American POW freed from Taliban

Bowe Bergdahl was a POW and a piece of sh!t. I don't give a crap about him or his wack job parents. Seriously, F the three of them and everyone in the obama admin that worked on this. Bowe Bergdahl is responsible for the death of soldiers who were sent to find his dumbass. He needs to go to prison for desertion.

2 1/2 yrs left to the cowards admin. I hope he f'ing crooks the day after the election in '16.

Again, I'm going to ask this: what inside information do you have on the specifics of this case? Let's assume for a minute that you are correct. Well then what would one of the military objectives be if indeed he were a deserter and his intent was unknown? The information that he could potentially supply the enemy would be of value to them. The logical choice then, would be to send out a mission to retrieve him and return him before he could do any damage. If soldiers were killed in an attempt to retrieve him, then that is an acceptable loss. All you guys that say, "let's hang the dude" fail to realize that if you are correct, then the mission wasn't to rescue him but to return him and bring him to justice, or maybe even ensure that he was killed "during a valiant rescue attempt." There are a lot of ways of looking at that too. Simply put there was a mission to retrieve then PFC Bowe Bergdahl. The actual intent and purpose of the mission remains unknown at this time. Despite the best efforts of the United States Forces, the mission was unsuccessful and US military personnel were killed. That's all we really know, unless of course you like your namesake J. Edgar have unlimited knowledge of the inner workings of the United States Government.

I love your degree of hate, you are so blinded by it you can't even spell croaks properly. You are quite the man, dude, quite the man.

On June 30, 2009, Bowe Bergdahl went missing in Afghanistan. My unit within the US Special Operations Command along with a select few SOF units, were alerted to conduct a hostage rescue/recovery mission in Afghanistan. The A.O. (area of operation) had stood down upon receiving the intel of Bergdahl’s disappearance. My element composed of 35 men, was alerted and sent to our briefing room to conduct our necessary planning in order to try and retrieve Bergdahl.

The intel that we were given at the time consisted of the following:

- Bergdahl D.O.B: March 28, 1986

- Assigned to 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based at Fort Richardson, Alaska.

- Bergdahl's unit was sent to an outpost called Mest-Malak in Afghanistan to conduct counterinsurgency operations.

- We had all been given copies of his military issued ID card along with his PASS or FAIL security questions.

- His unit had been on a patrol where he had fallen behind during an enemy ambush and captured. (This has been proven FALSE through written and sworn statements from members in his unit, one of them being a man initialed N.B and my unit commander talking directly to Bergdahl’s GFC. There were no patrols on the night that Bergdahl went missing and Bergdahl had stated multiple times his desire and ambition to leave.)
With the intel that we had received that night, we kitted up and loaded two Chinook helicopters. With the support of multiple air assets, we flew to the last known location where he had been taken captive during the “ambush”.

As the HELO’s landed and we offloaded into the town, everyone noticed something oddly wrong. Absolute silence. There were no signs of enemy personnel, the expected AK-47 and M-4 shell casings were nonexistent, etc. I cannot at this time disclose the events which followed pertaining to this operation.

Although his unit had been placed on a gag order and told not talk about the incident, after several weeks of failed attempts to rescue Bergdahl and the loss of at least 6 known personnel, the entire story began to unravel.

According to Afghan villagers and elders close to the outpost, Bergdahl had asked where he could find the Taliban. A few children in the area also stated that they saw an American acting funny and wanting water while another local Afghan child had seen Bergdahl walk off the post. According to a few close friends of his and some letters he wrote home, he just wanted to find himself. Bergdahl left behind his weapon and other sensitive items, shipped his personal belongings home to Idaho, only taking some water and his knife.

Bergdhal had simply become disenchanted with Army life and wanted to seek out the Taliban on his own free will. He stated this in his letters home to his family as well as others in his squad and unit.

As more of the information came in, my unit, along with others in the community, simply stopped looking for him. As for the videos of Bergdahl in military and Afghan attire, we were privy to analyze and dissect all of the “unedited” video. We realized that he had vowed to help the Afghan people (meaning Taliban), and teach them tactics he had learned through his training. As for what he may have taught them, we are not sure, but we can say that American casualties and the amount of attacks in the area did increase following his capture.

After seeing what his father, now turned Muslim, had to say about his son in Afghanistan, I am truly appalled. During his opening speech given at the White House, his father praised him for “helping” the Afghan people and pushing for the release of all those detained in Guantanamo Bay. In the same speech, Mr. Bergdahl’s father went on to praise Allah saying, “bism allah alrahman alraheem” which means “in the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful”.

Here is what I know, not from hearsay, but because I was there. Bergdahl became a sympathizer, walked off his post to seek out the Taliban in order to join their ranks, to help and live with them. In exchange for his release, the United States released the following 5 known Taliban; Khairullah Khairkhwa, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mullah Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mohammed Nabi who were immediately welcomed back into the Taliban network. The Taliban are currently seeking the release of additional prisoners, but will not state specifics. Now that they have the blue print on how to accomplish this by simply capturing an American soldier and with the troop number drawing down to 9,800+, I can only hope our service men and women keep their heads on a swivel.
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Again, I'm going to ask this: what inside information do you have on the specifics of this case? Let's assume for a minute that you are correct. Well then what would one of the military objectives be if indeed he were a deserter and his intent was unknown? The information that he could potentially supply the enemy would be of value to them. The logical choice then, would be to send out a mission to retrieve him and return him before he could do any damage. If soldiers were killed in an attempt to retrieve him, then that is an acceptable loss. All you guys that say, "let's hang the dude" fail to realize that if you are correct, then the mission wasn't to rescue him but to return him and bring him to justice, or maybe even ensure that he was killed "during a valiant rescue attempt." There are a lot of ways of looking at that too. Simply put there was a mission to retrieve then PFC Bowe Bergdahl. The actual intent and purpose of the mission remains unknown at this time. Despite the best efforts of the United States Forces, the mission was unsuccessful and US military personnel were killed. That's all we really know, unless of course you like your namesake J. Edgar have unlimited knowledge of the inner workings of the United States Government.

I love your degree of hate, you are so blinded by it you can't even spell croaks properly. You are quite the man, dude, quite the man.

CNN is reporting that early on the pentagon determined he was a deserter, and essentially called off the hounds, and pursued negotiations instead.
Again, I'm going to ask this: what inside information do you have on the specifics of this case? Let's assume for a minute that you are correct. Well then what would one of the military objectives be if indeed he were a deserter and his intent was unknown? The information that he could potentially supply the enemy would be of value to them. The logical choice then, would be to send out a mission to retrieve him and return him before he could do any damage. If soldiers were killed in an attempt to retrieve him, then that is an acceptable loss. All you guys that say, "let's hang the dude" fail to realize that if you are correct, then the mission wasn't to rescue him but to return him and bring him to justice, or maybe even ensure that he was killed "during a valiant rescue attempt." There are a lot of ways of looking at that too. Simply put there was a mission to retrieve then PFC Bowe Bergdahl. The actual intent and purpose of the mission remains unknown at this time. Despite the best efforts of the United States Forces, the mission was unsuccessful and US military personnel were killed. That's all we really know, unless of course you like your namesake J. Edgar have unlimited knowledge of the inner workings of the United States Government.

I love your degree of hate, you are so blinded by it you can't even spell croaks properly. You are quite the man, dude, quite the man.

Whatever buddy, thread after thread, you are not well liked around here. I don't know if you are stupid or purposely try to antagonize people but I have no respect for your opinion on anything nor do I care what you say. The people who served with him think he's a POS, if you want to defend him that says a lot about you, doesn't it.

They are reporting tonight that there is a classified file on Bergdahl which they speculate contains information about Bergdahl helping the taliban.

And it's not an "acceptable loss" to lose even one single honorable solider for this POS. You should be embarrassed by that statement.
What I saw during the press event at the White House showed a President who considers this one of his finest hours, and may represent one of the darkest in the history of this country. If you had any question about what his agenda really is, there should be no room for any further doubt.
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Whatever buddy, thread after thread, you are not well liked around here. I don't know if you are stupid or purposely try to antagonize people but I have no respect for your opinion on anything nor do I care what you say. The people who served with him think he's a POS, if you want to defend him that says a lot about you, doesn't it.

They are reporting tonight that there is a classified file on Bergdahl which they speculate contains information about Bergdahl helping the taliban.

And it's not an "acceptable loss" to lose even one single honorable solider for this POS. You should be embarrassed by that statement.
its an opinion man. Mark is entitled to his just like you and I . Mark is a smart guy, and willing to give the benefit of the doubt. He's not stupid or trying to antagonize, he's trying to look at the big picture. You don't have to agree. Personally, I think Bergdahl should open one of his veins while in Germany. A buddy of mine got smoked at Keating while this search was going on, delaying the closing of Keating. We will never get the whole story on this, but it's not Marks fault.
What I saw during the press event at the White House showed a President who considers this one of his finest hours, and may represent one of the darkest in the history of this country. If you had any question about what his agenda really is, there should be no room for any further doubt.
That ****er was strutting around like the cock of the walk. He is absolutely clueless. I think every president should have to have served active duty in their life, so at least they have some perspective as to these ****ing decisions they make.
Whether you like it or not this guy has a real history and every single story I have seen on the boob tube and all the internet chatter about what he did is contrary to the code of conduct. I wanted to find him as an innocent POW but the data does not support him or his family. My thoughts today are on the people that died trying to find him. As far as he goes F him and his family and Obama for making America less safe because of him!
its an opinion man. Mark is entitled to his just like you and I . Mark is a smart guy, and willing to give the benefit of the doubt. He's not stupid or trying to antagonize, he's trying to look at the big picture. You don't have to agree. Personally, I think Bergdahl should open one of his veins while in Germany. A buddy of mine got smoked at Keating while this search was going on, delaying the closing of Keating. We will never get the whole story on this, but it's not Marks fault.

Very sorry to read about your friend.
Deserters... We had a disciplinary company for them. Before
that, in Indochina and Algeria, we just "lost" them in the desert/jungle. Turn your back on your brothers, and you don't deserve a second chance. Desertion is the one unforgivable thing. No excuses. Firing squad. End of fairy tale.
The fact that he is a deserter doesn't really bother me. It's the fact that good soldiers got killed trying to find him. That gets me upset. If he wants to get drunk, high, talk shit about America, run off the post and get picked up my Mohammed Jihad and his friends, sure, that's fine with me. But when the .mil rangles up a bunch of hard dick operators to find his stupid ass and they get shredded by an IED in the process - the party stops.

Exactly, although it's worth noting many of those five or six guys who were killed looking for him were standard issue GI grunts, two of which I seem to recall were in his platoon.

Not that their lives are any more or less valuable than a couple of SF or Delta guys, but the mere fact he put his platoon brothers in such a position is completely unthinkable to me.
That ****er was strutting around like the cock of the walk. He is absolutely clueless. I think every president should have to have served active duty in their life, so at least they have some perspective as to these ****ing decisions they make.

You mean just being a community organizer isn't enough?
Exactly, although it's worth noting many of those five or six guys who were killed looking for him were standard issue GI grunts, two of which I seem to recall were in his platoon.

Not that their lives are any more or less valuable than a couple of SF or Delta guys, but the mere fact he put his platoon brothers in such a position is completely unthinkable to me.

Six guys from the 501 were killed in three separate directly related incidents that have been widely reported. Other sources say as many as 14 were killed looking for him, plus who knows how many in indirectly related incidents. (And who knows how many more will be now that five senior Taliban leaders are free.)
"Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter. Bergdahl on June 20, 2009 crawled underneath a wire at his fire base with water, food, a change of clothes, a knife and a cell phone. He called his unit the day after he deserted to tell his unit he deserted… Bill, we lost 14 soldiers, killed, searching for a deserter. He left his unit in combat. It’s non-arguable… We don’t know yet if he joined the Taliban or not. But, there’s no question he deserted." -Col David Hunt​
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i read that another 8 guys were killed because air support that normally would have been on hand to assist were diverted when finding this guy was given priority
here is a question, I heard last night on Fox that returning deserters is a standard .mil policy, so even if he deserted, they would look for him. Is that true? I don't get it. What's the point? It seem like his desertion was planned well in advance.

There other thing is, now you got every Talib sympathizer with a passport craving to get lost so he could be exchanged to liberate "wrongly detained freedom fighters"

Also, Stalin's son Yakov was captured (or surrendered) and was offered up for a trade (marshal Paulus was one option). The exchange never took place. He died in a concentration camp.
here is a question, I heard last night on Fox that returning deserters is a standard .mil policy, so even if he deserted, they would look for him. Is that true? I don't get it. What's the point? It seem like his desertion was planned well in advance.

There other thing is, now you got every Talib sympathizer with a passport craving to get lost so he could be exchanged to liberate "wrongly detained freedom fighters"

Also, Stalin's son Yakov was captured (or surrendered) and was offered up for a trade (marshal Paulus was one option). The exchange never took place. He died in a concentration camp.

The soldiers (real or not) value as an intelligence source or propaganda puppet. Think of the Republican Guard that surrendered to CNN. This was a huge PR boost and was played to the hilt over the years. I doubt that they was of any value of good military intelligence though.

Lastly We do not leave any one behind. If any soldier, Marine, airman thought that they might be left behind it would have dire consequences in the teaching and adherence to the US Military Code of Conduct.
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If were doing exchanges, I say exchange Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Holder and Feinstein for that one marine. Hillary too if the Mexican people give me tacos for life.

For getting lost, not doing something on purpose and if the US gov't told Mexico we will cut their foreign aid, he'd be released in hours.
This POS deserter joins up with the Taliban, very few vids over 5 years, minimal communication over 5 years, is released for a trade for 5 high end jihadist terrorists ,comes back with his head attached and 2 promotions. Sounds like a training program to me.
Exactly, although it's worth noting many of those five or six guys who were killed looking for him were standard issue GI grunts, two of which I seem to recall were in his platoon.

Not that their lives are any more or less valuable than a couple of SF or Delta guys, but the mere fact he put his platoon brothers in such a position is completely unthinkable to me.

The wife of soldier who was not killed posted this on facebook yesterday.


Desertion is punished by the death, it should be strongly considered for Bergdahl if what we are hearing happened. And it should be certain if he aided the Taliban in any way.

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And tell me why Bergdahl was promoted while captured after deserting?
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