AK47's - Who makes the best one and why?

I don't know what to tell you. I bought my O-PAP for $560 out the door add a few bucks for MA neutering, etc. I know the difference between the two rifles. The O-PAP isn't a $700+ rifle based partially on the fact it's a non-standard (M70) CAI monkey-****. Don't get me wrong I like mine but I wouldn't compare it to my Arsenal. My initial point and comment was that it wasn't unexpected that you enjoyed shooting the SAM7r over the O-PAP.
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I don't know what to tell you. I bought my O-PAP for $560 out the door add a few bucks for MA neutering, etc. I know the difference between the two rifles. The O-PAP isn't a $700+ rifle based partially on the fact it's a non-standard (M70) CAI monkey-****. Don't get me wrong I like mine but I wouldn't compare it to my Arsenal. My initial point and comment was that it wasn't unexpected that you enjoyed shooting the SAM7r over the O-PAP.
I just never saw an O-Pap selling under 650ish. I figured and because of quality that it would shoot better but I was just letting people know that may not even have 1 that it was fun in my hands. The O-Pap was ok and yes I guess you get what you pay for. Now to find an SGL21 to keep it company.
went this afternoon with Jron and Greek to westford and shot the SAM7r also for the 1st time, Man do I like this AK, so much bettr than the O Pap I just sold. Just felt super smooth and for those looking into 1 , I say do it.

It is a really nice rifle.. smooth and solid for sure but after you've shot a few mags through it your arms get a bit tired. I haven't had a chance to go back and shoot it again yet but I'm looking forward to it!
Have any of you guys modified your mags to work the way the Yugo's do and hold the bolt open after the last bullet is fired? I've seen the Youtube video's and its easy enough but I was just wondering if anyone has longterm experience with it and has it prematurely worn out the spring or any other part of the non Yugo mags. the East German models are cheap enough to obtain that I will probably do the mod to them but I just don't want to lose reliability or functionality.
Have any of you guys modified your mags to work the way the Yugo's do and hold the bolt open after the last bullet is fired? I've seen the Youtube video's and its easy enough but I was just wondering if anyone has longterm experience with it and has it prematurely worn out the spring or any other part of the non Yugo mags. the East German models are cheap enough to obtain that I will probably do the mod to them but I just don't want to lose reliability or functionality.
you can just buy the Followers from AIM or Primary arms and that's it. I'm not a fan of B H O as when you take the Mag out the bolt goes forward anyway. Unless you have the Krebbs Safety lever
Have any of you guys modified your mags to work the way the Yugo's do and hold the bolt open after the last bullet is fired? I've seen the Youtube video's and its easy enough but I was just wondering if anyone has longterm experience with it and has it prematurely worn out the spring or any other part of the non Yugo mags. the East German models are cheap enough to obtain that I will probably do the mod to them but I just don't want to lose reliability or functionality.

I though this was cool when I first fired my Yugo, then the bolt closed when I dropped the mag and the cool factor went way down. LOL
Have any of you guys modified your mags to work the way the Yugo's do and hold the bolt open after the last bullet is fired? I've seen the Youtube video's and its easy enough but I was just wondering if anyone has longterm experience with it and has it prematurely worn out the spring or any other part of the non Yugo mags. the East German models are cheap enough to obtain that I will probably do the mod to them but I just don't want to lose reliability or functionality.

Just added the Arsenal PR-01 picatinny quad rail handguards to my SAM7SF.. They are top notch for sure! Using a quick release UTG bipod can't wait to shoot this rifle again when the weather co-operates a bit more. Now it needs some kind of optic to be complete

So given that this thread hasn't been hit for about a year, while the AR one seems to still be getting action, if one were in the market for an AK with the following considerations, what would be the best options?

Price: $650-$800, could go a little higher but under a grand
Furniture: Wood
Misc: accept standard AK mags (and preferably accessories).

And while it might be slightly off topic, is there anywhere to try some out? I've not found anywhere. I thought I had heard the newer WASRs were quite a bit improved, but everyone still seems to turn their noses up.
So given that this thread hasn't been hit for about a year, while the AR one seems to still be getting action, if one were in the market for an AK with the following considerations, what would be the best options?

Price: $650-$800, could go a little higher but under a grand
Furniture: Wood
Misc: accept standard AK mags (and preferably accessories).

And while it might be slightly off topic, is there anywhere to try some out? I've not found anywhere. I thought I had heard the newer WASRs were quite a bit improved, but everyone still seems to turn their noses up.

WASR works but Meh...I would look into the DDI at Atlantic Firearms , they offer black poly furniture Magpul and wood but not sure what's in stock. They also have a decent German one with American Barrel and Receiver course. The DDI is built off a Romanian or Hungarian kit and is pretty well made
If you can find a Saiga Izmash converted on AKfiles marketplace or online those are quality rifles. I own one. You will have to do a front end conversion with a shorter gas tube if you want wood furniture though. DDI is a great choice as well
I hadn't heard of the DDI ones until recently but on their website they appear to have a good selection and most seem to be in the right range. I'll have to research them further. All I've heard about I.O. is stay away, although I wonder if that's just the internet piling on sometimes.

I don't really seem to see AKs at any LGS (or even at the range, for that matter). It just seems like researching and finding the right AR is miles easier, which I guess isn't unusual, but is nevertheless a bit disheartening for the aspiring AK owner.
Norinco Mak 90.

1.5 mm thicker receiver. Majority of other AK variants have 1.0 mm receiver.

Nice blueing finish not cheap coating. Crisp trigger no recoil on the trigger finger. You could shoot this all day with no trigger slap.

Chromed lined barrel. Hooded sight post.

I would say it is one of the better variants . Really solid AK!
Just my opinion, I have an OC AK from Atlantic that's my shooter - about $500 + shipping and Mass FFL fee + Russian red furniture: $625.00 all in and it looks great, shoots well, 700+ rounds and no issues. Is it an Arsenal milled AK? No, but for a range toy it does the job, and who knows if will ever break!

Now if funds were no issue, then Arsenal all day long, twice on Sunday!
Just my opinion, I have an OC AK from Atlantic that's my shooter - about $500 + shipping and Mass FFL fee + Russian red furniture: $625.00 all in and it looks great, shoots well, 700+ rounds and no issues. Is it an Arsenal milled AK? No, but for a range toy it does the job, and who knows if will ever break!

Now if funds were no issue, then Arsenal all day long, twice on Sunday!

OC? My google-fu is failing me.
Norinco Mak 90.

1.5 mm thicker receiver. Majority of other AK variants have 1.0 mm receiver.

Nice blueing finish not cheap coating. Crisp trigger no recoil on the trigger finger. You could shoot this all day with no trigger slap.

Chromed lined barrel. Hooded sight post.

I would say it is one of the better variants . Really solid AK!

The reason they went with 1.5mm cause there steel was crap.

In reality the more you spend on a ak your mainly paying for finish work .
You can build a great ak for less then you can buy most on the market .
The other major difference is the barrel .
Chrome lined vs not ,Hammer forged etc .
Barrel is a preference .

Wasr 10 are just as good as any other ak . Depending on who built it. I wouldn't buy one unless I new it didn't have a canted front sight .

When you want some thing besides the typical 7.62/5.45 gun . Your paying more due to how rare they are .

"Krink" guns demand big money due to lack of parts kits . Same with the German guns .

Amd65 are fairly cheap due to amount of kits imported .

Yugo guns you need to be careful if they where built as a single stack gun and converted . Can be hit or miss .

Saiga prices shot through the roof due to the ban.

If you want a safe queen spend the money and buy the high end ones with the shiny finish. But if you plan to use it and abuse it why spend so much when your gonna wear the finish off .


My 556 gun is built on a Bulgarian kit (same as a Arsenal 74 gun) with a ak builder 556 barrel and a nodak. Cost me just under 500$ could do the same in 300blk if I wanted to .

I use my guns and abuse them . If I wanted it pretty I would of gone with a legit baked on gun finish but I used rattle can . It's burning off the brake already .

Best upgrade for any ak is a alg trigger .
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I hadn't heard of the DDI ones until recently but on their website they appear to have a good selection and most seem to be in the right range. I'll have to research them further. All I've heard about I.O. is stay away, although I wonder if that's just the internet piling on sometimes.

I don't really seem to see AKs at any LGS (or even at the range, for that matter). It just seems like researching and finding the right AR is miles easier, which I guess isn't unusual, but is nevertheless a bit disheartening for the aspiring AK owner.
Buy a kit and get into building AKs, there's a ton of satisfaction at doing it and you get better the more you build. You tube is your friend on this but a build party is better. There are populated barrel kits out there making it easier too !
Buy a kit and get into building AKs, there's a ton of satisfaction at doing it and you get better the more you build. You tube is your friend on this but a build party is better. There are populated barrel kits out there making it easier too !
First build just get a ak-builder kit

Run away from the psa kits and other ones built with cast parts . New psa are gonna use forged parts .



This gun had a low round count and this is what happen with cast parts .
Ak operators Union has a list of all the guns with cast parts .

You see less aks due to Americas mind set on the m16 being better . They are better at different things .
I've seen some custom Ak's shoot better groups then ar's
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