Active-shooting incident reported at community college in Oregon

The way I look at it we have ~100 Million Gun Owners (Legal) in this country, let's say a best guess is 100 per year or 0.0001% will murder people or commit a crime with their gun (not in self defense - murder/crime). Muslims it is widely accepted that 10% are radicalized (willing to kill, blow people up, chop heads off); but lets be nice and say it's overstated by 10x so 1%.

That means a muslim is 10,000 times more likely to commit a violent attack than a legal gun owner.

Even if you say 50 Million legal gun owners and 1000 per year are going to commit a crime; that's still only 0.002% and it brings us to 500 times less likely.

I like numbers - you can make a liberals head explode with them. It's not 'feelings' or 'thoughts' they a cold hard facts. So until someone wants to introduce 'Common sense muslim control' - they can F-off.

Then we always talk about how ~9000 citizens are killed by illegal aliens every year.

But lets focus on the most law abiding, Constitutionally protected, group of people first.
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Because we aren't the ones committing those murders? If we were there would be 100MM US citizens and we'd all be packing.

10k people killed each year from drunk drivers, same number as killed by guns. You want to ban cars and booze? Yeah, I thought not. Making me guilty for someone else's crime is horse shit. That number there, the red one? That is the price of freedom my friend. Just like the 750k abortions every year. The price of freedom. You should try some sometime, it is sweet stuff.

On top of that, why the hell are these people ONLY focused on GUN murders and "GUN violence"? There are less cars in the US than guns, yet more people die in cars each year than from guns. If all of this was about SAVING LIVES, as claimed, we would be talking about common sense restrictions and banning CARS before guns.

Also, we are they hyper-focused on ONLY GUN CRIME and not ALL VIOLENT CRIME? I would be just as upset if a loved one died from a knife or a hammer or a fist (all of which kill more people than guns each year)!! Do we not care about people that are stabbed to death or beaten to death?

Why NOT focus on overall violent crime? The answer is simple. Its a losing argument, because when you compare overall murder rates and violent crime rates in the US to other countries, the chart that mikevitz posted looks a $HITLOAD different! It doesn't fit the false narrative to push their control agenda forward.

When these people (like mikevitz) post charts that only address gun crime and leave out all others, it is nothing but propaganda and should be treated as such.

Their policy prescriptions are all about more control and not doing anything to reduce crime.
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It all boils down to the government doesn't want to be afraid of the people it's trying to maintain and exert control over.

They're not worried about a drunken uprising or a demolition derby revolution, so they don't push alcohol and car accident stats to bring the sheep in line.
It all boils down to the government doesn't want to be afraid of the people it's trying to maintain and exert control over.

They're not worried about a drunken uprising or a demolition derby revolution, so they don't push alcohol and car accident stats to bring the sheep in line.

QFMFT. That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
"Mike's" wildly skewed graph appears to be based on a handful of countries (one of the most "civilized" is the world's third largest weapons exporter). On THAT particular stat ("gun" murder rate) the US actually stands in 15th place [SUP](1)[/SUP], not 1st. Jewels such as Honduras and El Salvador top THAT list.

The United States stands behind 97 other countries in "general" homicide rates / 100,000 population. [SUP](2)[/SUP] To put that in perspective, there are 196 [SUP](3) [/SUP]countries IN the world. So it seems we're pretty average as far as murder goes. It also handily supports the notion that if a gun is not available, a killer will simply use whatever IS available.

I've made not the slightest attempt to validate these stats and have no interest in doing so, but feel free, anyone, to verify or dispute them. Cites are at the end of this post.

Here's a pretty picture so "Mike" doesn't have to actually read any words: (if you look hard, you'll find us in the top left quarter)


List of countries by firearm-related death rate by Jroehl [SUP](4)[/SUP]

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I keep seeing cities like Chicago pop up as examples of strict requirements not working. For gun regulation to be effective, it’s going to require complete, nationwide overhaul. When regulations vary town-by-town, it isn’t going to work. There are examples of these regulatory overhauls being effective in other countries.

Every time this discussion is raised, I hear "doing ___________ will only keep guns away from law-abiding citizens, and the thugs will get their guns." Clearly this comes down to how regulation is structured.

I ask this seriously: As a pro-gun community, why are we comfortable with this?

Wrong forum. Maybe you should hug Hillary
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I was listening to the news and they said that they weren't naming the firearm/s that were used in the shooting yet.
It should not be hard to figure out which one/s were used. I find it strange that they have not said it yet. They must be up to something.

More interesting is the fact that the media has played up the bit about him buying all of his guns legally via NICS and background checks.

My first question is: How does a 20 year old "legally" buy a handgun?
This begs the next question: How did he get his hands on handguns?

This was later mentioned in the media that he and "some family members" bought all 13 guns. (a 14th one was traded back in, for some reason) Well, that might include him buying all the longarms himself, but who traded/transfered to him, the handguns. And wouldn't THAT even be illegal, as any persons under the age of 21 cannot be legally in possession of a handgun?
More interesting is the fact that the media has played up the bit about him buying all of his guns legally via NICS and background checks.

My first question is: How does a 20 year old "legally" buy a handgun?
This begs the next question: How did he get his hands on handguns?

This was later mentioned in the media that he and "some family members" bought all 13 guns. (a 14th one was traded back in, for some reason) Well, that might include him buying all the longarms himself, but who traded/transfered to him, the handguns. And wouldn't THAT even be illegal, as any persons under the age of 21 cannot be legally in possession of a handgun?

According to the reports he was 26.
More interesting is the fact that the media has played up the bit about him buying all of his guns legally via NICS and background checks.

My first question is: How does a 20 year old "legally" buy a handgun?
This begs the next question: How did he get his hands on handguns?

This was later mentioned in the media that he and "some family members" bought all 13 guns. (a 14th one was traded back in, for some reason) Well, that might include him buying all the longarms himself, but who traded/transfered to him, the handguns. And wouldn't THAT even be illegal, as any persons under the age of 21 cannot be legally in possession of a handgun?

It is not illegal for someone under 21 to possess or even own a handgun. He simply can't buy it from an FFL.

Some states may impose more limits, but I don't think his is one.

- - - Updated - - -

According to the reports he was 26.

And there's that [laugh]
So dad is terrified of guns. That's what I got out of that article.

That, and he in no way shoulders any responsibility for what happened. If f that were me, I'd do anything in my power to stay away from the camera, but this whore is seeking it out to blame this on an inanimate object. What a tool, he can EABOD
TLDR version:

"The guns caused the shooting. It's the guns' fault. Guns are bad, mmmmkay. My son might have had a very very small part in this attack, but that's for the police to determine. Guns are bad, mmmmkay."

What he actually said was much dumber:

"We talk about gun laws. We talk about gun control. Every time something like this happens, they talk about it and nothing gets done. I'm not trying to say that that's to blame for what happened, but if Chris had not been able to get hold of 13 guns, this wouldn't have happened," the father said.

He laid out his personal philosophy on the issue: "I'm a great believer (in) you don't buy guns, don't buy guns, you don't buy guns."

Apparently everything he doesn't do in life (like parent) he doesn't do three times just to be sure the job doesn't get done.
TLDR version:

"The guns caused the shooting. It's the guns' fault. Guns are bad, mmmmkay. My son might have had a very very small part in this attack, but that's for the police to determine. Guns are bad, mmmmkay."

Translation: "Don't sue me because it was the guns' fault. It wasn't my good boy who was turning his life around...."
Yeah let the police determine what the kid's mental state was but no matter what it was the guns' fault. Your parenting certainly wasn't a factor though nor does your son hold any responsibility. Nah, blame an inanimate object: That must be it. ****ing genius is polluting our gene pool.

I am with his dad, guns are at fault. Criminal guns running rampant through the street. That's what you get by getting lowlife guns. By the way those guns were turning their lives around. My guns are well behaved and follow the law, I am putting them through college to get some education.
I am with his dad, guns are at fault. Criminal guns running rampant through the street. That's what you get by getting lowlife guns. By the way those guns were turning their lives around. My guns are well behaved and follow the law, I am putting them through college to get some education.

my guns are always coming home in a cruiser for being drunk in public, vandalizing highway overpasses, or for exposing themselves... indecently.

my guns are *******s.
Shooters father [rolleyes]/ victims mother

During a segment aired by NBC Nightly News on October 4, Fitzgerald’s mother–Bonnie Schaan–said her daughter should have been armed and she stressed that Americans must arm themselves so they are able to defend their lives if such a heinous attack befalls them.
Schaan said, “America we need to pack guns–if this is what it’s coming to–to have to protect ourselves.” And Schaan was not alone in her views. Rather, numerous Sunday sermons in Roseberg, Oregon, focused “God and guns.”
And predictably Mark Kelly cant tell us which if any of the totalitarian gun control laws he's pimping would have prevented this

Funny how people like Kelly refuse to hold anyone accountable and keep blaming inanimate objects

Obviously he forgot his Bloomberg talking points.

Laws can't stop anything. They're just pieces of paper, or nowadays, bits of binary data stored on a hard disk. Laws simply empower agents of the state in the arrest, prosecution and incarceration of violators. Nothing more, nothing less.

What will work is force. Armed force. Kelly understands this. As does Bloomberg, and the whole lot of anti-human rights activists. They'll never openly acknowledge it of course.
i love the bullshit like that. simply disregard that pesky second amendment because it doesn't fit into my progressive worldview.

the second amendment only applies to hunting and muskets they say... while exercising their first amendment... on the internet.
This one is making the rounds on the BookFace...

How cute. If I recall correctly their homicide rates fell slightly immediately after, but than started rising again. Or maybe the downward rate increased, then leveled off again (because homicides in general have been steadily decreasing for decades in most countries I think)

Also if you scroll up to the picture someone posted of "This is what guns will look like if guns are outlawed" you will see what else is happening in Australia. I recall seeing some news clips from Australia where the police confiscated guns that looked just like that - i.e. the luty machine pistol pattern. The police and anchor were saying they had no idea where these weapons were coming from.... duh, people are making them you idiots.
How cute. If I recall correctly their homicide rates fell slightly immediately after, but than started rising again. Or maybe the downward rate increased, then leveled off again (because homicides in general have been steadily decreasing for decades in most countries I think)

Also if you scroll up to the picture someone posted of "This is what guns will look like if guns are outlawed" you will see what else is happening in Australia. I recall seeing some news clips from Australia where the police confiscated guns that looked just like that - i.e. the luty machine pistol pattern. The police and anchor were saying they had no idea where these weapons were coming from.... duh, people are making them you idiots.

Their homicide rate had been decreasing steadily for a decade prior to their total ban. That slow decline changed very little (and the murder rate actually went up significantly for a while) after their total gun ban.

It's worth noting that in 1995, about 20% of homicides in Australia were committed with firearms. In 2003 (the last year that graph shows) it was somewhere around 15~18%.
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