American Firearms.... WTF!

I'd rather do a person to person FA-10 that can be printed online. The state now has an online way to check a License and get the FA-10.

Former FFL Dealer
Current Certified Firearms Instructor
Life Member of the NRA
Life Member of GOAL
Life Member of Law Enforcement Alliance Of America
Law Enf. Officer over 20 years

He might not have any of his 4 sales left for the year, hence needing the FFL. You also can't use the PDF version of the FA-10 anyway. It has to be the real form with the serial # on it.
i had a fella say to me once (not afs, but a similar case of jackassery) that they didn't give prices for guns over the phone...i promptly drove to the store, they realized who i was, i expressed my feelings on the matter in a relatively rude manner and they have lost my business. I dont care if a guy buys one gun, or spends thousands a year at a shop. TREAT US RIGHT or loose the sale, you are only pissing in your own cheerios.

He said that because you were probably calling a dozen shops to see who had a certain gun in stock for the cheapest. There's no loyalty among buyers anymore.
I don't understand, how would anyone actually know how much the gun costs?? there is no reason that an invoice is included. I would of said fine, and had the sender send in one for $10 and give the guy his $BUCK !!! LOLOL
I'd rather do a person to person FA-10 that can be printed online. The state now has an online way to check a License and get the FA-10.

It's stupid to burn up an FA-10 on a gun that doesn't need it though. For example I do dealer transfers on nearly everything I sell because the FA-10s can be legally used for stuff that won't go through a dealer, or in matters of exigency where it makes more sense to use the FA-10 to sell something than it does to use a dealer.

I think you are missing something. He wanted to charge a transfer fee (which he is completely entitled to) , AND 10% of the gun value like it was on consignment and he actually sold it for somebody, which he didn't. That is a royal screw job. And bad business. I'd be far more likely to buy guns from somebody who didn't try and rip me off, makes sense yes?

Not to stick up for that FFL...but If you have a dealer that you buy from repeatedly, he would probably do if for free.
But when you go to an FFL that you don't buy from???
There are costs associated with opening a shop & maintaining the FFL.
I am a licensed electrician in 2 states. It costs we $200-300 a year to keep I don't do electric work for free either!!!
Just saying...
Or possible I am missing something here???
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