Air Rifles

Umm, we have various sub-forums here for a reason. Posting this in "Ross' Hunting and Fishing" forum isn't even close to a proper place to post this question. So I'm going to guess you didn't bother to look in the Gun Laws forum (by using Advanced Search for "airguns" or "air+guns") to see if the answer is already there.

Give it a try, you will find your answer there.

I moved this thread to the proper forum for such questions.
1. I was questioning where to place this question and apparently chose incorrectly, thanks for the relocation.
2. I did do a search for air rifles but as you can imagine, the results where all about just rifles, but i will try again with the suggestions used above, again, thanks.
"airgun" will give you the answer you want in one of the few threads that this comes up with.
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