching Google for "Oregon shooter," "white supremacist" and ["multiracial," "biracial," "black mother" or "mother was black"] yield a few hundred each at the most. Searching Google for "oregon shooter," "white supremacist" and "mixed race" yields 4,670 results but the most mainstream source that I could find in this search is

Apparently it was mentioned but can anyone confirm the veracity of the retouched photo?

anyone else see where the LA Times called this kid with a black mom a white supremacist?

then CNN goes and alters his image to make him look more white...

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You guys really need to lay off the mental health angle of these shooters. As has been stated previously, many many many people in his country have a mental illness and battle through it successfully. The vast majority of those people are never a threat to themselves or others.

I agree but at some point or another it is unavoidable. The problem is gun owners are too quick to use "the problem is mental health reporting blah blah blah" as a scapegoat to distract people from making noises about banning their shit, and all the while they're thinking "I don't have mental health problems it couldn't possibly effect me, that's for "those people".

A cousin was raising the old 'NRA owns congress' crap. I respond that I WISH they were that effective. He comes back with 'how can you believe that when 80% of people want stricter laws. I reminded him that if 80% really DID want them, we would have them.

Ask him how much the NRA spends on lobbying each year. Hint: Over the past 18 years, it's been between $1.2million and $3.1million. Then point out that a couple years ago when "Everytown" was formed, Michael Bloomberg spent $50million on his own lobbying for more gun control. In other words, he spent more in one year than the NRA has spent in the past 18 years.
If Obama is truly intent on preventing guns from falling into the wrong hands, I've got the perfect solution to the problem. Implement a law requiring mandatory warrantless searches of all homes where a prohibited person lives, and all places where a prohibited person works or hangs out. If a state requires registration or a license to own guns, then these searches can also be applied to any home/business where no licensed person lives or no guns are registered (depending on state law). This would dramatically reduce the number of illegal guns on the street, and it's no more unconstitutional than any gun control methods that have been proposed over the past few decades.

*I by no means support such a law.
Apparently it was mentioned but can anyone confirm the veracity of the retouched photo?
I've only seen it on blogs, cnn doesn't seem to have any pics of this clown at all on their site right now, they also use the phrase "the gunman" a hell of a lot, omitting his name. That (white) nut who shot up the church was all over the place, (pics of him with flags, etc...)

this guy points to more social media that had been "retouched" in his opinon. there's a screenshot of a BLM forum pic that apparently has the gunman's comments on it. It looks a little weird to me (ie photoshopped) but who knows?
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I agree but at some point or another it is unavoidable. The problem is gun owners are too quick to use "the problem is mental health reporting blah blah blah" as a scapegoat to distract people from making noises about banning their shit, and all the while they're thinking "I don't have mental health problems it couldn't possibly effect me, that's for "those people".


Thus the mantra "they came for my neighbors and I was quiet, then they came for me..."

You cannot make an effective argument against gun control by deflecting: It just makes your argument weaker in the end.
I love how the murderer's father has "no idea" how his son got guns, and basically had no clue about what was going on in his own child's life. Yet it was the gun's fault. Wow.

Found this interesting - not sure what his agenda is here other than more accurate semantics.
Guns don’t kill people. Bullets kill people. Fired from guns, brandished by people, who shoot you by accident or on purpose.

So by logical extension - the problem is the people and not the tool.
I love how the murderer's father has "no idea" how his son got guns, and basically had no clue about what was going on in his own child's life. Yet it was the gun's fault. Wow.

Found this interesting - not sure what his agenda is here other than more accurate semantics.

So by logical extension - the problem is the people and not the tool.

There are few a-holes bigger than degrasse tyson. He's is this mythical genius who gets clowned on often because he makes so many mistakes. The uber liberals love that guy though.

He was limited by twitters 140 characters. Bullets kill people, cars do, falls do, electricity does, knives, bats, hammers, fists, rope, bombs, fire, 2x4's....

But no, obsess over a particular object and ignore the others. Asshats.
I love how the murderer's father has "no idea" how his son got guns, and basically had no clue about what was going on in his own child's life. Yet it was the gun's fault. Wow.

Found this interesting - not sure what his agenda is here other than more accurate semantics.

So by logical extension - the problem is the people and not the tool.

The worst I saw from the father was his comment, you have the right to bear arms but that doesn't mean you have the right to kill/shoot people. He should go back across the pond if he doesn't like freedom.
Ask him how much the NRA spends on lobbying each year. Hint: Over the past 18 years, it's been between $1.2million and $3.1million. Then point out that a couple years ago when "Everytown" was formed, Michael Bloomberg spent $50million on his own lobbying for more gun control. In other words, he spent more in one year than the NRA has spent in the past 18 years.

Already done.
^Is there a source for figures on that?


For the NRA:

Bloomberg filtered his through other groups like Everytown, MDA, the Bradys, MAIG, etc. so there's nothing listing the full amount, but a Google search will show dozens of news articles about him spending $50million from his personal fortune.

ETA: It looks like a lot of Bloomberg's money went to propaganda as well as lobbying. I can't find exact numbers on how much went to which.
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Andrew Kehoe, Bath, Michigan May 18th 1927. He blew the school up killing 38 elementary school children, 6 adults, and injured at least 58 other people. It is the deadliest mass murder to take place at a school in the US.

The worst school murder spree was in Michigan or MN, upper middle west back in the 1930's or so. Guy was nuts, blew up the school. I think he killed 50 or so.
Andrew Kehoe, Bath, Michigan May 18th 1927. He blew the school up killing 38 elementary school children, 6 adults, and injured at least 58 other people. It is the deadliest mass murder to take place at a school in the US.

And planted explosives under the rest of the school that didn't detonate. He almost killed the entire school. Something about a school election or other. Not sure what that had to do with the children?
I keep seeing cities like Chicago pop up as examples of strict requirements not working. For gun regulation to be effective, it’s going to require complete, nationwide overhaul. When regulations vary town-by-town, it isn’t going to work. There are examples of these regulatory overhauls being effective in other countries.

Every time this discussion is raised, I hear "doing ___________ will only keep guns away from law-abiding citizens, and the thugs will get their guns." Clearly this comes down to how regulation is structured.

I ask this seriously: As a pro-gun community, why are we comfortable with this?


Because we aren't the ones committing those murders? If we were there would be 100MM US citizens and we'd all be packing.

10k people killed each year from drunk drivers, same number as killed by guns. You want to ban cars and booze? Yeah, I thought not. Making me guilty for someone else's crime is horse shit. That number there, the red one? That is the price of freedom my friend. Just like the 750k abortions every year. The price of freedom. You should try some sometime, it is sweet stuff.
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